Archangel's Desire

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Book Blast & Giveaway: Breathe Me by Jeri Williams @WilliamsJeri @sparklebooktour


Title: Breathe Me: A ‘Me’ Novel
Author: Jeri Williams
Audience: New Adult Over 18+
Genre: Romance
Format: Ebook & Paperback
Publisher: Gone Writing Publishing
Cover by: Najla Qamber Designs
Pages: 234 Pages
ISBN: 1517247462
ASIN: B01373A6WS
Date Published: July 31, 2015

You know how you hear those stories about once abused kids growing up and
overcoming the difficult lie they have been dealt? They become majorly
successful— like FBI agents or lawyers or something cool and never have any
lingering problems?

Well, this isn’t one of those stories. In fact, those stories are just that,
stories. They are things that I read about in the many books I bury myself in
when I’m alone. I used to know how my life was going to be, how I was going to
live out my lifeless days: unloved and fearful. Hopeless to the possibility that
life, my life, could be anything better than what it is now.

I knew that I would either give up, or give in, either one would eventually
be the end of me; I didn’t think that was so bad. I would no longer be
constantly reminded that I was sh*t, and would be sh*t, no matter how hard I
tried to make it different. I thought it was all easier just to slip away.

But that was before, before Deklan.

***For Mature Readers only due to strong language and sexual content***

Jeri Williams lives a super fabulous lifestyle (by fabulous, she mean's kinda
lame) in the hot Florida sun and loves reading of any kind (except instruction
manuals and cereal boxes). She has always written stories and made her family
listen to them since she was young, although this is her first book she has ever
published. She is a mom of an up-and-coming Jerry Seinfeld (in girl form) and
also enjoys being right and knowing everything, although she is hardly ever
right and really doesn't know anything and is obsessed with inventing miniature
zoo animals you can carry around in your pocket (although not really).

Character Bio's

Name: Harley Reynolds
Height: 5’6
Overall attitude: Broken
Eyes: Brown
Favorite book: Any Epic love story

 Short Bio: Harley Reynolds is a 23 year old girl who gives it up every night of the week to a different guy….at least that what she has people believing. Behind closed doors, Harley is a 23 year old victim of abuse at the hands of her mother and lives vicariously through books. She considers herself smart, just not smart enough to leave her life of abuse behind for good, until she ran into the one guy who actually saw her.

Name: Deklan Kane
Height: 6’2
Overall attitude: Pissed
Eyes: Grey
Favorite word: F*ck
Short Bio: Deklan Kane is the epitome of ‘bad alpha male’, 25 years old who gives zero f*ck’s about anything and an all-around asshole. Growing up the oldest son of Royce and Susan Kane, the local rich guy, Deklan has a screw the world, and by world he means family attitude. He was only in town for his mom, until he ran into the one girl he had to save.

Name: Matt Kane
Height: 6’0
Overall attitude:  Confused
Eyes: Grey
Favorite Person: His Father
Short Bio: Matt Kane is the 23 year old younger brother of Deklan Kane, the perfect one out of the two and prepping himself to take over the family business when it’s his time. He has a loving girlfriend of three years and no worries or regrets in the world and thinks his brother is a liar and an asshole, but still loves him, he thinks.

Name: Ember Harrington
Height: 5’5
Overall attitude: happy
Eyes: Green
Favorite number: Three
Short Bio:
Ember Harrington is the only daughter of the town Mayor. She works at the bookstore where Harley works and considers Harley her best friend, even if she may question her lifestyle from time to time, she loves Harley deeply. She has dated Matt for the past three years and although she was with him before his brother left town, she has never met Deklan in person, but from what Matt says about him, she never wants to.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Book Blast - Blood Moon by Kristy Centeno @KrissyGirl122 @sparklebooktour


Title: Blood Moon
Series: Secrets of the Moon saga
Vol or Book #: 5
Author: Kristy Centeno
Audience: Young/New Adult
Genre: Paranormal
Format: E-book
Publisher: Inkspell Publishing
Cover by: Najla Qamber
Editor: Melissa Keir
Pages: 93
Date Published: December 18, 2015

The mystery deepens…but the truth slowly begins to unravel.
In the midst of an impending war, comradeships will be forged, relationships mended, and bonds strengthened. 
We’re closer to dismantling the alpha’s plan now than ever before, but when tragedy strikes, our commitment to a cause kept alive for the memory of our loved ones will be tested. Our ties tried. Our sanity preyed upon. 
Darkness will shadow our lives. A common goal, however, can help us move forward. 
Can we pick up the pieces long enough to ensure a future for Marjorie? Or will another loss be the evil that breaks me? 


