Archangel's Desire

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Malfunction Erotica is Now Open for Submissions!

Malfunction Erotica is Now Open for Submissions!


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Malfunction Erotica is one of the largest marketing platforms for self-published authors today. As part of the MaE team, you retain all rights to your manuscript. We are not a publishing house. Every author at MaE is a self-publishing author. You keep 100% of your profits.

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Below is a list of all the benefits authors working with us receive:

  • 50% discount on all tour packages (cover reveals, release day blitz, promo, tours, etc.) through MaE Book Tours and Promo Stars Services.
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Book Blast, Interview & Giveaway: Make Me Wet by @nara_malone

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Book Blast

clip_image002Make Me Wet
Passions Portal
Book 2
Nara Malone
Genre: Paranormal
Publisher: Ellora’s Cave
ISBN: 9781419948081
Number of pages: 77
Word Count: 23,500
Cover Artist: Syneca
Ellora’s Cave ARe Amazon BN
Book Description:
Seven tears cast upon the water summon the selkie, summon seal across the ocean, summon man from beast—liquid keys to break the curse. Freed one night every seven years, Ronin is doomed to repeat that cycle into eternity. Unless he can find a woman powerful enough to resist a selkie’s irresistible pheromones and sex magick.
Maille believes she lost reality between Maine and New Mexico. Between where she is now and where she should be. She believes in facts, not magick. But facts can’t explain how she wound up naked on a beach with the sexiest man she’s ever laid eyes on. Or how she knows in her bones that losing herself in the passion Ronin offers is a path to disaster.
It’s going to be a long, hot, wet night. Caught between sex magick and a sexy selkie, disaster is inevitable for Maille. To break the enchantment she has to rely on the oldest magick of all—the power of love-drenched hearts.
Book Trailer:


Copyright © NARA MALONE, 2013
All Rights Reserved, Ellora's Cave Publishing, Inc.
A piercing cry rose above the thunder of surf. Human? A seal could sound so human it was hard to tell the difference. Whichever, Maille recognized it as a wail of mortal distress. She couldn’t say how she understood that, no more than she could say how she wound up on the beach. One fact she was certain of—she couldn’t ignore it.
Without thought for consequences she plunged into the surf, diving under swells, power-stroking through roiling water.
Once past the breakers Maille paused, treading water as she turned in circles, searching in the inky swells for the curve of a human head. Impossible with the waves breaking moonlight into sequined facets and the rise and fall of swells tall as houses. She’d never find him. She needed him to cry out once more.
“Come on. Give me a hint.”
An irregular shape, not seal-like or wavelike, caught her attention. As she paddled closer, she made out a man waving, heard his hoarse cry before his head disappeared below a wave. He resurfaced choking.
She dove under the water, swimming straight for where she’d seen him last. She resurfaced as he went under again, but she was close enough now to reach his long hair, swirling like dark kelp in the water. She grabbed a handful.
It was surprisingly easy to pull him along, as if he had managed to overcome his instinctive terror and submit to her rescue. He might not have been so submissive had he realized, as she did now, that they weren’t making progress.
Riptide. Crap.
Maille fought down a sudden kick of panic in her chest, struggling to swim parallel to the shore, caught by swells that tossed them dangerously close to jagged rocks. She had to concentrate her energy on swimming north until they were beyond the rip where she was free to swim shoreward.
When her feet finally found ground, a wave slammed her, flinging them both onto the sand. Depositing them in a tangle of limbs. Maille on top.
A small wave washed over them, and the sensation was that of a liquid blanket settling around her shoulders and then melting away. Panting, draped over his body, Maille was too spent to lift her head from a pillow of seaweed.
Another wave swept up, warm liquid fingers caressing her thighs.
She needed to move him higher up the beach, away from the rising tide, see to his needs. With a groan she pushed up to hands and knees, still straddling his body.
Damn! She’d hauled in one hell of a wet dream. Jet-black hair fanned out on the sand. His body lean, long and lusciously muscled. She started to lick her lips, caught herself, and forced her tongue back in her mouth. She was supposed to be saving his life, not jumping his bones.
Something was wrong. That realization drowned attraction in a wave of adrenaline.
His chest didn’t seem to be moving. Her breath caught and her heartbeat kicked up to double time. Maille thought there’d been a slight rise and fall of his chest beneath her breasts when they’d first washed ashore. His lips looked blue. But when she put her ear to his chest, the beat of his heart was strong and quick.
She scraped her mind for facts.
Fact—a heart could beat for several minutes after breathing stopped.
Would his lips still be blue?
Fact—in the moonlight everything looked blue.
Fact—his eyelids were at half-mast, and there was a barely perceptible gleam aimed at her. He probably didn’t need to be resuscitated.
Fact—she could discover the state of his respiration in other ways than this slow descent of her head and the pressing of lips to his. He tasted like sin and secrets.
His lips were warm and firm under hers, and they parted in a humid mingling of breath. Goddess, he smelled wonderful. She inhaled the scent of male and mystery laced with magick. Worries over what was real, what wasn’t, where she was, trickled away like so many grains of sand.
Fuck a bunch of facts.

