Archangel's Desire

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Book Blast & Interview: The Third Throne: Angel of Death by Tabitha Barret @TabithaBarret

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clip_image002_thumb[1]The Third Throne:

Angel of Death

The Third Throne Series

Book Two

Tabitha Barret

Genre: Paranormal Romance / Urban Fantasy

Publisher: Heather Baker

Date of Publication: 7/31/2015

ISBN: 1514847507


Number of pages: 530

Word Count: 223,833

Cover Artist: Heather Baker

Book Description:

Anjali has embraced her destiny to end the world, but now she must find her ten Harbingers, known as the Predznak. She is determined to find Alazar, the Angel of Death, the former leader of the Predznak, before the other angels. She fears that he has lost hope and is close to becoming a Rogue Angel.

Alazar has spent too many centuries waiting for his Master Anjali to come and claim him. Deception and lies have kept them apart, but now it’s too late. He has vowed to the other Predznak that he will kill their Master so that they can be free.

During her search for Alazar, Anjali meets the Spirit Experts, paranormal investigators who are on a collision course with the Angel of Death. Anjali finds herself strangely attracted to one of the Spirit Experts and decides to become a part of their group in an effort to keep them safe from her dangerous angel.

Can Anjali stop Alazar from killing the Spirit Experts and destroying the surrounding town? Can she keep Lucifer in the dark about her affections for the mortal man? Will unseen enemies destroy all that Anjali holds dear?

The Third Throne: Angel of Death is the second book in the steamy Adult Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance series.

Book Trailer:

Available at Amazon


Anjali felt the temperature of the room drop until ice particles formed from her breath. The world around her fell away and went silent. The only sound she could hear was her heartbeat. At first, it was strong and steady, but the tempo slowly changed until it sounded like waves crashing on a beach. A brilliant blue filled her vision and she saw the ocean waves rippling and dancing in front of her. She could practically feel the sand between her toes. It was a peaceful sight. All of her worries were gone and she breathed a sigh of relief. She no longer had to worry about destroying the world and killing everyone. Staying here in this serene place would be wonderful. There would no longer be blood on her hands and the fate of the world would be someone else’s problem. She could just drift away with the tide and be free.

She knew this feeling. It was simple and easy to understand. If you let go of your worries, you will find happiness. She sighed, wanting to be happy.

Happy? The thought floated to the surface of her bewildered mind. There was no such thing in her life. She was a servant of Lucifer, of Hell. Angels were meant to bow to her command and do the will of God through her. Something was wrong. She wasn’t destined to be happy, nor was she at the beach. She was in a cold, dark place without oceans and sand. Romania. She was in Romania with Alazar, her Angel of Death, and he was tempting her with his power.

The storm that dwelled inside of her, just below the surface, welled up as it recognized the feeling of death. It yearned to reach out and touch Alazar’s power. It felt familiar, but not because she had experienced death before. It was familiar because it was a part of her, a missing piece. Her power reared up and clawed at her insides. It fought to reach Death and welcome him home. The only thing holding it back was her ring. She used her thumb and carefully wiggled the ring off her finger until she heard the small sound of metal hitting stone. Plink.

“Enough!” she screamed, letting her power rush to the surface.

Alazar was perplexed by her scream. He thought he was winning. She had seen the ocean and had become complacent in her thoughts. What was happening? No one ever broke free of his control, unless they resisted the temptation, which was rare. He never let them escape. He never backed down from his temptation of a person, until they were dead. Something felt dishonest about that as he watched Anjali break free of the vision.

It’s wrong to push people beyond their breaking point, he thought, just before he felt the air stir.

He tried to release her face, but couldn’t move. He knew he was in trouble when her blue eyes turned black and glowed with power.


Character Name: Alazar, the Angel of Death

Character Bio: I am the former Angel of Determination, but I volunteered to become the Angel of Death when God asked for angels to join his new Bringer of the Apocalypse, Anjali. Though I had never met Anjali, I stepped forward to change everything about myself. I and nine others became Harbingers, or the Predznak. I was voted to be their leader. We were told that it would be difficult, but we had no idea what we were in for. We were sent into the Mortal Realm to tempt the mortals to commit sins, but our Master never came to claim us. We were told that her power was not under her control. We continued to tempt the mortals, until we were ordered into Hell to wait for Anjali. She never came, but Lucifer was more than happy to beat us into submission and try to claim us as his angels. I finally had enough and abandoned my post. My primary mission now is to find and kill Anjali so that the Predznak can be free.


Describe yourself what is your worst and best quality?

My worst quality would be my ability to tempt mortals to kill themselves by just looking at them and showing them their past deeds. I guess this might be my best quality as well since I’m very good at my job. The other Predznak would probably say my poor leadership skills would be my worst quality.

What is the one thing you wish other people knew about you?