I focus on my surroundings as I go, listening for any warning of danger. But what I hear instead is the unmistakable sign of distress. Alexis is in trouble. Fear unlike any I have ever known takes a hold of me and I pick up pace, overwhelming my body’s capacity with the extra effort. Trees become blurry images of green and brown as I flash on by. I run, jumping over fallen logs, landing swiftly on my legs before continuing on. I let nothing stop me. Not the threat of other wolves nearby. Not the signals of protests I receive from my brain in an attempt to warn me to take things slower as I am hurt and losing a lot of blood.  
I can’t stop now.  
Alexis is close enough I can already smell his favorite cologne in the air, blowing in my face. But then I hear it. There’s no mistaking the sound of snapping bones. Hot searing pain spreads through me as if I’ve been speared by a sizzling poker stick. My steps falter and I end up smashing my left shoulder into a large oak tree in front of me, which causes it to pop out of place. The air is knocked out of my lungs and I fall to my knees, struggling to catch my breath. My ears perk up in a vain attempt to pick up on any signs from my twin, but all they note is the silence.

Kristy Centeno is the author of the Secrets of the Moon saga and Keeper Witches series.
She has always had a passion for books and after years of being an avid reader, she decided to transform her desire to write into a reality and thus, her first novel was born. When she’s not busy taking care of her five children or holding down the fort, she finds time to sit and do what she loves the most: writing.

Book Blast, Giveaway & Interview: The Beast by A.R. Davis @writerardavis @sparklebooktour

the beast banner

Title: The Beast
Author: A.R. Davis
Audience: Young Adult    the beast gif
Genre: Fantasy
Format: E-book and Paperback
Publisher: Alice Davis
Cover by: Joseph Bradley
Editor: Kathrin DePue
Pages: 438
ISBN: 1514781743
Date Published: 7/7/2015

blurb (6)
The citizens of Leola live in fear of the dense, dark forest that borders their town. Men disappear into the brush or are found dismembered as if they were attacked by a rabid Beast. But fear of a different kind also breeds in the citizens of Leola. For Valerie Mason, starvation is worse than potentially disappearing. With her former guardsman father drowning his troubles in spirits, it’s up to Valerie to keep them afloat by any means necessary…even if it means breaking the law.   Young Aubrey, the future Lord of Leola, fears that once he dies, the pages of his personal history will be left blank. When he hears of the dangers threatening his town, he knows the only way ensure that he lives on in the memory of his people is to venture into the forest and defend it himself…even if it might cost him his life. Valerie and Young Aubrey must each breach the veil of trees again and again on their own quests. Will Valerie or Young Aubrey emerge victorious, or will they fall victim to their own demons and The Beast?
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Chapter 1