Did you always wanted to be a writer? If not what did you want to be?
I wanted to have my own horse ranch. Then I wanted to be a forest ranger. I wound up a biomedical engineer. Yet, through it all, I have always been a writer, from the first hit short story in second grade to the first novel in seventh grade, to my first published works in college and finally my first published novel in 2010.
How long did it take to get your first book published?
I started writing my first romance as a challenge with my sister. We were both going to write the first three chapters and submit to a contest. I won and an agent requested a partial. While I waited to hear from her I finished the novel. The partial sat on the agent’s desk about nine months before a publisher saw a sample in a writer’s forum and invited me to submit. I notified the agent I was withdrawing my submission and the novel was contracted. All total, it took a little over a year.
Do you do another job except for writing and can you tell us more about it?
I had my own computer repair shop for many years before my book was published but writing takes most of my time now and I only kept a few of my favorite customers.
What is the name of your latest book, and if you had to summarize it in less than 20 words what would you say?
Make Me Wet is a selkie tale. Selkie males are irresistible to human women, but to save Ronin from his curse, Maille has to tell him no all night long.
Who is your publisher?
I have six romances published with Ellora’s Cave and one video game with Orchid Games.
How long does it usually take you to write a book, from the original idea to finishing writing it?
It depends on the story. Sometimes a story will take over my life and I can write it pretty fast. Other stories unwrap themselves slowly. So it can take anywhere from two months to a year.
What can we expect from you in the future? ie More books of the same genre? Books of a different genre?
I’m negotiating some interesting projects that are a blend of both game and book, interactive fiction. These will be choose-your-path style stories, romantic fiction but with the reader making choices that influence how the story ends. I’m excited because I love reading and writing this style of fiction. My tagline is taking romance into the next dimension. What I mean by that is finding new ways to tell and experience romance stories. All of my traditional novels have a little bit of interactivity or game included in the story. Make Me Wet has a virtual World linked from the front matter in the novel and on my author website where you can explore the world of the story in virtual reality.
What genre would you place your books into?
Paranormal romance and cyber romance.
What made you decide to write that genre of book?
These are the stories that push me as a writer. In pushing my characters to examine their primal selves and step out of their comfort zones I have to step out of mine.
Do you have a certain routine you have for writing? ie You listen to music, sit in a certain chair?
I like to write in a virtual world. One of my favorite spots is on the deck of a beach house in my Nara’s Nook Grid. I go there early in the morning and I sit by the water as the sun starts to rise and birds start to sing. There are mermen frolicking beneath the water and dragons perched on rocks and in trees. Unicorns and plot bunnies hang out in the front yard. In world you hear the surf and see the branches of trees move when the wind blows. There’s usually a purring kitten or pet tiger trying to get my attention. It’s hard to understand, I know, but within about five minutes the real world fades away and the fantasy world feels real. That’s the place where I can make my fantastic tales feel real. Luckily, there are virtual computers inside that world where I can write my stories and they get saved to my computer.
Do you choose a title first, or write the book then choose the title?
I generally have a working title and I am superstitious about sharing more than the initials while I am writing a story. I don’t know why, because usually it takes two or three tries at a title before I get one the publisher approves.
How do you come up with characters names and place names in your books?
The characters seem to name themselves. Places too now that I think about it. I try to stay away from using names of places except the most crucial ones. I like for readers to feel that what is happening could be going on in their town.
Are character names and place names decided after their creation? Or do you pick a character/place name and then invent them?
Names tend to be organic. They sometimes come attached to a character right at the start or sometimes I don’t get a name until I’ve learned more about a character through the story. I’m writing a story now about a young woman headed out on a road trip. I drafted the whole thing before she had a name. When I wrote The Dungeon Gourmet, I knew Bond’s name and that he was a kinky French chef before I knew anything else.
Do you decide on character traits (ie shy, quiet, tomboy girl) before writing the whole book or as you go along?
Some characters come to me fully formed, usually the main character. I’ll choose the traits for supporting characters to facilitate conflict and the major character change.
Are there any hidden messages or morals contained in your books? (Morals as in like Aesops Fables type of "The moral of this story is..")
I generally have a lesson I’ll want a character to learn. For instance, in a story I am developing for a game I want the lesson to be that life is not something you can horde. Life should be lived as a fearless adventure. For my Pantherian Passions series, as much as I want to entertain readers, I want to make them aware of parahuman research and to inspire them to learn more and form opinions about it. I’m not trying to push one agenda over another but I think everyone should be aware it happens and know whether they approve or not.
Which format of book do you prefer, eBook, hardback, or paperback?
I prefer eBook. There are just so many reasons that eBooks are the greener choice. I know some people say that they love the smell of a book, the feel of it in their hands. I understand that. I just love the smell of a forest more, the movement and sound of wildlife around me.