I wish people understood how hard it is to tempt the mortals day after day. In the beginning, the mortals were mostly good and it was a challenge to tempt them to commit sins. Now it’s hard to find a mortal who isn’t willing to give in to my temptation. The evil inside of them wears on me and it makes it hard for me to remember who I am. I want to be loyal and do my job the right way, but it’s so much easier just to assume that the mortals will choose sin.

What is your biggest secret something no one knows about?

My biggest secret is why I volunteered. Other angels had stepped forward, but God didn’t choose them. I felt like he was looking to me to become Death. As the Angel of Determination, I guided the Celestial Warriors and helped them defeat their enemies with my inspirational speeches and lessons. After a while, I felt like I was already a murderer since I had urged the warriors never to give up in battle. I thought that God wanted me because I already had blood on my hands from the lives lost to his warriors.

What are you most afraid of?

I would say that I fear my brother Tristan, the Angel of Fear, most, but that would be a lie. I fear Lucifer’s third-in-command Serena most. She enjoys punishing angels and took an interest in me and some of my brothers. She knows what we hate most and is prepared to inflict her particular form of torture on us. I hate her more than Lucifer.

What do you want more than anything?

I want to be freed from a Master who doesn’t seem to want us. I want her to explain to me, in person, why I have suffered without her guidance for centuries, so that I can kill her and live my own life.

What is your relationship status?

I don’t usually have an interest in women since my body had grown numb from the darkness taking hold of me piece by piece. When the need arises, Lucifer’s ex-girlfriend Maraquette will fill the lonely nights, though I don’t trust her. She is a Rogue Angel and is being hunted by Michael, the Sword of God. If I’m found with her, I will likely lose my head.

How would you describe your sense of fashion?

Dark, dark and more dark. I prefer black since I have a certain image to uphold. You can’t tempt someone while wearing pastels as far as I’m concerned. I like leather pants and a nice button down. If needed, I can put on a suit.

How much of a rebel are you?

I didn’t get along with many angels in Heaven. They considered me too bold and outspoken. My outspokenness often gets me into trouble, especially when it came to Lucifer. He liked to make an example out me, yet I didn’t give him the satisfaction of begging for mercy. I lived to piss him off.

What do you considered to be your greatest achievement?

Back in the day, I would say it was knowing that I played some part in the defeat of a great enemy of Heaven. Now I’m just happy that I survived another day. Since becoming a Predznak, my goals have dwindled and I have lost my purpose. I guess ending the world so that the evil will suffer and the righteous will go to Heaven and inherit a new world without evil will be my greatest accomplishment, if it ever happens.

What is your idea of happiness?

Aside from a long walk on a beautiful beach, my idea of happiness would be to fulfill my duties as they were given to me as I stood next to a Master who cares about me and values me. At this point, I doubt that will ever happen.

What is your current state of mind?

My mind is becoming more fractured by the day. I had to leave the other Predznak since they were in various states of distress, and I feared that I would make things worse. I tempt people to commit murder, or suicide. I couldn’t run the risk of tempting them. Every day is harder than the last and I fear that I will lose control and end the world on my own.

What is your most treasured possession?

My most treasured possession is my dagger, which has a slight curve to it. The mortals thought it resembled a scythe, but I don’t see it. It was given to me by the Archangel Gabriel when I stepped forward to become Death. Gabriel is my Master Anjali’s father and protector.

What is your most marked characteristic?

My most marked characteristic is my eyes. People say they are as blue as the ocean, or the sky, or the wild flowers in the fields. When my eyes lock onto my target, they are typically the last thing a person sees before they die. Most are too afraid to look me directly in the eyes, even Lucifer.

What is it that you, most dislike?

I disliked living in Hell and dealing with Lucifer. He always found a reason to take his wrath out on us. He has very inventive ways to punish people. I have no intention of ever seeing him or my old room in the castle again.

Which living person do you, most despise?

I despise my brother and fellow Predznak Sacha the most. He is the Angel of Deception and a complete pain in my wings. He lives to cause chaos wherever he goes. He is the master of lies and evil to the core. He and Lucifer should have a TV show together. I can’t trust him and I fear what will happen if my Master accepts him as her Predznak.

What is your greatest regret?

I have many regrets like not killing Serena before I left Hell, or Lucifer. Some days I regret becoming a Predznak. My biggest regret is not being strong enough to be the angel God wanted me to be. I doubt that he foresaw us having to live so long without her or that we would be sent to Hell, but none of that matters. He expected each of us to resist the temptation that we carried and tempted the mortals with by offering a choice between Heaven and Hell. I have failed on all counts.

What is the quality you most like in a man?

I like men that can stand up for themselves and fight as hard as they can. I was forced to toughen up my brother Balthazar, the Angel of Vengeance. He is the former Angel of Meekness, so I didn’t have much to work with. I needed him to be strong enough to defend himself in a fight and protect our Master. Of course, that was long ago. It seems that it was a waste of my time.

What is the quality you most like in a woman?

