Archangel's Desire

Monday, June 30, 2014

Book Blast & Giveaway: Honey and Her Bear by Lynn Richards

Honey and Her Bear Banner 450 x 169

Book Blast


clip_image002Honey and Her Bear

Lynn Richards

Genre: Paranormal

Publisher: Wolf Publishing

Date of Publication: May 15, 2014


Number of pages: 154

Word Count: 53,000

Amazon Amazon UK BN Smashwords

Book Description:

There was nothing ordinary about Honey Potts. From the tips of her Very Berry Pink toenails to the top of her curly auburn head, and every freckled mouthwatering inch of abundant skin in between, she was a force of nature that made Derek’s head spin.

For an experienced bear shifter like him, that could spell big trouble.

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“I’m burning up,” she said matter-of-factly, the grin tilting her luscious lips full of wicked mischief. “I thought I’d join you for a swim.” Keeping her eyes on his face, she toed off her tennis shoes and put her hands on the bottom of her sunny top and began to inch it upward.

“Like hell you are.” He made a cutting motion with his hand. “Dammit woman, keep that shirt on or I’ll…”



About The Author

Lynn Richards is the writing team of two best friends. They enjoy romance. Period. Their books always have a happily-ever-after. Writing is as necessary to them as breathing. Too bad that pesky thing called work interferes every day.

New Release: Two Week Seduction by @JadeLeeAuthor

Two Week Seduction - Tour Banner


TITLE – Two Week Seduction AUTHOR – Kathy Lyons (aka: Jade Lee) GENRE – Fun, Hot Contemporary Romance RELEASE DATE – 6/30 LENGTH (Pages/# Words) - 188 PUBLISHER – Brazen COVER ARTIST – Hot Damn Designs

Two Week Seduction - Book Cover


She’s going to break all of his rules...

Tech Sergeant John O’Donnell was never fond of his hometown. Too many reminders of poverty, his rocky family life, and the girl he was never allowed to have. Now he has exactly two weeks to sort out his mother’s finances before he heads back overseas. Two weeks that he’s determined to spend as far from his best friend’s little sister as possible.

Alea Heling has a naughty streak a mile wide. Sweet and simple? Boring. She’s been craving a bad boy like John since their wild days together in high school, and this time, she’s not taking no for an answer. But with every panty-meltingly hot encounter, Alea forgets one hard, cold reality—this soldier won’t let a fortnight turn into forever...and forever might be exactly what they both need.



2 Week Seduction - Teaser 2


“Thank you for your help,” he said. His voice was rusty, but clear enough.
She gasped in mock shock. “He speaks! Five words and it wasn’t rude!”
Against his will, his lips twitched. She always could make him smile when he least wanted to.
She leaned forward, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. “Let’s try something else. I know it’s dangerous—I mean, your head might explode or something—but I say we risk it. Give me a compliment.”

“Fishing?” he drawled.

She tsked. “That wasn’t a compliment. You’re supposed to say something nice. About me.”

He didn’t answer. Mostly because he was thinking of all the things he wanted to say. That her skin looked soft and her eyes were a changeable hazel that always kept him guessing. That her tits were round and full, just begging to be nipped. That she was small compared to his 6'3" frame, but she had legs long enough to wrap around his waist as he buried himself inside her. And that red hair, a bright red flash of color on her perfect body, was a scream of danger he lusted after.

While those thoughts spun through his mind, her expression soured. With a sigh, she grabbed his empty beer bottle and held it before his eyes. “Say something nice to me and I’ll get you another beer.”

She shook the bottle a little to grab his attention. It didn’t work. He was too busy watching how the breeze pressed her blouse flat against her chest. Her bra had lace, which meant texture, and he wondered what sound she’d make if he tugged it back and forth against her nipples.

“That’s a nice b-blouse.” Damn it, he’d almost said bra.
Her mouth flattened with a sigh. “I thought you’d like it.”
Alea leaned forward as she pushed to her feet. A curl of brown hair tumbled forward, pushing past the tiny gold hoop in her ear to dangle right before him. Without thinking, he grabbed the lock, winding it around his fingers. It wasn’t even long enough to pull into his fist. But it was close enough to hold her still. Her eyes widened in surprise and her mouth—those plump, pink lips—formed a perfect O.

God, he’d been gone so long. And she was so much of a woman now.
He wanted to say something, but he hadn’t the words. Just a thick want. He took a breath, trying to clear his head, but all he tasted on the air was her. A citrus scent, so appropriate to Florida and so missed when he was in Afghanistan. But there was another scent on top. The taste of woman, hot and spicy despite her demure yellow shirt.