About The Author
Whether it's a shapeshifter romance exploring the primal power of the wild feminine, or BDSM romance where love digs into a character's shadows, Nara believes romance should open the door and push lovers into a new dimension: sexually, emotionally, and sometimes physically.
Nara Malone is an award winning novelist and poet. As a freelance journalist and writer, her feature profiles on women entrepreneurs and her romantic short stories have been published in newspapers, magazines, and digital publications.
Twitter @nara_malone

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Book Blast, Interview & Giveaway: The Lost and Broken by Chris M. Arnone

The Lost and Broken Realm Banner 450 x 169


Book Blast


clip_image002The Lost and Broken Realm
Things Forgotten

Book 1

Chris M. Arnone

Genre: Contemporary Fantasy

ISBN: 9780991397907

ISBN: 9781311266194


Number of pages: 325 print

approx 299 ebook

Word Count: 103,000

Cover Artist: Cassandra Whitney

Smashwords, Amazon, Barnes & Noble

Book Description:

Gabriel Drake had royally fouled up his life. Before his wife died, he was wealthy, respected, and loved. He pissed away the small fortune he and his wife built, drove away his friends, alienated his family, and even took a few precarious steps on the wrong side of the law. He lost his way. The world had forgotten the man he was, and then a head-on collision between his Jeep and a tree changed everything.
Death would have been easier. Instead, he’s woken up in a strange place where all the lost and forgotten things and people of our world go to rest. The laws of physics seem to be driven more by magic than logic. Cats fly and talk into his mind. He’s in a place where real power has been trampled under the foot of a maniacal emperor, and Gabriel alone has the power to free these forgotten people from the emperor’s iron grip. Which will Gabriel save: these lost and broken people, or his own shattered life?


The expansive cave was filled with statues. Gabriel was immediately reminded of the terracotta army in China, row after row of warriors guarding the tombs of ancient Chinese emperors, but these weren’t warriors. They weren’t distinctly Chinese, either. They were cyclopean; that was the first thing Gabriel noticed. Rather than two equally distanced eyes, each statue had one large eye right above the nose.

Unlike those Chinese statues, these weren’t uniform, either. Different bodies, faces, attire, genders, and ages of Cyclops made up the horde of stone figures. Dread began to creep back up Gabriel’s spine as he saw something they all had in common other than their lack of depth perception: every carved face was locked eternally in an expression of fear. Stout warriors crouched, hiding their faces. Women with horrified looks stood guarding their children. Gabriel wondered what foul mind could have sculpted such horrors over and over again.

“What is this?” Gabriel asked in a hush, frightened voice.

“I don’t know. I’ve never even heard of this place,” Anansi responded. For the first time since Gabriel had met the manticore, he heard and felt doubt and fear coming from the creature. Zhiyan kept staring at the ground, impassive, as Finkle Prime led him along.

“Who is here?” said a voice from the darkness. It sounded like a young woman, with a bright, luscious voice. Something was amiss with it, though Gabriel couldn’t figure out exactly what.

“Who is that?” Gabriel asked Anansi.

“I asked you first, mortal,” The voice said playfully. Gabriel realized what was wrong. The ‘s’ sounds were extended, like Cobra Commander in G.I. Joe, or like a snake using a human voice. Gabriel couldn’t figure out where it was coming from. It wasn’t in his head. He’d heard enough telepathy to know the difference, but this woman’s voice seemed to bounce and echo around the cave and off the statues that filled it.

“Gabriel. My name is Gabriel. Who are you?” He asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

“Gabriel. So kind of you to visit. No one comes to visit anymore. Zhiyan, he keeps them from me. Now here he is, marching to his death, how fitting,” She said happily.

“Prime, halt,” Gabriel said. The big clockwork man stopped and Gabriel saw Zhiyan with his head still bowed, but his eyes were closed tightly and a small smile crept over his face.

“Oh, shit,” Anansi said, suddenly angry. “Zhiyan, if we live through this, I hope the council draws and quarters your giant ass.”

“What is it?” Gabriel asked nervously.

“Ptolema. Eldest and most vicious of the Gorgon sisters,” Zhiyan finally said, still holding his eyes closed tightly and smiling wryly.

“Gorgons? Monsters like Medusa?” Gabriel asked, half in disbelief, half in growing panic. His mind raced. He tried to think of Medusa’s sisters, but the monster didn’t give him time to remember them.

“What do you know of my sister? She was no monster. She was a sweet, innocent girl. Raped and then villainized. No, she was no monster,” Ptolema said, her voice smooth as silk.

“Don’t look her in the eyes!” Anansi suddenly screamed telepathically. He almost didn’t say it in time.

“I am the monster,” She said, her voice dripping with venom. Out of the corner of his eye, Gabriel saw a woman come out of the shadows and into view. One moment later, and he would have looked at her squarely. Instead, he looked several feet to the side of her, taking in her form using his peripheral vision. She was tall as a man, a bit taller than Gabriel from what he could tell, and she wore a ragged red dress that came almost to the ground. Rather than legs, Gabriel saw a mass of writhing snakes skimming along the ground. She tried to dart directly into Gabriel’s view, faster than he expected, but he dropped his eyes fully to the ground. Her arms gleamed a brilliant, shining gold color, and reflected light from Prime’s shoulder lamps all around the cave. Gabriel wondered if her hair was made of venomous snakes like the stories told, but he didn’t chance looking up near her face.