I like a confident, strong woman, but she definitely needs to be sane. I have dealt with too many insane angels and paid the price.

Who is your favorite hero in fiction?

I admire the Grim Reaper. He has class and isn’t showy. Get in, kill them, and get out. It’s best that way.

Which living person do you most admire?

I admire God, though I often question what He was thinking when we asked us to take on this task. I know it couldn’t have been easy for Him to ask ten of His angels to swear their loyalty to someone else. It was unheard of at the time. We loved Him. The idea of pledging ourselves to a stranger was a foreign concept, but we had faith that Father knew what He was asking of us.

If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?

I would serve only myself. I don’t think that I can go back to Heaven after everything I have done. I would rather live out my life on some remote island and no longer have to deal with mortals or sin or a Master.

What is your motto?

Never trust Sacha, the Angel of Deception, or stand too close to Aeries, the Angel of Anger. Both will get you killed. Everything else can be dealt with as it comes.


About the author


Tabitha Barret graduated from Rutgers University with a BA in English. She married the guy from her Creative Writing class and together had two amazing children. They live in a quiet town in New Jersey with their three rambunctious dogs. She is currently working on her series, The Third Throne.



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Book Blast: The Plumber and the Women Who Love Him by Mz. Jae @JGRWriter @sparklebooktour

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Title: The Plumber and the Women Who Love Him
Vol or Book #: 1
Author: Mz. Jae
Audience: Adult 18+
Genre: Romance, Contemporary Women
Format: E-book and Paperback
Publisher: Cole Hart Presents
Editor: Karen Perkins, Lionheart Publishing LLC
Date Published: 09/29/2015

Sean Flynn is a man with an appetite for fine women. This key element happens to be his greatest downfall. Flynn has always been loved, even worshipped by women from all walks of life. He's had his share of wealthy southern belles, princesses, a spoiled heiress, sensual intellectual types and most recently, a powerful professional diva. Though having very little in common with these women that crave this blue collar, tattooed Irishman, Flynn's been able to secure their affections. In many ways, he is living a life that most men would sell their souls for. But don't be fooled. Being desired by the best of women comes at a price, especially when these women are meant to be untouchable. Of all the men in the world, only Sean Flynn has been capable of setting them straight, and laying the pipe just right.
After consistently finding himself in trouble with the law, even having served time for lack of control, Flynn looks to make a change. But since he's already set the stage for the wrong types of relations, how can he so easily walk away?
As Flynn continues down this self-destructive path, he finds solace in an unlikely savior, yet another woman. Judge Lauryn Lomax is thrust into his life. Though she's attached, connected and indebted to career criminals, Lauryn refuses to give up on this man she barely knows.
Flynn has never relied on luck, in fact, it's consistently played against his favor. But when the right woman comes along, one that is willing to brave hell for his sake even as her own life hangs in the balance, can he believe that all things are possible?

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“What should I call you?” I ask as he takes a seat directly in front of my desk. I remove my robe. After placing it one side, I half sit-half lean against the edge of the desk. My gaze rests on his hands, mainly the way his fists flex while he draws his fingers inward and out.
“Under normal circumstances,” I begin, unsure of why I'm so compelled to proceed, yet needing to make sure he is and will always be okay. Though it's a treat to have him come before my bench, it might not always be my bench and he certainly wouldn’t always be this lucky. “Under normal circumstances, you would call me Judge Lomax or Your Honor. For now however, I’d like to set aside all formalities. Call me Lauryn.”
I smirk when his eyebrows shoot up. And when his tongue trails out from between his lips, I stand up and walk off towards the window. With that move of his, I'm bound to straddle his lap and forget myself altogether.
“This is a dangerous game, Lauryn,” Flynn warns from out of left field. I face him, finding it necessary to secure several inches, maybe even feet between us. He's still seated, but instead of sitting on the edge leans back into the chair. “Are you looking to step into the dark side? If so, that’s not me. But Lauryn, you appear to be innocent enough-“
Innocent? I almost want to laugh. Sure I'm capable of presenting an air of innocence, but that's a whole other story. “I’m only looking to help you out, Mr-“
“Just Flynn, that’s all,” he scolds, then gives me permission to proceed with a nod.
“I’m only looking to help you get back on track, Flynn.” I pace amongst the sunlight from the window, then finally move to the shades, slowly sauntering closer to where he remains.
“Why Lauryn?” he squints, taking one leg, bending the knee and resting the ankle of his boots over the other side knee. He wreaks of arrogance, even in the simplistic gestures. Without actually asking, without any type of force, I feel a pull to do whatever it takes to set him straight. When he asks why, I honestly can't give an answer, only that it's a done deal.
How can I convince him that it's just something I'm compelled to do? Other than the fact that he's sparked areas in and throughout my body, I can't come up with a feasible explanation. For someone that had flown through grade school like it was a kiddie race, and tackled undergrad and law school before their peers could blink, I am at a loss. Moreover, this isn't a want. This is a need to do whatever it takes to help him. So instead of answering the question and breaking the silence, I reach around my desk for my card. When I return back around to face him, Flynn has finally gotten up from the chair. He's within breathing distance, by breathing I mean to the point where we're literally exchanging air directly.
Two inches…just two inches separate us.
Neither one of us move. For more than ten seconds, we exist not as judge and criminal, or Flynn and Lauryn. We're man and woman. My neck is strained as I look up into his gorgeous face. His pupils examine me with a hint of curiosity; as for mine, I can only imagine. My heartbeat pulsates everywhere, and all at once. He's large enough and wide enough to take me into his arms; while I'm presently weak enough to let him. I'm set to collapse at any moment..
“Are you okay?” Flynn asks, showing a gentler side.
And I consider playing the innocent, vulnerable damsel in distress. For a second I toy with the idea of having him carry me over to one of the sofas. Totally inappropriate. And then I get a vision of Dmitri. Oh yes, the man I'm supposed to marry. “I’m fine, Flynn. Here’s my card. Reach out on Friday, please."
He takes the card, and leaves without another word.
I rush to the door, bracing my forehead against it. With palms pressed against my chest, I try to soothe the scorching of raw desire. I scold my thudding heart and try to refocus on the man I had already swore to love for life.
about the author
Mz. Jae is a loving mother, sister, daughter and friend. She is devoted to feeding into others whenever possible. The author prides herself on being bold enough to write with conviction, yet unpretentious enough to respect the craft. She enjoys writing in several different genres, with an ultimate goal of simply providing literature that readers can escape with whenever need be.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Book Blast, Giveaway & Interview: Dream Walker by Kimberly Dean @KDean_writer