Valerie Mason emerged from the relative quiet of the forest and stepped back into the town of Leola just as the sun peaked above the buildings. She carried a bag of two dead rabbits whose blood was seeping through the bottom. She wrapped her arms around the bundle and walked as quickly and inconspicuously as she could, though the obvious tears around the skirt of her dress made it hard for her to blend in with the crowd. The hunters would not appreciate her encroaching on their territory again. She had been scolded a few times. The last time, they had taken her cargo away from her. She could not afford to have that happen again.
On her way to the marketplace, she passed the pub her father frequented. Valerie wondered if her father was in there now. She had half a mind to go look, but it would only delay her and it was quite useless otherwise. Last night, her father had returned home with a black eye and shards of glass embedded in his arm. With their combined salary, they were able to cover most of the doctor’s expenses. Whenever Valerie had any doubts about the necessity of her going into the forest to steal, she was reminded of the reason she had to continue with this dirty business. If Valerie refused to steal meat from the hunters’ traps, they would have had to choose between rent and supper—or doctor’s visits and rent and supper. Was it so wrong with the fact that she did not want them to starve?
Her father was, of course, apologetic as always, and as always, she forgave him before the words were even out of his mouth. It was easier for Valerie to forgive than to be angry with him. After all, he was all she had left, and she could not lose him, even if sometimes it felt like he was determined to be lost. Her father assured her that the other man struck first. The childish part of Valerie wanted to ask, “But why did you have to strike back?”
Valerie turned sixteen the previous spring, and she was too old to ask such naïve questions. She was of age to be considered for marriage, but there were no suitors lining up at her door, not that Valerie was interested in such things. She was only thinking about her father. Although, if she married, it might be easier to take care of him.
The town of Leola was drinking in the remains of late-summer. Women hung their laundry out the window, on the line between buildings. Wet slopping sounds of waste being tossed down into the alleyways could be heard as it spilled down the cobble-stone streets toward the main road. Lord Aubrey’s guardsmen marched in a unified line carrying rifles, their metal armor winking in the sunlight. Several passersby waved hello to Valerie, and she waved back cautiously. Children ran breathlessly as they chased each other, their laughter ringing in the air and mixing with the incoherent shouts of stall owners. Horses clopped lazily along pulling their carriages with heads bowed low as though they feared to make eye contact with beings around them. The aromas of waste, horse hide, and baking bread created a strange concoction in the air. All of this blended together to form the smell of the town that Valerie knew best.
She stopped in front of the tailor’s display window. The tailor himself was arranging a beautiful emerald gown for all of Leola to see. There was already a group of girls standing in front of the window, pointing, giggling, and gossiping. Valerie took a moment to imagine herself in that gown. Maybe she would join the girls in their gossip. Maybe she would be invited to one of Lord Aubrey’s parties, and he would be so impressed by her wit and charm that he would give her enough money to take care of her father forever.
The weight of the dead rabbits was enough to snap her out of her momentary daydream. No lady could carry such cargo and still be considered lovely or charming or witty. Valerie thought she had completely rid herself of such fantasies, but they kept finding her as though she was engaging them in an endless game of hide and seek.
A severely strict looking woman, who wore her hair in a bun so tight that it appeared to pull her face up toward her ears, was just turning the sign from Closed to Open on the front door of the bookshop. Valerie waited patiently for Mrs. Lind to finish arranging the books in front of the display window before walking inside.
The bell rang when Valerie pushed the door open. Mrs. Lind promptly swiveled around wearing a scarily forced smile and folded her hands in front of her. Her voice rose to an unnaturally high pitch.
“Wel –” she said before dropping three octaves into a low, disappointed tone. “Oh. It’s you”—her substitute for “Good morning.”
Altogether, it wasn’t said unkindly, though anyone else might have taken offense. Valerie simply shrugged it off.
Mrs. Lind snatched the bag away from Valerie. She made a face like something smelled rotten. “Did anyone see you?”
“No, ma’am.” If they did, you would already know, Valerie thought. It was best to keep such comments to herself. She didn’t want to argue with Mrs. Lind and lose her job. Even though she was only allowed to clean the shop and alphabetize the books, Valerie enjoyed it. There was something about being quiet in a room where hundreds of stories were at her fingertips. It was the only place where Valerie felt she was in control of anything.
“If they catch you, I’ll have to fire you. And I’ll pretend I knew nothing.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Mrs. Lind sniffed. “Is that all you can say to me?” She imitated Valerie’s tone, “Yes, ma’am. No, ma’am. Are you a machine?”
Valerie didn’t know how else to respond to that question. “No, ma’am.” Though some days, she did feel like a machine. This was one of those days.
Mrs. Lind sighed with a hint of pity and stored the bag in a safe place where the rabbits would take longer to rot. Then she returned to Valerie, touting.
“What on earth are we going to do with you, child?” Mrs. Lind asked as she pinched Valerie’s torn skirt. “If your father finds out about this, he’ll have my head!”
Valerie wondered what Mrs. Lind would say if she told her that not only did her father already know but that he had given her a knife for her birthday. “If you’re going to disobey me,” he said, “you may as well defend yourself while you do so.” Valerie had only ever used it to finish what the traps started.
Mrs. Lind continued to fret over Valerie and Valerie let her because, in a way, it was nice to be the subject of someone else’s worry, rather than the worrier, for a change.
“If you leave this with me tomorrow, I can probably fix it,” Mrs. Lind said about the sleeve of Valerie’s dress, “I can’t make any promises, however.”
“Thank you, ma’am,” Valerie said.
“Yes, yes. You can keep your thanks. I’d rather you show your gratitude by stopping this nonsense altogether.”
Mrs. Lind narrowed her eyes at Valerie as though waiting for her to promise that she would do just that. But Valerie couldn’t, and, frankly, Mrs. Lind knew that too.
After a moment of silence between them, Mrs. Lind said, “Can you please re-alphabetize the adventure stories? And when you’re done, dust the top of the shelves.”
“Yes –”