“Why do you look away, Gabriel? Why do you not meet my gaze? Am I not beautiful?” Ptolema asked, almost pouting.

“No thanks. I’d rather not turn to stone today,” Gabriel said, his voice shaking. He remembered the stories of Medusa, how she turned men to stone with her gaze, and how Perseus destroyed her with a mirrored shield.

“There are worse ways to die,” Ptolema said, all the playfulness, seduction, and beauty suddenly gone from her voice. She was deadly serious. And then she was moving. She was fast, so much faster than Gabriel could have imagined. He leapt out of her way, but only just in time. He felt the wind move past him and smelled her, a waft of rotting flesh and dry snakeskin.

Gabriel scrabbled along the cave floor to get away from the horrifying woman. Tiny snake heads snapped at the air behind his heels. He looked all around for something, anything to fight with, to hide behind, anything.

“Oh, get up, little man. Die on your feet,” Ptolema balked, and then laughed at him, but only briefly. A massive shadow suddenly came over Gabriel, blocking out the light from Prime’s lamps. Fearful of looking up, he looked around and saw a massive paw, like one belonging to a lion that was three times larger than it should have been. A deafening roar filled his ears and Gabriel crawled out from under the creature, seemingly unnoticed. It was almost a giant lion, except it had two equally huge red feathered wings and the tail of a scorpion, its stinger poised to strike some thirty feet up in the air.

Author Interview

Did you always wanted to be a writer? If not what did you want to be?

Not really. I was pretty sure I’d be a performer for a long time. In school, I was in choir, band, and theater. I majored in Theatre in college.

When did you first consider yourself a “writer”?

2009. I landed a freelance writing gig with the now-defunct Wizard Magazine. That first time I saw my name in print, for a piece I’d been paid for, that was golden. It was an interview with writer Matt Fraction about an upcoming X-Men story.

Do you do another job except for writing and can you tell us more about it?

I’m a Senior Technical Writer for an unnamed Pharmacy Benefits Administrator by day. I’m also the host of the YouTube show, BlizzPro Weekly and I occasionally emcee some shows around Kansas City.

What is the name of your latest book, and if you had to summarize it in less than 20 words what would you say?

The Lost and Broken Realm.

The world forgot Gabriel Drake and now he’s in a world of magic and myth. Can he find redemption?

Who is your publisher? Or do you self-publish?

I self-published.

How long does it usually take you to write a book, from the original idea to finishing writing it?

I wrote this book over the course of about a year, with a big push toward the end. There was a time where I wrote 15k words in four days. That was a big help. It took another 3-4 months to edit, then alpha reading (my wife) for a month, beta readers took another three months. After formatting and getting the cover art lined up, the whole process probably took over two years.

What can we expect from you in the future? ie More books of the same genre? Books of a different genre?

All of the above! Right now, I’m writing the second book in the Things Forgotten Trilogy. I have so many ideas, though. Superhero fiction, dystopian cyberpunk, space opera, speculative fiction. Pretty much anything geeky, I’ve got ideas.

What genre would you place your books into?

The Lost and Broken Realm is contemporary or cross-realm fantasy. The sequel, however, will be urban fantasy.

What made you decide to write that genre of book?

I went where the story took me. That’s part of why I’m self-published. The traditional publishing industry puts a high priority on the genre and sub-genre. I’m just telling the story the way it needs to be told.

Do you have a favorite character from your books? And why are they your favorite?

To me, characters are all aspects of the writer’s soul. Choosing a favorite? I actually don’t have one from The Lost and Broken Realm, but my deuteroganist for the next book, Lorelei, she’s a bad-ass, street-smart, magical, burlesque dancer. She’s a lot of fun.

Do you read all the reviews of your book/books?

Absolutely. Take the good with the bad. The only truly bad reviews are the ones that are personal attacks.

Do you choose a title first, or write the book then choose the title?

Yes. I always choose a working title, but then I re-examine it before publication. The working title for the second Things Forgotten book is currently, Reclaiming the Lost.

How do you come up with characters names and place names in your books?

That really depends on the character. I decided early on that all of the characters born in the lost and broken realm wouldn’t have normal, human names. Anansi is named after one of my cats, which is actually a gray and white tux, though he isn’t telepathic and doesn’t fly. Finkle and Finkle Prime are named after a character from Neal Stephenson’s The Diamond Age. I honestly can’t recall how I came up with Gabriel Drake and he’s my protagonist.

Are there any hidden messages or morals contained in your books? (Morals as in like Aesops Fables type of "The moral of this story is..")

No chance. I believe it’s the writer’s job to ask the questions, to make the readers think while entertaining them. It’s not my job to come up with the answers.

Which format of book do you prefer, eBook, hardback, or paperback?

Not paperback, bleh. I collect first-edition hardcovers of books I really love. I also get a lot of use from my Kindle Paperwhite, particularly borrowing eBooks from the library.