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clip_image002Dream Walker

Dream Weavers

Book 2

Kimberly Dean

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Publisher: Tiger Eye Productions, LLC

Date of Publication: 9-29-15

ISBN: 978-0-9846511-8-4

ASIN: B01507U570

Word Count: 67,000 words

Cover Artist: Kim Killion

Book Description:

Research scientist Shea Caldwell has always had a thing for security consultant, Derek Oneiros. He’s smart, handsome, and built like a Greek god. As attracted as she is to him, though, she’s afraid to let him into her bed – because she’s dangerous when she sleeps.

Derek is known among his brothers as “The Machine,” yet his carefully cultivated control is put to the test whenever he’s around Shea. The woman is as beautiful as she is intelligent, but they’ve always kept things professional – until Derek learns why. Shea is sleepwalking again, but what she doesn’t know is that he may be the only one who can help her. For he is a Greek daemon, and he’s charged with protecting her dreams.

With Shea threatened, Derek makes things personal, and their nights together turn steamy and intimate. He’s ready to battle against the Somnambulist that’s been controlling his lover in her sleep, yet is the night creature really causing all the harm? When Shea’s groundbreaking research notes are stolen, it’s clear that other evil forces may be at work.

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He’d let her fall asleep.

It was the first clear thought that ran through Shea’s mind when she opened her eyes. That and the fact that Derek was still with her. His heat pressed against her back, and his arm draped heavily across her waist. They were lying side by side on her bed, her body tucked up close against his.

Yet even as she responded in pleasure, she tensed.

Darkness was falling. They’d spent the day making love, and now the sun was setting. Night was creeping in. She stared at the oil painting that hung on the wall until her nerves began to crawl. Even the littlest thing could set her Somnambulist off—and today had been anything but normal—yet she’d let herself be lulled into sleep.

What had she been thinking?

“There you are,” a deep voice rumbled. The hand against her stomach flexed, and she was pulled more tightly against the big male form behind her.

A muscled thigh slipped between her legs, and Shea arched as a soft kiss was placed on the side of her neck. The intimate embrace had her groaning. Obviously, she hadn’t been thinking. Her brain had been shorted out, disconnected, and thrown right into the bathwater.

How could she have let her guard down like that? The freedom had been fantastic, arousing and intoxicating as fine wine, but how could she have forgotten what had been happening to her? What had happened just this morning?

Had she… Oh, God. Had she done anything in her sleep? With Derek here?

“How long have I been out?” she asked in a rush.

“Not long.”

That rumbling voice was too disconcerting, too sexy. She had to look into his eyes. Tucking the sheet up high under her arms, she rolled over to face him. When she did, her breath caught in her chest. His short hair was mussed, and dark shadows lined his jaw. The bad boy look didn’t fit his character, but it was so incredibly hot she had to press her legs together.

Unable to help herself, she let her gaze drop. She took in the well-drawn lines of his body, his muscled chest and rippling abs, but the sheet sitting low on his hips wasn’t what made her look up again. It was the relaxed look on his face. She’d never seen him so calm, so relaxed, so at ease in the moment. It made her belly warm.

Relaxed had to be good, right? If she’d gotten up and danced zombie pirouettes around the bedroom, he wouldn’t be relaxed.