He should let her go, but his fingers just wouldn’t cooperate. He tightened his hold. And when her hair started to slip through his grip, he pushed forward in his chair. He deserved one taste. He sacrificed so his country would be safe. One kiss was nothing when stacked up against that.

But if he was going to take her mouth—and he damn sure was—then he was going to take something else too...

2 Week Seduction - Teaser 1


KATHY LYONS writes light, funny, sexy stories for Harlequin Blaze. She loves the faster pace of category books and that her humor can shine through.

She leaves the dark, tortured love stories to her alter ego, Jade Lee.

Visit them both on the web at!



Tour Organized By:


Sunday, June 29, 2014

Book Blast, Giveaway & More: Entrusted by @AvaOShay


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covergifTitle: Entrusted
Author: Ava O’Shay
Audience: Young Adult
Genre: Paranormal
Formats: E-book and Paperback
Publisher: Ava O’Shay
Cover by: Raven Books and Design
Editor: Kara Leigh Miller
Pages: 314 pages
ISBN: 978-1499522761


How Far would you go to protect the people you love?
Seventeen-year old Emma wants what every teenage girl wants: good friends, good grades, and a good looking boyfriend who only has eyes for her. Little does she know that in order to get one, she must sacrifice the other two.

When Luke, Emma’s apparently devoted boyfriend, sets in motion a series of events, Emma finds herself in the middle of an ancient war strategically taking out anyone who gets close to her. Emma seeks refuge in a small coastal town and is introduced to Solomon, a mysterious Native American warrior. Unsure of who exactly are the good guys, Emma is hesitant to trust anyone. But when her feelings for Solomon begin to grow, Emma has difficulty remembering loving her may come at a high price. Now she must decide: can she trust Solomon with her heart? And just how far will she go to protect it?


I closed my eyes. I couldn’t look at him and say what I needed to say. I wanted to accept his help, I wanted so badly not to be alone but I was afraid. “I was told not to trust you. I need more time but he’ll come. He’ll eliminate you. That’s what he does.”
He leaned toward me, his tone stern. “You have to live the life you have been given. You did not cause nor deserve what has happened. Don’t force yourself to shut people out before you give them a chance. I’m stronger than you think.” His voice hovered over me. “You can trust me. I’ll never hurt you. And I’m not asking to be your friend. You have no choice in my involvement. Accept my help or not, I’m here to stay.”
My eyes were drawn to his. The pull toward him was overwhelming. I was losing my resolve.
“Why are you afraid of me?” His words turned soft and I wondered if I had heard them at all. “When I come…why are you afraid?”
“I don’t know who to believe.” I sighed. “My mind is being told too many things. I don’t know what I am. What you are. I am afraid for you. I don’t want to be responsible for another life.”
He took my hand and rubbed it against his cheek. So soft, I thought. No stubble. Flashes of Luke’s rough skin against my cheek when he’d finally kissed me slithered through my thoughts. My breath caught. I closed my eyes, trying to regain my own thoughts, to push the hard kiss from my mind. Luke’s words echoed through me. I was your first kiss.
Solomon leaned forward and touched his lips to my cheek, lingering briefly before moving away.

emma biologan bionick biosolomon bio
Three Doors Down
The Fray
Navajo Songs
Top Ten