“If you finish saying what I think you’re going to say, so help me, I will do what your father refuses to.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Valerie said under her breath.
Mrs. Lind resigned to the counter while Valerie started her work. Children were their most frequent patrons, and sometimes they would leave sections in disarray. They loved holding the books in their hands and looking at the pictures. Some of them couldn’t quite make out the words. Sometimes Valerie would read to them. She liked watching their eyes widen in wonder. It reminded her of when she was a little girl; she used to stay up late to listen to her father’s stories, especially the one about the Beast. That was always her favorite.
Valerie could appreciate the adventures of dreaded pirates and Greek heroes, but her favorite genre was romance. There were rarely any female characters in adventure stories, and most of them were spoken of rather than seen. In the romance books, the ladies were sometimes permitted to follow the hero wherever he went. There was a sort of magic to them; no matter what dire situations the couples were plagued with, they always succeeded and ended up together. Valerie once thought her parents would make great characters in a romance novel. Her father was utterly mad about her mother, and her death was almost too much for him to bear. Coupled with what happened to him during the war, Valerie could almost understand why he turned to drinking and fighting. In a way, reading those books was Valerie’s “drink.” When she read about heroines like Caroline and Cynthia and Emily, she found herself stepping into their shoes, becoming mysterious, sweet, and desirable all at once. Sometimes, when she looked at herself in the mirror, she would recall her favorite lines and pretend she was wearing those pretty dresses in the window of the tailor’s shop. And the heroes they met weren’t half bad, either. Saxon and Daniel and Gregory: she could see herself spending time with them if they were real.
What she could live without was the stupid dialogue between the characters, the proclamations of everlasting love. Love was not everlasting.
Her mother’s death had taught her that much.
Mrs. Lind promptly closed shop when the clock tower began to ring the four o’clock hour. She gave Valerie a wary glance as she held up the bag of dead rabbits, as though she was deciding whether or not to give it back and whether doing so would be an act of encouragement. It spoke volumes that Mrs. Lind handed over Valerie’s pay before she handed over the rabbits. In the end, she gave them to Valerie without much fuss.
“Until tomorrow,” she said.
Valerie wished her a good evening (adding a “ma’am” at the end for good measure) and proceeded down the lane to her house. The buildings along her street reminded her of crooked teeth in a grey mouth. They certainly weren’t as nice as the buildings near Aubrey Manor. The manor rested on the tallest hill in Leola, and Valerie saw it as a white eye staring down at the rest of the town. Valerie had only ever seen Lord Aubrey once when he dismissed her father from the guardsmen’s service. She barely remembered him. She supposed she should hate Lord Aubrey—that she should blame him for everything her father went through—but being angry at him was like being angry at the wall. There were more important matters that required her energy, such as making it home in time to make a good rabbit stew and whether or not her father would be home on time to enjoy it.
She entered her house to see her father sitting at the dining table as though he had been waiting for her for quite some time. He undoubtedly still felt guilty about last night. He meant well. He always did.
Valerie resembled her father more than her mother. She had his dark brown eyes and long, lanky frame. She did not have her father’s scarred, leathery skin and the despair he often wore like a branding mark. War left him to deal with ghosts and a bad leg. When her mother was alive, her father smiled all the time. When she reminded her father of that now, he replied, “Now I save all my best smiles for you.”
Her father was offering his best smile now. He greeted her with an embrace and a kiss to the top of her head. “Did you have a good day at the shop?” he asked. He glanced down at the bag in her hand and then quickly looked away as though he could not bear to see it.
“Yes, Papa. Did you have a good day at the smith’s?”
Her father worked at the gunsmith near the edge of upper-Leola. He helped make guns for Lord Aubrey’s men.
“It was tolerable,” her father said. “Everyone is stressed about the deadline. It seems nobody is ready for Lord Aubrey’s son to take the seat.”
Valerie set the dead rabbits on the counter. “I’m sure you will make it. You always do.”
Her father stood at the dining table. Valerie could feel his eyes on her back.
“Did you have many customers?” he asked.
“A few. They came in sparingly.”
“That is unfortunate. Did you bring anything to read?”
“A Saxon Matthews book.” Saxon Matthews was a romance series that Valerie loved. She sometimes read them to her father while he sat in his chair and smoked his pipe. He’d say, “Now there’s a man I’d want to see you with,” at her description of the series hero.
“Ah. I wonder what he’s up to this time.”
“Well, we’ll see after supper.”
Valerie succeeded in removing the heads and began skinning the bodies. The smell of blood was potent.
“Did you hear about Mr. Randall?” her father asked.
Valerie sighed. She did not know Mr. Randall, but she was certain she knew what happened to him. “No, I did not.”
“He’s gone missing—has been gone for several days now.”
Valerie had heard such stories of people vanishing in the forest. At first, she thought they were tales to warn children against going in and getting lost under the dense crown of trees. However, a few days after her birthday, Mrs. Knott’s son left to get married and was never heard from again. Disappearing was a frightening prospect, but to Valerie, starvation was worse.
“That is unfortunate, Papa.”
“It’s been happening quite a lot recently—more people missing every day. I hear Lord Aubrey is considering sending his men into the forest to investigate.”
“The guards might catch you stealing.”
If they do, I’ll act like I’m thick in the head, Valerie thought. That’s what got her out of most similar situations. I don’t know any better, sirs. I was just trying to help the poor animal.
“Or you might be…”
Valerie turned to face her father. His hand was on his mouth as though he couldn’t bear to say the word.
“You know I don’t mean to keep…” His shoulders slumped over in defeat.
“I know,” Valerie said softly.
“Things are going to get better,” he continued. “I’m not going to keep forcing you to put yourself in danger. I’m going to get better. I’m going to be a better father.”
“Papa –”
He held up his hand. “Don’t. I’m supposed to keep us together. If I can’t fulfill that duty, then I am less than a man.”
Valerie walked over to him and embraced him as tight as she could. She had heard those words before. Their effect had dulled over time, but she could never stop loving her father.
He meant well.
He always did.