Or so obviously ready to make love to her again.


Character Name: Shea Caldwell

Character Bio: Shea is a research scientist, specializing in biochemistry. She’s also the CEO of Biodermatics, a skincare products company. Raised by her father, Shea used her brains to make something of herself. She’s smart, yet superstitious – and a sleepwalker.


Describe yourself what is your worst and vest quality?

 Most people would probably say that I’m very conscientious, and that I’m driven in my research to help others. What they don’t know is that I’m driven by guilt.

What is the one thing you wish other people knew about you?

 That they shouldn’t admire me.

What is your biggest secret something no one knows about?

 I’m sleepwalking again.

What are you most afraid of?

The dark – and fire.

What do you want more than anything?

To be freed from this sleep disorder that’s plagued me since childhood.

What is your relationship status?

Single, but I’m attracted to Derek Oneiros, the security consultant for my company. I’m afraid to let him too close, though, because I don’t dare sleep with him. And when I say sleep, I mean sleep. It’s too dangerous.

How would you describe your sense of fashion?

 I dress professionally. Underneath, though, I like soft, frilly things. And shoes. I have a lot of shoes.

How much of a rebel are you?

 I have to remain in control. It’s imperative, because I lose control over myself when I sleep. And I scare myself when I wake up and discover the things I’ve done…

What do you considered to be your greatest achievement?

 I’m on the verge of a major breakthrough in skin treatment for burn victims.

What is your idea of happiness?

A restful night’s sleep, watching a Mets game with my dad, and matching wits with Derek. I wouldn’t mind matching other things with him, too, but I need to work on the restful nights first.

What is your current state of mind?

 Unsettled. I’m sleepwalking again, and other strange things are happening around my home and business. I feel like someone – or something – is after me.

What is your most treasured possession?

My laboratory

What is your most marked characteristic?

My intelligence, but I know that people are smart in different ways.

What is it that you, most dislike?

Feeling helpless

Which living person do you, most despise?

It’s not a person. It’s a monster. The scientist in me knows that I have a sleep disorder, but deep down, I fear I’m being possessed by one of the night creatures in the stories of my childhood. It scares me, and I want it gone.

What is your greatest regret?

 I’m sorry, I can’t talk about this. It’s too painful for me.

What is the quality you most like in a man?

 Brains, intensity, and the looks of a Greek god. Derek, essentially. I like everything about the man.

What is the quality you most like in a woman?

A good friend. Loyalty.

Who is your favorite hero in fiction?

 Asclepius, Greek god of healing. I’ve always loved Greek mythology. He’s known for carrying a rod wreathed with a snake, which is a symbol for medicine today.

Which living person do you most admire?

 My dad. He’s stronger than anyone I know.

If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?

 I want to wake up in the same place where I fall asleep – preferably by Derek’s side.

What is your motto?

 Problems can be solved by taking planned, logical steps.




About the author



When taking the Myers-Briggs personality test in high school, Kimberly was rated as an INFJ (Introverted-Intuitive-Feeling-Judging). This result sent her into a panic, because there were no career paths recommended for the type. Fortunately, it turned out to be well-suited to a writing career. Since receiving that dismal outlook, Kimberly has become an award-winning author of romance and erotica. She has written for seven publishing houses, both domestic and international, and has recently focused her efforts on the exciting world of self-publishing. When not writing, she enjoys movies, sports, traveling, music, and sunshine. In her mind, a beach, some rock ‘n’ roll, and a good book make for a perfect day.


Twitter: @KDean_writer


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Book Blast, Giveaway & Interview: Alpha Unleashed by Aileen Erin @aileen_erin @sparklebooktour

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Title: Alpha Unleashed
Series: The Alpha Girl Series
Vol or Book #: 5
Author:  Aileen Erin
Audience: YA, 14+

E-Book Publisher: Ink Monster, LLC
Cover by: Art by Ana Cruz ;
Graphics by Paddy Donnelly
Editor: Ink Monster, LLC
Pages: unknown at this time
ISBN: 97809906352A0M
Date Published: 10-13-15


Tessa McCaide has had it up to here with supernaturals. Luciana may have failed to steal Tessa’s magic, but she’s just getting started on her crusade for magical domination. If her demonic summoning isn’t stopped, it could mean the end of everything.
Tessa’s allies, including her mate Dastien, are ready to fight, but they’re no match for Luciana’s power. A little help (and ancient Inca mojo) from Tessa’s cousin, Claudia, may give the side of good a chance if she can make it home in time, but stopping the war is no longer an option.
When witches and wolves fight, no one wins. Only time will tell who will still be standing after the last spell is cast.