My Top Ten Books

1. City of bones series Cassandra Claire

2. The Fault of Our Stars

3. Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell

4. Eighteen Reasons Why

5. Devoured by Emily Snow

6. Dear Emily Trudy Stiles

7. The Chop Chop series by L.N. Cronk

8. Must Love Otters by Eliza Gordon

9. The thoughtless series by S.C. Stephens

10. One Week Girlfriend Monica Murphy

1 x $10 Amazon GC
1 x Signed Paperback of Entrusted - USA Only
After many years trudging through the social awkwardness of high school and the whirl wind of college romances I finally landed in the Seattle area writing about the hell, horror, and don't forget hot romance of youth.
I love all things outdoors and can be found hiking, kayaking, mountain biking, or doing anything that will work up a good sweat. I love to interact with my readers and meet them at signings.
follow the tour
Tour Schedule - Two Week Blog Tour Entrusted by Ava O’Shay from June 23 to July 6, 2014.
June 23
Book Hostage - Spotlight with Excerpt
A One-click Addict's Book Blog - Spotlight with Excerpt & Playlist
Coffee Books & Art -Spotlight with Excerpt, Guest Post, Playlist, & Book Soundtrack
Hooked on Books - Review
Books, Brownies and Barkers - Review
Bound 2 Escape - Spotlight with Excerpt
MHZ Book Reviews and Giveaways - Spotlight with Excerpt
June 24
Angee's After Thoughts - Spotlight with Excerpt
Booky Ramblings of a Neurotic Mom - Spotlight with Excerpt & Top Ten
The Writing World - Spotlight with Excerpt, Guest Post, Playlist & Book Soundtrack
June 25
Breny's Book Obsession - Spotlight with Excerpt & Playlist
A Cauldron of Books - Spotlight with Excerpt, Dream Cast, Character Bio's, Guest Post, Book Soundtrack & Playlist
Books, Booze and Beyond - Spotlight with Excerpt, Review & Playlist
June 26
Crazy Beautiful Reviews - Spotlight with Excerpt
Book Nook Nuts - Spotlight with Excerpt
June 27
Once Upon a YA Book - Spotlight with Excerpt & Character Bio's
Angels with Attitude Book Reviews - Spotlight with Excerpt, Author Interview, Book Soundtrack & Playlist
Our New Generation for Reading - Spotlight with Excerpt
June 28
Books, Authors, Blogs - Spotlight with Excerpt
3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, &, Sissy, Too! - Spotlight with Excerpt
June 29
Sweet Treat Reading Reviews - Spotlight with Excerpt
Portals to new Worlds - Spotlight with Excerpt, Character Bio's, Dream Cast, Top Ten, Book Soundtrack & Playlist
June 30
Bookworm for Kids - Review
The Idle Musings of a Writer's Mind - Spotlight with Excerpt & Top Ten
July 1
Our New Generation for Reading - Spotlight with Excerpt
Kats Read - Spotlight with Excerpt & Book Soundtrack
July 2
Cajun Book Lover - Spotlight with Excerpt
The Phantom Paragrapher - Spotlight with Excerpt
July 3
Becca Anne's Book Reviews - Spotlight with Excerpt, Dream Cast & Character Bio's
Eclipse Reviews- Spotlight with Excerpt Character Bio's, Character Interview, Dream Cast, Book Soundtrack, Playlist
July 4
JeanzBookReadNReview - Spotlight with Excerpt & Book Soundtrack
Deal Sharing Aunt - Spotlight with Excerpt & Top Ten
Book Talk Reviews - Spotlight with Excerpt & Character Bio's
July 5
Living in a Bookworld - Spotlight with Excerpt, Dream Cast, Playlist & Book Soundtrack
Night Owl Reviews - Spotlight with Excerpt
Fiction Dreams - Spotlight with Excerpt & Author Interview 
July 6
Dalene's Book Reviews - Spotlight with Excerpt, Review & Character Bio's
Bajgajka Loves Books And Giveaways - Spotlight with Excerpt, Dream Cast, Character Bio's, Top Ten, Book Soundtrack & Playlist
The Avid Reader - Spotlight with Excerpt, Author Interview, Dream Cast, Character Bio's, Book Soundtrack, Playlist

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Cover Reveal: Forgiveness by AJ Best

Forgiveness - Happy Anniversary


Cover Reveal Tour Banner

Title – Forgiveness Author – AJ Best Genre – Erotica Publication Date – 6/28/14 Length (Pages/# Words) - 6,000 Publisher – Secret Cravings Publishing Cover Artist – Dawne Domonique



Mary is prepared for the anniversary of a lifetime. Ten years of wonderful memories fill her mind. She can’t wait to see what the next ten will bring. When her plans for early morning seduction fail, her mind jumps to worst case scenarios.

Joe’s attention, focused elsewhere, may be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. Will he be able to come up with a good reason for forgetting their anniversary?

As the day continues, will the answers Mary finds leave her in tears? Will she find the next ten years dreams shattered before her? Only Joe holds the answers to the questions her heart asks.

Amazon Kindle LinkBarnes & Nobles Nook LinkGoodreads LinkShelfari Link

Forgiveness - 2 Years


It seemed more and more lately that no matter how hard she tried, he looked right through her. It was infuriating and heart breaking. She'd had enough heartbreak during the past year to last her a lifetime. Her mother had been sick battling cancer all last year. Unfortunately she’d lost the battle. She’d made sure to pass on information to Mary while on her deathbed though.

Something Mary had never seen coming. She was adopted. Her world felt as if she had lost all control.

The adoption information that her mother had left with her will quickly found its way into the trash. Why would she want to find someone who didn't want her? She had enough instances of that in her own home. She did wonder, after a year, if she had reacted too rashly. You never know when you'll need family, and if she met her biological mother maybe she could figure out who she was, inside and out.