about the author (3)
A.R. DAVIS first picked up writing at age six after getting annoyed that the characters weren't right in a Donkey Kong Country novelization. She loved it so much that she went on to graduate with a BFA in Creative Writing at UNCW. Visit her site: to learn more and connect.
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Character Name: Valerie Mason

Character Bio: clip_image002

Age: 17 years old at the time of this interview
Town of Birth: Leola
Known Whereabouts: Unknown
Parents: Deceased
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Hazel
(This is the last known interview Ms. Mason was willing to give. As you can see, she offers no explanation of where she had been for the last year. We know she was living with someone and was possibly involved romantically, though she denies it. She was found by a group of Lord Aubrey’s men, and it is speculated that she had been wandering in the woods for several days. She had been held at the Aubrey estate for about three weeks. During the time of the execution, she had escaped. No one has seen or heard from her since.)


Describe yourself what is your worst and best quality?

I think my best quality is my perseverance. Even when things get rough, I try to keep going. I do my best to care for others, even setting aside what I want because I don’t want to be selfish. And I always try to see the good in people. My father killed many in the war, but I still think he’s a good man.

My worst quality would have to be that I care too much sometimes. It sort of . . . well, it didn’t go well for me. That’s all I’ll say.

What is the one thing you wish other people knew about you?