What is your favorite book and Why? Have you read it more than once?

The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay by Michael Chabon. Chabon is one of those writers that can put a paragraph on the page that will make me think, “wow, I’ll never be that good and that’s okay.” This particular book is a brilliant, poignant story that is set in New York City in the Golden Age of comics, when they were as much about anti-Nazi propaganda as they were about entertainment. I’ve only read it once, but I’m sure I’ll come back around to it one day.

Do you think books transfer to movies well? Which is you favorite/worst book to movie transfer?

I have a strange answer to this, possibly from my theater background. Theater is a collaborative art form. It takes dozens of people to make one theatrical production. Movies are even bigger. While a book is one person’s story with a little help, a movie is a collaborative creation. I think people need to separate books from movies, take them as their own creations with their own merits. That said, the Battlefield Earth movie is horrendous.

Your favorite food is?

Ice cream

Your favorite singer/group is?


Your favorite color is?


Your favorite Author is?

Ray Bradbury



a Rafflecopter giveaway

About The Author



Chris grew up in Independence, MO. He attended college at Truman State University where he pursued his loves of theater, music, and the written word. Now, he makes his home in Kansas City, MO with his wife Christy and their four cats.
Aside from writing feverishly, he is an avid supporter of the Kansas City burlesque, performance, and arts communities. He is an occasional emcee, outspoken supporter of LGBTQ equality, and King of the Nerds. No, you didn't vote for him; that's why he's king, not president.

Website/blog Twitter Facebook

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Cover Reveal: Light's Bane by Lucy Varna


Event Organized by ❤MaE Book Tours & Promo Stars Services


Daughter of the People Book#2

Daniella Nehring is a fierce warrior with a turbulent past. Born in the earliest days of World War II to unknown parents, she was raised by Rebecca Upton, one of the People’s most notable leaders. Dani has always had questions about her parents’ identities, information Rebecca refuses to reveal, leaving a gaping hole in Dani's own identity. Dani travels to New York on Rebecca's orders to search for the mysterious woman who stole a copy of the Prophecy of Light from the People. There, she teams up with Dave Winstead, an FBI agent working undercover with the People's most ancient and deadly enemy. Dave has a soft spot for the young warrior that divides his loyalties between her and the job he took in order to fulfill a promise he made a decade and a half before, a promise he's determined to keep, no matter what the cost. As Dani and Dave are drawn deeper into the hunt for the missing artifact, Dani's immortality is jeopardized, and with it, her ability to reclaim the Prophecy. When she learns the truth about her heritage, Dani is forced to choose between her heart and her duty, and must confront her past in a struggle that will change her life forever.

Genre Paranormal Romance

Expected Publication Date June 13th 2014


About the Author

Lucy Varna lives in Georgia, surrounded by her large, extended family. Lucy has been a reader for as long as she can remember. After devouring every suitable book in her house, she moved on to newspapers, encyclopedias, and telephone directories. In desperation for new reading material, she began crafting her own stories, and thus was a writer born. In addition to reading, writing, and studying dead people, Lucy enjoys knitting, music, and long drives through the countryside during autumn. Most of all, she likes to spend time with her family, particularly her teen-aged son, who is nearly as odd as she is. As the old family saying goes, "The nut don't fall too far from the tree." Poor kid.

Connect with Lucy Varna!

Website | Goodreads | Facebook

MaE Book Tours

Promo Stars Services

Monday, April 28, 2014

Book Blast, Interview & Giveaway: The Shade by Matthew Tallman

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Book Blast



clip_image002The Shade

The Shade Trilogy

Book 1

Matthew Tallman

Genre: Paranormal/Urban Fantasy

Date of Publication: March 9th 2014

ISBN: 9780991619207

Number of pages: 340

Word Count: 105,494 words

Cover Artist: Pixel Pixie Design

Amazon Paperback Amazon Kindle

Book Description:

James Langley's life is over. After an automobile accident leaves him comatose, James' body lies vulnerable in a hospital bed. However, his mind is lost, drifting between life and death, into The Shade.

Trapped in a world shrouded by the unknown, he meets Virgil, a mysterious stranger that informs him that his car wreck was no accident; that the man responsible has imprisoned them both, intent on keeping them there. Together they must race against time to get James back to his body in the real world before he becomes the next victim of a malevolent psychopath.

Enter the world of The Shade, where the boundaries of the human psyche are pushed to their limits and survival is not guaranteed. A place where death isn't the end, but only the beginning.


An intense wave of pain shot its way up my spine, telling me I needed to get up. The hard hospital tiles had broken my fall with the gentle care you would expect. Slowly I opened my eyes, getting my first look at the ceiling of the room I had been thrown into. My bloody fist clinched a hand full of tile fragments and crushed them into powder.

That didn’t go as expected.

My hands shook as they slowly lifted my body back to an upright position.

Once on my feet, I scanned the empty room quietly. There was nothing significant about it; the room looked just like the hundreds of others in the abandoned hospital. The paint on the walls was cracked and peeling from years of neglect, along with a floor covered in a thick layer of grime. However, I wasn’t scanning the room to look at the scenery; my eyes were looking for something far more—sinister. My legs quivered as they tried to keep me from doubling back over.