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excerpt (2)

I trailed off when I noticed Meredith staring hard at something behind me. I quickly glanced over my shoulder. “What?”
“What’s Shannon doing with that group?” Her lips pressed into a tight, thin line. “And is that Imogene?” Meredith and I might be split on how we felt about Shannon, but we totally agreed on Imogene.
I turned back to my now-cold omelet and took a bite. “I know,” I said after a second. “Looks like they’re BFFs now.”
She scrunched up her nose as she thought. “Why is she with those guys? Shannon has nothing in common with them. She’s from the Irish pack. And Imogene? Really?” Meredith stared at them like she could glean answers off them. “Maybe if we all try reaching out to her, she’ll sit with us again.”
I’d explained what happened between Shannon and I while Meredith was sick, but she didn’t understand. For better or worse, they’d been friends since forever. Their parents were friends and they’d grown up taking vacations together. Meredith was loyal, almost to a fault, and that meant she refused to give up on Shannon. “We tried that, remember? It didn’t work.”
“I should go over. Try talking to her again.”
I nearly rolled my eyes. Meredith had tried talking to Shannon, and in her defense—Shannon was still nice to her, but it was a losing battle. Shannon would obviously rather be with her new friends than us.
Meredith started to stand up, but I grabbed her hand. “I wouldn’t—”
“I have to try.”
I let her go as I tried to think of a way to say what I needed to say without making it worse. “I don’t know. I still can’t feel anyone at that table through the pack bonds. Including Shannon.”
Meredith crossed her arms as she stared down at me. “Whatever happened between you and her, she wouldn’t do anything to harm the pack. Shannon’s not capable of that.”
I disagreed, but saying so would only hurt Meredith’s feelings. “What if she thought it would help the pack?” And what if they aren’t part of our pack anymore? I thought the words but didn’t say them aloud.
For a second, Meredith’s lower lip trembled, and I thought I’d gotten through to her, but then she shook her head. “No. I don’t believe that. Not at all.”
I kept my mouth firmly shut. If there was one person I didn’t want to piss off, it was Meredith. She’d been my friend—no questions asked—from the beginning. She’d helped me through when all I’d wanted to do was run away from St. Ailbe’s. And when I’d sucked at running and kept falling out of windows, she hadn’t made fun of me. Much. “I just don’t want you to get disappointed.”
“I—” Meredith stopped in the middle of what she was saying, and turned to the door.
It took me a second to figure out what was going on, but then Donovan came into the cafeteria, and started our way. Maybe he’d be able to reach Meredith, because I sure as hell wasn’t getting anywhere.
She laughed at something he must’ve said through their bond. “Donovan is going to keep you company while I talk to Shannon. I’ll be back in a sec.”
There wasn’t any point in trying to stop her.
Donovan took Meredith’s spot at the table. He wore sweat pants and a T-shirt and his black hair was still messy from his run. His clothes gave of the scents of cedar and grass and dirt, and it almost made me jealous.
Maybe a run would clear my mind. Help me figure out a way around these visions.
“She’s checking on Shannon, eh?” Donovan asked, bringing me back to myself.
“Yeah.” I’d already said my piece to his mate. I didn’t need to repeat myself.
He jerked his chin toward the table in question. “There’s still something off about them.”
My fork dropped to the plate with a clatter, and I glared into his glass-blue eyes. “Oh, come on. We’re not doing this.”
Donovan raised his eyebrows. “Not doing what?”
He had to be joking. “I just had this conversation with Meredith. I know how the whole mate thing works. There’s not a chance she didn’t tell you.”
He gave me a wicked grin, and I knew trouble was coming. “Aye. But what you don’t know is that I agree with you.”
“You do?” Mr. Dawson had been all—everything’s fine. Donovan hadn’t said a word. Why now?
“Yes. I do.”
“What do you know?” I leaned toward him, lowering my voice. Pesky Weres and their super-awesome hearing. “Why are their bonds missing? I thought they couldn’t leave the pack without putting in a formal bid to Mr. Dawson.”
“That’s true enough. I don’t know what’s going on, but I think you’re going to find out. If this absence of pack bond is spreading, then we need to find the cause. Just… Don’t say anything to Meredith until we’re positive. All right?”
Whoa. I didn’t keep much—if anything—from Dastien. “Do you think that’s wise?”
“Keeping my opinions from my mate?” One side of his mouth quirked up. “Not usually. But she made her side clear enough with you, and I’d rather not start an argument that won’t get us anywhere.”
Who knew? Even the great Donovan—one of the all-powerful Seven—was afraid of pissing off his mate. The idea was a little preposterous, but then again—I didn’t like upsetting Dastien either. I’d done it. But that didn’t mean I liked it. That left me with one last question. “Why can’t you keep an eye on them? You’re probably way better at this pack bonds stuff than I am.”
He raised an eyebrow. “In case you’ve forgotten, I’m not of this pack. I’m an alpha, and can use that to overpower and override the pack bonds if necessary, but this needs more finesse. An insider’s look.”
“But your mate’s in our pack.” When Dastien bit me, I’d become part of the St. Ailbe’s pack. I figured it would be the same for Donovan and Meredith and their mate bond, even if they hadn’t gone through with their bonding ceremony.
“Doesn’t work that way. I’m already the alpha of another pack.”
“So, what about Meredith? Is she still part of this pack?”
“Until she and Michael decide to let her move to mine. She’ll keep it for as long as she’s here, and I think that’s best.” He leaned forward. “I’ve heard through Michael and Meredith, but I want to know what it is you’re feelin’ from them. I’ve not experienced this before, and that’s sayin’ something to me.” His Irish accent thickened, and I finally knew that someone else was as worried about this as I was.
“I don’t know what to say except that I can’t feel them. It’s like they’re there, but they’re not.” I sighed. “It makes no sense. Which is why Mr. Dawson blew me off when I brought it up. Shouldn’t you be talking to him about this? He’s the alpha.”
“What makes you think I haven’t already?”
The tension on my shoulders relaxed. It seemed like a good sign that two alphas were really talking about the problem. “And?”
“Nothing. If they’ve withdrawn from the pack, he’s not feeling it.” He leaned in closer, speaking so quietly that even I could barely hear. “But last night, he gave that group of boys from the Canada pack a direct command and they disobeyed. I backed the command and forced their obedience, but I shouldn’t have had to. He’s their alpha. It may be that Rupert Hoel’s influence went deeper than those we’ve caught. There’s still a major player out there, and I’ve a fine idea who it might be.”
Holy shit. That was bad news. Only someone more alpha than Mr. Dawson could ignore his commands, and they weren’t more alpha. At all.
“I think you might know. It’s one who got away.”
It hit me then. They’d kicked one of the Seven out of the Council. The one who hated me. Ferdinand. “Do you really think it could be?”
“But you didn’t say anything when I brought it up before.”
“It took me longer to feel what you were getting at. I like to suss things out before actin’. Get fully aware of the situation. If you feel anything else out of the ordinary, let me know. Just be aware that if that lot wants to leave, that’s fine by me. They’re welcome to go their own way, but they need to make formal bids to Michael and they’ll have to tie to the Seven until they find their new packs. It must be done properly, or they’ll be considered lone wolves. And if they align with Ferdinand… I’d like those youngsters to avoid that if possible.”
My stomach churned, and suddenly I didn’t feel much like finishing my omelet. If the pack was breaking up, then how were we ever going to defeat Luciana? We needed to be united if we wanted to stand the slightest chance of surviving.