I wish other people knew about my life before . . . well . . . before everything happened. After I lost everything. Most people look at me with pity now. But all that, I was normal and happy and relatively unknown. I wish I could go back to that time.

What is your biggest secret something no one knows about?

It’s . . . I . . . I don’t know if I want to talk about it, yet. It’s still raw for me. All I will say is that I did the best I could. I only wanted to be happy, and I wanted to be selfish. And I thought that, if I could just keep pretending, I could stay there.

Was that really so wrong of me?

What are you most afraid of?

I’m afraid of the future. I’m honestly not sure what’s going to happen to me now. I’ve had this worry ever since my mother died, and I don’t know if it will ever go away. But I have to keep going, right? I have to see things through, even if I’d rather just stay in bed sometimes.

What do you want more than anything?

I just want to be happy and live a good, full life. I want to see the world and stop being so ignorant of the things I don’t know.

What is your relationship status?

. . .

It’s over. Though, I suppose it never really started. I think he loved me. And I think I wanted him to. But maybe that was all a lie.

Sorry, I’m rambling.

How would you describe your sense of fashion?

I wear whatever is convenient and whatever I can afford.

How much of a rebel are you?

More than I’d like to admit, I suppose. I didn’t exactly follow the normal society rules when I agreed – I mean, after I agreed. I didn’t exactly agree the first time – to live with him. But maybe that isn’t exactly rebellious.

What do you considered to be your greatest achievement?

I don’t think I’ve quite gotten there yet. Wouldn’t it be sad if the greatest thing I was ever going to do happened right now? Then what would I have to look forward to? Right now, I live my life. I’m trying to figure out what I’m moving towards.

What is your idea of happiness?

Getting on a ship and traveling the world. Also reading all of the Saxon Matthew books in existence. You haven’t heard of it? You can borrow one of mine. But only borrow. I would like to have that back.

What is your current state of mind?

I have a lot of regret. And I think . . . I think I miss him. Is that strange? How could someone like that be the most important person in my life? And yet that’s how it is. Sometimes I wonder if he even thinks of me.

Probably not. It’s not like I really meant anything to him.

What is your most treasured possession?

The figurine of The Beast. It was the only real possession my father owned. That, and the book I’m going to let you borrow.

How did I get it?

You’ll have to ask him.

What is your most marked characteristic?

I have my mother’s hair. It’s curly to the point of being unruly. It doesn’t matter how many times I brush it; it still insists on poofing out like a little brown cloud.

What is it that you most dislike?

Dishonesty. People keeping me against my will. People thinking they know what I want in my life. People not telling me how they feel.

Which living person do you most despise?

Are you really asking me that? After all I’ve told you? I would think it would be obvious.

You can miss and hate someone. Feelings are complicated. They don’t have to be neatly categorized like books.

It’s funny because if you had asked me before all this, I would have said my father. Sometimes I blame him just as much as myself. But he’s gone. Has been for a while. It wouldn’t be fair of me.

What is your greatest regret?

That I wasn’t there for my father when he needed me most.

What is the quality you most like in a man?

I . . . uh, I don’t know. Honesty. He has to like reading, at least. He has to be kind. Understanding. Do you think you could be my type? Or does my past disarm you?

You don’t have to answer that. I was only kidding with you.

Here’s a handkerchief to wipe the sweat off your brow.

What is the quality you most like in a woman?

I like your way of forward thinking! I’ve never actually thought about being with a woman. I suppose I would value the same qualities as I do in a man. It all depends on if I would be ready for a relationship with either. If I could rid myself of my lingering feelings, it would be easier.

No, I never said I loved him. I said I missed him. There’s a distinction.

Who is your favorite hero in fiction?

Saxon Matthews. I hear there might be a new book soon.

Which living person do you most admire?

Captain Jonasson. He is a good, honest man. I appreciated what he’s done for me while I’m here.

What is your motto?