Then I felt a presence in the room with me.

It wasn't something tangible that I could see with my naked eye, but I knew that something was there. My breath remained slow and steady.

The fall must have been harder than I thought.

My hand rubbed the back of my head as I tried to get my bearings. Then it happened, coming out from the wall in front of me, the specter emerged.

It looked like a man in shape only. Truly, it was more like a cadaver that had been charred in an unholy fire. I gazed in horror at the creature, black as pitch. As I stared into the blackness that comprised it, the darkness seemed to swallow me up, almost like falling through space with nothing to grasp onto. Flesh from the specter's body was peeling away, matching the paint on the walls. Its eyes, if you could call them that, were as black and deep as the ocean depths. It moved closer to me, with a twisted look on its face that seemed to say. "You, you're screwed, and there's nothing you can do about it."

With my fists balled tightly, readying myself for an attack. I could feel the color draining from my clenched fists as the creature leapt at me, its arms opened wide, ready to take me to the ground. I instinctively ducked, letting my body slam against the hard tile floor, causing my assailant to vault over me. I rolled forward—creating more distance between the creature and myself—and then sprang back to my feet.

The specter landed softly, only a few feet behind me.

I spun around to face the creature.

It turned to face me, but before it had time to attack; my fist was already rocketing towards its face. The power encapsulated in my closed hand crushed itself against the creature's face and as the two forces made contact, a thunderous boom erupted in the room.

Take that you piece of—

The specter recovered quickly, and before I knew what was happening it had latched its arms around my waist and we were tumbling towards the ground. We slammed against the floor, rolling a few feet. When we stopped, my legs heaved upwards with all their strength, breaking the specter's grip on me, hurling it across the room.

The creature hit the floor as I quickly found my way upright. Using the confusion to my advantage, I ran for the door. I made my way through the door and immediately turned right, heading down the long hospital hallway. My breath was stuck in my chest, as if my lungs refused to work. My heart thumped quickly inside me as I ran. I felt the side of my body begin to burn as the pain the specter had inflicted became apparent. Halfway down the hallway, I found a room and ducked into it to avoid the specter. My hand met my mouth to stop myself from breathing too heavily. My heart pounded so loudly in my chest I thought that it would give me away.

From down the hallway, I could hear the specter moving closer towards me. My eyes shut tight as the sound of footsteps came closer towards me. Closer and closer the footsteps of the creature passed by the room. It breathed heavily as it searched the hallway for me.

My muscles tightened.

I could feel the creature as it passed by the room.

One, two, three.

I counted in my head and then took off down towards the opposite end of the hallway. I ran back down the hallway, leaving the specter behind me. I had only fooled the creature for a moment, because almost immediately after I emerged from the room the sound of heavy footsteps running towards me echoed down the hall. I would have looked back, but I knew what chased after me, I knew the unending horror of what a monster like the specter could do to a man. I tried with all my might, to will my legs to move faster, but with no success. The noise from the creature behind me grew closer, and closer. Each step that I took down the hallway the creature gained another few feet on me, I knew that within a few seconds it would be on top of me again.

So in a split-second decision, I stopped to make a stand.

Author Interview


Did you always wanted to be a writer? If not what did you want to be?

Being truthful I'd have to say no, I've always been an artist and writing was an expansion on that. When I was really young I wanted to go into paleontology, but what I went to school for was history—because i wanted to teach.

When did you first consider yourself a “writer”?

After publishing my book, seeing it for the first time and handing it off to someone else. It's very fulfilling when you can show people what you've done and say you wrote something, after my book was published, that's when I first considered myself a writer.

How long did it take to get your first book published?

Because I self-published, it took as long as I dragged it out for. I looked for more 'traditional publishing' early on with my book and nothing ever stuck, but the one thing I didn't do was let it discourage me. After not getting picked up by a literary agent I made it my goal to get the book published on my own, it took a bit longer, but in the end it made me proud to know I'd accomplished what I'd set out to do.

Do you do another job except for writing and can you tell us more about it?

I do have another job outside of writing. Currently I work for the United States Air Force as a Department of Defense (DoD) civilian employee. I work on Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio doing security work at one of the facilities there.

What is the name of your latest book, and if you had to summarize it in less than 20 words what would you say?

The name of my latest book is The Shade, to summarize in 20 words will be a challenge but I'll give it a try: James Langley is trapped in The Shade, a world between life and death survival is not guaranteed.

Who is your publisher? Or do you self-publish?

As I stated above I tried traditional publishing, but ended up self-publishing.

How long does it usually take you to write a book, from the original idea to finishing writing it?

The first book took me almost three years; this was because of the time I could commit to it. After the first book, I wrote the two sequels that go along with it, and while those are not one hundred percent complete, it only took about three months to get them to where they are now.

What can we expect from you in the future? ie More books of the same genre? Books of a different genre?