Author Photo - Aileen Erin
Aileen Erin is half-Irish, half-Mexican, and 100% nerd—from Star Wars (prequels don’t count) to Star Trek (TNG FTW), she reads Quenya and some Sindarin, and has a severe fascination with the supernatural. Aileen has a BS in Radio-TV-Film from the University of Texas at Austin, and an MFA in Writing Popular Fiction from Seton Hill University. She lives with her husband in Los Angeles, and spends her days doing her favorite things: reading books, creating worlds, and kicking ass.
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Author Interview

Did you always wanted to be a writer? If not what did you want to be?

AE: I always dreamed of being a writer, but I wasn’t sure it was such a practical dream. So, I got a degree in Radio-TV-Film with a concentration in post-production from the University of Texas at Austin. I moved out to LA after graduating, and got a job really quickly. But after three years in the business, I was unhappy. Only writing at night was keeping me going. So, I quit my day job and decided to dedicate myself to writing.

When did you first consider yourself a “writer”?

AE: When I started my MFA in Writing Popular Fiction—which was a year and half after quitting my day job. Once I was really focused on writing and learning the craft, I started to feel more comfortable calling myself a “writer.”

How long did it take to get your first book published?

AE: I went the indie pub route. After finishing my MFA and watching so many friends get traditionally published and not liking their experience or the lack of control they had over their career, I decided to start my own publishing company with a friend—Christina Bauer. Once we started Ink Monster, it took us about a year to get the business plan down and feel ready to start publishing.

Do you do another job except for writing and can you tell us more about it?

AE: I don’t! I’m super lucky and thankful that I don’t need another job. I get to focus full time on writing and publishing.

Who is your publisher? Or do you self-publish?

AE: I co-own a publishing company called Ink Monster, LLC. It’s a super awesome company that publishes books about girls who kick ass.

How long does it usually take you to write a book, from the original idea to finishing writing it?

AE: I usually spend a week or two on brainstorming, 6-8 weeks writing the first draft, and then another 4 weeks revising. So in total, about 3.5 months to write a book from start to finish.

What can we expect from you in the future? ie More books of the same genre? Books of a different genre?

AE: I’m taking a break from the Alpha Girl series for a little bit to write a new series. It’s paranormal with ghosts set in LA, and will have a good romance in it, too. I’ll also be writing more Shadow Ravens books in the future—which has a little more science fiction/science fantasy to it.

What genre would you place your books into?

AE: The Alpha Girl books are YA Urban Fantasy to me, but they could also be classified as YA Paranormal.

How long have you been writing?, and who or what inspired you to write?