“It is better to travel well than to arrive.” –Buddha

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Book Blast & Interview: Defiant by H.G. Lynch @HGLynch @sparklebooktour

difiant banner
defiant gif
Title: Defiant
Series: Blaze Trilogy
Vol or Book #: 1
Author: H.G. Lynch
Audience: Young Adult
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Vamptasy Publishing
Cover by: H.G. Lynch
Editor: Catherine Stovall
Pages: 136
Date Published: 13/11/15
blurb (5)
Sometimes Love Burns.
The intelligent loner, Anson, soon learns this when he falls in love...but the girl he wants isn't what she seems. Poppy is part of a secret organisation of vampires trained to fight werewolves.
She's been sent to recruit Anson, and if she fails, they'll both have to outrun the rulers of her society...or face death together.

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He raised his hand and gently wrapped his fingers around my wrist, drawing my palm down his face to his lips. Light as the flutter of a butterfly wing, he kissed my palm and each of my fingertips. It felt so thrilling, my whole hand ached to bury itself into his bright hair, and I was distinctly aware of how close we were standing. All I would have to do was lean up on my tiptoes and my mouth would meet his. His cobalt eyes fixed me in place, I couldn’t look away, though I knew I should. I wanted this so badly, but I couldn’t have it. If I kissed him, I was afraid I’d shatter into a million pieces, and only he would be able to put me back together.
author (1)
H.G. Lynch is a Scottish Paranormal Romance author, avid reader, and cat-lover. She spends most of her days writing, while wrestling her cat, Sooki, off her laptop. She believes that chocolate cake can save the world, and is highly caffeine-addicted. She loves horse-riding, Star Trek, and snow.
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Did you always wanted to be a writer? If not what did you want to be?

When I was younger, I wanted to be a veterinary nurse. It wasn’t until I was fifteen that I decided I wanted to be a writer.

When did you first consider yourself a “writer”?

Probably after my fourth book got published. Before that, I sort of just felt like I was playing at being a writer.

How long did it take to get your first book published?

A year and a half. I went to several different publishers before one picked up Born Dark and it was published about four months after I signed the contract.

Do you do another job except for writing and can you tell us more about it?

I have social anxiety, which means that I struggle with day-to-day interactions with people. It makes finding a suitable job very hard. I do however make my own jewellery and sell it in my Etsy store.

What is the name of your latest book, and if you had to summarize it in less than 20 words what would you say?

Defiant is my latest release, and to summarise it, I’d probably say: Sometimes true love means breaking society’s rules and running with your heart, no matter the cost.

Who is your publisher? Or do you self-publish?

Vamptasy Publishing, an imprint of Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly, publishes my books.

How long does it usually take you to write a book, from the original idea to finishing writing it?

It depends on the story. Sometimes it can take months. Sometimes just a few weeks. For example, my first book, Born Dark, took six months. Run only took three weeks.

What can we expect from you in the future? ie More books of the same genre? Books of a different genre?

I’d like to try my hand at Sci-fi as I’m a huge Star Trek fan, but I will definitely be writing more Paranormal Romance. That’s my true calling.

What genre would you place your books into?

Paranormal Romance with a slight Horror twist

What made you decide to write that genre of book?

I’ve always been an odd duck. As a kid, my imaginary friend was a ghost. At seven years old, I wanted to be a vampire when I grew up. I’ve always believed in the paranormal and been fascinated by it.

Do you have a favorite character from your books? And why are they your favorite?

Reid Ashton from my Unfortunate Blood series is my favourite, partly because he was my first character and partly because he’s a very unique and heartfelt character, despite his cockiness. He has a very special place in my heart.

How long have you been writing?, and who or what inspired you to write?

I started writing seriously at fifteen, after reading L.J. Smith’s Vampire Diaries novels. I start with fanfiction because I loved Vampire Diaries so much (I read the first four books twelve times in three months) but quickly moved on to my own original works.

Do you have a certain routine you have for writing? ie You listen to music, sit in a certain chair?

It depends on my mood and the story I’m writing, but usually I’ll sit by the fireplace with my laptop and make a playlist that I think fits the atmosphere of what I’m trying to write.

Do you read all the reviews of your book/books?

Yes. It absolutely makes my day when I read a good review for one of my books, and sometimes when I’m feeling down and feeling like giving up on writing, seeing the wonderful things my readers have said is the only thing that keeps me going.

Do you choose a title first, or write the book then choose the title?

Story first. Title later. I never know exactly where the story is going to go so I can’t put a suitable title on it until it’s done.