Like I said in the question above I've written two other books to continue The Shade series. The two books are still being edited and currently do not have titles. They will be the same genre as The Shade, paranormal/urban fantasy. After finishing those books, I'd like to move on to mystery or detective type genre. I've always been fascinated with human nature and those types of books give me a lot of freedom to explore that.

What genre would you place your books into?

The Shade is a paranormal/urban fantasy book with some mystery.

What made you decide to write that genre of book?

I've always liked paranormal things, most of the books I read are science fiction and at a young age I acquired an unhealthy obsession with zombies. Most of my favorite movies are supernatural in nature (Shaun of the dead, Underworld, Resident Evil) I've always liked the genre, mainly for the same reasons writers like Sci-fi, you can invent something entirely new.

Do you have a favorite character from your books? And why are they your favorite?

I really enjoy writing many of the characters from my book; each one is sort of an extension of me so I like them all. If I had to pick a favorite however, I would go with Virgil. The first book began as ode to Dante Alighieri's The Inferno because I've always liked the idea presented in that book. Virgil was meant to be a guide for James but he is one of the most dynamic characters in the story. I don't want to give away anything but he is beyond important to the story as James grows throughout the three books.

How long have you been writing?, and who or what inspired you to write?

I've been writing for about four or five years now. Nothing ever inspired me to write, but rather, I had a story that I wanted to share and the book took shape after that.

Do you have a certain routine you have for writing? ie You listen to music, sit in a certain chair?

I do, most of the time when I write I'm in my living room. I can't write without listening to music, it lets me focus on what I'm doing and acts as a white noise for me.

Do you choose a title first, or write the book then choose the title?

I went through about four titles before settling on The Shade. I wrote the first and then as time wore on it was clear I needed a title for it. It went through a lot of different stages but I'm happy with the one I chose.

How do you come up with characters names and place names in your books?

It's sort of an odd thing, by that I mean, to manifest names out of thin air. I'm not exactly sure how I came up with James Langley and the other characters in my book, Virgil however, I had his name from the start. Virgil is Dante's guide through hell in The Inferno, I wanted to parallel that in the book so the name was fitting. The book is set in Eugene, Oregon. While I've never been to Eugene I've done extensive research on the city and what the climate, size, and layout are like.

Are character names and place names decided after their creation? Or do you pick a character/place name and then invent them?

The names are chosen before; it helps me to visualize the person better if I can put a name to a face. As far as places, Eugene is a real city; I also live close to a city around the same size. While not all cities are identical, it helped to use characteristics of one city to help visualize the other.

Do you decide on character traits (ie shy, quiet, tomboy girl) before writing the whole book or as you go along?

Those things are decided before; mostly I give character traits to help tell the story. Most of the time the characters will have traits to propel the story along. That being said, each one of my characters has morphed form the first manuscript I wrote, adding and subtracting different things to balance the characters within the story.

Are there any hidden messages or morals contained in your books? (Morals as in like Aesops Fables type of "The moral of this story is..")

There are messages in my book, I don't want to beat the read over the head with them, as in, there's no agenda to this book other than to make you think. The message also aren't hidden, the story is about redemption, and the overarching theme of the trilogy is redemption. We've all done things that we regret and sometimes it takes outsiders to help us quell or fix those things we've done.

Which format of book do you prefer, eBook, hardback, or paperback?

I can't get away from a good old fashion paperback.

What is your favorite book and Why? Have you read it more than once?

My favorite book, that's a tough question. I'd say it's a tie if graphic novels count, I've always liked Orson Scoot Cards Enders Game, The exploration of human nature and the sci-fi elements makes me come back to it from time to time. The other is the Scott Pilgrim graphic novel series, the stories in that series resonate with my life and things I've done so from time to time I will reread the series.

Do you think books transfer to movies well? Which is you favorite/worst book to movie transfer?

Yes and no. Can it be done, yes. Has it been done, partially. The best movie adaptation of a book has to be form the graphic novel Watchmen. The movie is three and a half hours long and nails everything in the book. The writers for the movie used the comic as a storyboard and used all of the same dialogue. The problem with movies becoming books is that no one is going to sit in a theater for six hours to watch a movie. That and the fact that movie producers will want to change things because they believe they need to be original to keep people who have read the books interested, which sometimes is not the case.

Your favorite food is?

Pizza, I can't go wrong with a pizza while I'm writing.

Your favorite singer/group is?

I really enjoy the music of Thrice, but I also like, the silversun pickups and a perfect circle.

Your favorite color is?


Your favorite Author is?

I'd say Orson Scott Card, despite his reputation/beliefs, I believe he is a fantastic author.



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About The Author



I am currently a part time writer and full time government employee. Reading and writing books is one of my favorite hobbies as I enjoy every part of the story telling process. I have been working on three full-length novels for the last three years. I grew up all around the world because my father was in the United States Air Force, the past ten years I have lived just outside of Dayton, Ohio, which is where I now reside with my wife and stepson.