AE: I’ve been writing for about 8 years. I started writing for sanity’s sake. I hated my day job, and coming home and writing was a way for me to let go of everything that happened during the day. Once I finished my first book (which is currently in a drawer and will never, ever see the light of day), I realized that writing was where my true passion was. I quit my day job, got a part-time one, and started my MFA in creative writing so I could hone my craft. I haven’t looked back since.

Do you have a certain routine you have for writing? ie You listen to music, sit in a certain chair?

AE: I have a writing chair that I love. I need to be totally comfortable to really get in the flow of the story. I always listen to music, but it changes depending on book and series.

Do you read all the reviews of your book/books?

AE: No! I stay far away from the reviews. I write the best book that I can, and hope for the best. I look at the average star rating, and that’s about it. Reading one bad review undermines my confidence as a writer, and I start to question everything. So, I learned early on to just ignore them. I know I can’t please everyone, but I hope I at least the majority of readers enjoy the books.

Do you choose a title first, or write the book then choose the title?

AE: For the first book in the Alpha Girl series, Becoming Alpha, I had the book written first. For every other book I’ve written, I came up with the title first.

Do you decide on character traits (ie shy, quiet, tomboy girl) before writing the whole book or as you go along?

AE: I come up with the character traits before I start writing. I write out a little character map, and figure out their backstory and who they are when the story starts. And then I figure out where I want them to be when the story ends. How they might grow as a character. I have to know who I’m writing about before I start writing. Otherwise, I’ll just end up needing to revise or rewrite all of it.

Which format of book do you prefer, eBook, hardback, or paperback?

AE: I’m a total convert. I love my Kindle. Only because I travel so much, especially when my husband is shooting a movie. I’m all over the place. Keeping my Kindle with me is key! I don’t have to use half my suitcase for my books anymore. One lightweight device and I have thousands of books at my fingertips!

Your favorite food is?

AE: Mexican food. Especially Tex-Mex. I could eat it every day, every meal.

Your favorite singer/group is?

AE: Above and Beyond. Love them so much. They’re weekly podcast—Group Therapy—is amazing. I never miss it.

Your favorite color is?

AE: Blue! My whole house is blue, I swear. I just love everything a little better when it comes in blue. ;)

Your favorite Author is?

AE: Oh, boy. I can’t pick just one. My Kindle library has over three thousand books… And that’s not including my real library in my house… But I was really lucky in my MFA to have one of my favorite authors as my mentor—Maria V. Snyder. I also love Anne Bishop. Her world building is outstanding and completely unique. Sarah J Maas is amazing, too. As is Patricia Briggs—I never miss one of her books!

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Cover Reveal: One With the Darkness by Susan Squires @susansquires


TITLE – One With the Darkness SERIES – The Companion Series AUTHOR – Susan Squires GENRE – Regency Paranormal Romance PUBLICATION DATE – October 6, 2015 LENGTH – 341 pages PUBLISHER – Independent COVER ARTIST – Rebecca Poole, Dreams2Media


New York Times bestselling author Susan Squires invites you into the world of two lovers who share a seductive past and a dangerous desire…
Contessa Donnatella di Poliziano has power, beauty, and—as a vampire—eternal life. Her overwhelming regret is a mistake she made centuries ago when she chose not to transform her one true love, Jergan, into a vampire too. Donnatella’s choice has deprived her of the only true love she’s ever known. But just as all seems lost, the discovery of a 300-year-old note leads her to a gift left by her old friend, Leonardo da Vinci: a machine to take her back in time to rewrite the history of her heart…
Once back in time, Donnatella’s memory of the intervening years is lost. Yet when she sees the breathtaking barbarian slave, Jergan, from afar, she feels like she has always known him. The instant attraction she feels draws them together. For Donnatella, the romance is tantalizing, awakening a passion that feels both old and new. But as the two fall in love again, a new danger threatens to tear them apart. Now Jergan’s love for Donnatella will be tested in a most perilous way—and if he fails, the two lovers will be separated again…for eternity.
“Squires combines extreme sensuality with dangerous drama.”
Romantic Times BOOKreviews “ONE WITH THE DARKNESS is one of the finest, innovative vampire novels I've read.” --Romance Junkies



Susan Squires is a New York Times bestselling author known for breaking the rules of romance writing. Whatever her time period, or subject, some element of the paranormal always creeps in. She has won multiple contests for published novels and reviewer's choice awards. Publisher's Weekly named Body Electric one of the year’s most influential mass market books and One with the Shadows a Best book of the Year. Time for Eternity, the first in the DaVinci time travel series, received a starred review from Publisher's Weekly.
Susan has a Masters in English literature from UCLA and once toiled as an executive for a Fortune 500 company. Now she lives at the beach in Southern California with her husband, Harry, a writer of supernatural thrillers, and two very active Belgian Sheepdogs, who like to help her write by putting their chins on the keyboarddddddddddddddddddddddd.


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