How do you come up with characters names and place names in your books?

Baby name websites mostly. I especially like Irish and Scottish names. Most of my books are set in Scotland, even if it doesn’t specifically say so in the book.

Are character names and place names decided after their creation?

Or do you pick a character/place name and then invent them? I like to picture the place or character, outline his or her personality, and then find a name that I feel fits.

Do you decide on character traits (ie shy, quiet, tomboy girl) before writing the whole book or as you go along?

I tend to find that the characters develop themselves as I write. They tell me who they are and what they want to do – I just write it all down.

Are there any hidden messages or morals contained in your books? (Morals as in like Aesops Fables type of "The moral of this story is..")

I’d say the one thing I’ve always tried to do with my stories and characters is to make them unique and let them be who they are, even if it means they make mistakes and get into trouble. I firmly believe you should always be whatever and whoever you want to be. Don’t conform to society just because you think you should. If you want to have green hair and a tattoo of a rat on your arm, go for it. If you want to dance on rooftops in the rain, do it. If you’re bisexual, or gay, be proud of it. Ignore the haters. There are people out there who will love you for exactly who you are.

Which format of book do you prefer, eBook, hardback, or paperback?

I prefer to read paperbacks There’s nothing like the smell of ink and paper.

What is your favorite book and Why? Have you read it more than once?

Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare. I’ve only read it about six times.

Do you think books transfer to movies well? Which is you favorite/worst book to movie transfer?

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. Harry Potter is a good example of it working. Beautiful Creatures is an example of it not working.

Your favorite food is?

Macaroni cheese

Your favorite singer/group is?


Your favorite color is?


Your favorite Author is?

Cassandra Clare

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Happily Ever Alpha: A Paranormal Romance Boxed Set

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Happily Ever Alpha BOXED
Title: Happily Ever Alpha: A Paranormal Romance Boxed Set
NY Times Bestselling Author Sarah Makela
NY Times Bestselling Author Michele Bardsley
Amazon Bestselling Author Sylvia Frost
USA Today Bestselling Author JC Andrijeski
Amazon Bestselling Author Steffanie Holmes
USA Today Bestselling Author Conner Kressley
USA Today Bestselling Author Rebecca Hamilton
Amazon Bestselling Author Elle Thorne
Amazon Bestselling Author Alexia Purdy
Amazon Bestselling Author Ambrielle Kirk
Amazon Bestselling Author Amy Lee Burgess
Amazon Bestselling Author Angel Lawson
Amazon Bestselling Author Rozlyn Sparks
Amazon Bestselling Author Tasha Black
Amazon Bestselling Author Kim Faulks
Amazon Bestselling Author Katie de Long
Amazon Bestselling Author April Aasheim
Amazon Bestselling Author Jesi Lea Ryan
USA Today Bestselling Author Rainy Kaye
Amazon Bestselling Author L.B. Gilbert
Amazon Bestselling Author J.E. Taylor
Amazon Bestselling Author Aimee Easterling
Audience: New Adult - Adult
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Format: eBook only
Publisher: Bestselling Boxed Sets
Cover by: Sylvia Frost
Editor: Various
Pages: 5,000+
ASIN: B017C2Y37Y
Date Published: PreOrder publishes Jan. 26

Happily Ever Alpha Final

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When Once Upon A Time Isn’t Enough
Fourteen HOT paranormal alpha-male romances and six additional kick-ass paranormal romance tales bundled together in one of the steamiest collections to date!
With twenty-one novels and novellas and over one million seductive words of fiction, this paranormal romance boxed set will leave you Happily Ever Alpha.
These hot heroes and tough as nails heroines will steal your heart and make your beg for more.
How about a little Heat to keep you warm this Winter?
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With sexy shifters, hot vampires, wickedly cool witches, and so much more, this boxed set will has titles that will either warm you up or set you on fire—Take your pick!
For a limited time, you can enjoy books from today's NY Times, USA Today, and Amazon Bestselling authors!
When purchased separately, these books cost over $50! But they are yours today for less than $1.
Every selection in this rare, limited edition paranormal romance boxed set are full-length novels and novellas!
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