Cover Reveal: Crane, Legends Saga Book 1 by @Rourkewrites


Presented by:


Title: Crane
Series: Legends Saga Book 1
Author: Stacey Rourke
Genre: NA paranormal 
Audience: Older teens and up 
Formats: eBook and print 
Publisher: Anchor Group Publishing 
Cover By: Najla Qamber Designs 
Editor: There for You Editing 
Expected Date of Publishing: May 26, 2014



The Horseman is unending,
his presence shan’t lessen.
If you break the curse,
you become the legend.
Washington Irving and Rip Van Winkle had no choice but to cover up the deadly truth behind Ichabod Crane’s disappearance. Centuries later, a Crane returns to Sleepy Hollow awakening macabre secrets once believed to be buried deep.
What if the monster that spawned the legend lived within you?
Now, Ireland Crane, reeling from a break-up and seeking a fresh start, must rely on the newly awakened Rip Van Winkle to discover the key to channeling the darkness swirling within her. Bodies are piling high and Ireland is the only one that can save Sleepy Hollow by embracing her own damning curse.
But is anyone truly safe when the Horseman rides?



authorgifThe Gryphon Series is written by Stacey Rourke. She lives in Michigan with her husband, two beautiful daughters, and two giant, drooly dogs. Stacey loves to travel, has an unhealthy shoe addiction and considers herself blessed to make a career out of talking to the imaginary people that live in her head. She is currently hard at work on the continuations of this series as well as other literary projects. The Gryphon Series is available wherever fine books are sold.


Contact Info: Visit the author at
Twitter @Rourkewrites
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Sunday, April 27, 2014

New Release!! Orenda by Ruth Silver




ORENDA by Ruth Silver

a Young Adult Fantasy Adventure series

published by Patchwork Press

Orenda Join forces with a parallel universe. Dark forces, magical creatures, and the world Lil thought she knew collide when a dream transports her to the strange world of Orenda. Stunned and terrified, Lil comes face to face with her doppelganger, Willow, who possesses the ability to travel between the two worlds. Everything Lil knows logically says that Orenda can't exist, but a small clue may be proof that it was more than an ordinary dream. With the threat of her younger sister in danger, Lil crosses dimensions but it may cost her even more than she bargained for. A sword wielding girl, the eternal suit, and a parallel universe come together in this action-packed Young Adult fantasy adventure that will keep readers of all ages turning the pages. Orenda is the first novel in the Orenda series.

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  Excerpt: Lil stood firm, sword-in-hand, staring at the beast as it flew directly at her. “How do I kill it?” She raised the sword above her head with two hands. Hudson glanced at her. “With what we taught you. The dragon is no different than a man.” “It has wings and is flying at me. I’d say it’s different!”   Ruth Silver author photo About the Author: Ruth Silver is the best-selling author of ABERRANT, a young adult dystopian adventure series published by Patchwork Press and Lazy Day Publishing, in 2013. Silver attended Northern Illinois University and graduated with a Bachelor's in Communication in the spring of 2005. While in college, she spent much of her free time writing with friends she met online and penning her first novel, Deuces are Wild, which she self-published in 2004. Her favorite class was Creative Writing senior year where she often handed in assignments longer than the professor required, because she loved to write and always wanted to finish her stories. Her love of writing led her on an adventure in 2007 to Melbourne, Australia. Silver enjoys reading, photography, traveling and most of all writing. She loves dystopian and fantasy young adult stories. Ruth has been actively writing since she was a teenager. Upcoming works include Royal Reaper, a young adult series about grim reapers, due for release June 3rd, 2014. She currently resides in Plainfield, Illinois. Website | Twitter | Facebook | Amazon Author Page | Goodreads


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New Release!! Dead Girl Walking by Ruth Silver


a Young Adult Paranormal Adventure

published by Patchwork Press

Dead Girl Walking

Forget everything you know about grim reapers.
Princess Ophelia Dacre sneaks out of the castle to visit her boyfriend in secret. A perfect night cut short when she’s brutally murdered.
Ophelia is given the rare chance to become a grim reaper. She must become Leila Bele, cut ties with her old life, and follow the rules of the reapers. Her greatest adventure begins with death.
“Forget everything you know about grim reapers, Ophelia. Humans have it wrong. It’s easier to believe in angels and demons, than to see what’s right in front of you. Who wants to believe the undead walk among us with beating hearts? It would frighten humans. It would probably send many to their graves faster,” Edon said.
Ruth Silver author photo

About the Author: Ruth Silver is the best-selling author of ABERRANT, a young adult dystopian adventure series published by Patchwork Press and Lazy Day Publishing. Silver attended Northern Illinois University and graduated with a Bachelor's in Communication in the spring of 2005. While in college, she spent much of her free time writing with friends she met online and penning her first novel, Deuces are Wild, which she self-published in 2004. Her love of writing led her on an adventure in 2007 to Melbourne, Australia. Silver enjoys reading, photography, traveling and most of all writing. She loves dystopian, paranormal, and fantasy young adult stories. Ruth has been actively writing since she was a teenager. She currently resides in Plainfield, Illinois.

Website | Twitter | Facebook | Amazon Author Page | Goodreads

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