Mary plopped herself on the bed and let out a huge rush of air. There was no way Joe hadn’t noticed her outfit. She had bought it specifically for their ten-year anniversary night.

She remembered how she had anxiously awaited this evening and decided that she would make it perfect no matter how she was feeling. Every year on this day, they left the house at four twenty five and drove to the lake where he had romantically declared his undying love and proposed to her. He always hired a horse drawn carriage. The prancing steed would take them from the lake to a lovely candlelit dinner for two. After having one too many glasses of wine and a wonderful meal, they would enjoy a leisurely stroll to the theater. Wicked was currently playing on Broadway, and she couldn’t wait to hear the music that made her soul dance and her heart soar. Re-reading the book several times had her excited, and she knew the night would be perfect.

Then reality reared its ugly head.

Carefully she unlaced her corset and tossed the silky white thong in the corner; it still held the dampness from her unquenched desire.

"I can't believe I wasted my time and effort on this. Sometimes my husband is such a jerk," when she took a look around it dawned on her that she was talking to herself. Another deep breath and swish of hair and she mused, "I guess its okay to talk to myself as long as I don't answer back, huh CC?"

She slipped her silk robe on quickly and snatched the cat from his slumberous repose. He squirmed to free himself but Mary kissed his little nose first. "Don't be like your daddy, at least notice I'm here." She placed the cat gently on the bed and started her morning ritual. Getting ready for work was the last thing she was interested in.

Forgiveness - Author Photo


Writing books has been a long time in coming for me. When I was younger, my father and I lived in a town where a kid could run the streets all ‘willy nilly’. When I was old enough to babysit myself I was off and running. To where you may ask, the library. At the time the library was in an old shop on a street in town. The children’s books were in the back room and that was where I spent my days. I was never without an adventure in my hands, and I never failed to finish the summer reading program with books to spare. My love for reading didn’t stop there. My mother is an avid reader and she acquired most of her books from a exchange shop. You would purchase your books there, and return them for partial credit and get more. One night I was left with a bag of to be returned books. It was a Piers Anthony book, Night Mare to be exact. I devoured that book and any other that he has written. I currently am the proud owner of at least 70 of his books. I’m working toward getting them all, I wish he’d quit writing so quickly.

The writing bug caught me when my 12th grade English teacher wanted to use MY essay to show the class. He put it on projector film and everything. I was so excited. The assignment was to pick a month and write about it. Of course, being the child that I was I had to be difficult about it. The rest of the class chose June, July, April and went on and on about how lovely and warm and all of the fun things you can do. Mine was about December. I still remember the first line (and may have the transparency somewhere in my mess); December spreads her snow-filled wings and covers our world in cold despair.

From that paper on, you couldn’t stop me from writing. I found a few poems I had typed on an actual manual typewriter, and became a poet. I had a recurring nightmare, I wrote it down. I dreamed a dream and if I could remember it (which is harder now that I am older) I wrote that too.

In 2003 I started my first full blown manuscript. I still only have four chapters completed, but I swear I will finish it someday. I guess the short attention span has brought me full circle on writing short stories.

So, I guess that’s where I am today. Waiting for the first query letter to come through and make me a published writer. People ask me if I am a writer, and I firmly believe and tell them YES. I write, so that makes me a writer. I may not be published yet, but I will be.

I absolutely love to get email though sometimes with the scattered mind of a writer it takes a few days to get back to you! So please forgive me if I don’t get back to you right way, but I CERTAINLY will get back to you! - See more at:


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Anniversary Reveal Organized By:


Friday, June 27, 2014

Book Blast, Giveaway & Interview: Boneseeker by @rrsmythe

Boneseeker Banner 450 x 169_thumb[1]


Book Blast




Brynn Chapman

Genre: YA Historical Romance/ Mystery

Publisher: Month 9

Date of Publication: June 18 2014

ISBN 978-1-939765-38-3 print

ISBN 978-1-939765-38-3 Paperback

ISBN 978-1-939765-66-6 E-Pub

ISBN 978-1-939765-67-3 Mobi/Kindle

Number of pages: approximately 300

Word Count: 63000

Book Description:

Arabella Holmes was born different and raised different. After it became apparent she wouldn't fit the role of a proper 1900's lady, her father, Sherlock, called in some lingering favors, and landed her a position at the Mutter Museum. The museum was Arabella's dream; she was to become a purveyor of abnormal science. What her father called a BoneSeeker.

Henry Watson arrives at the Mutter Museum with a double assignment--to become a finder of abnormal antiquities and to watch over and keep Arabella Holmes. An easy task, if he could only get her to speak to him instead of throwing knives in his general direction.

But this is no time for child's play. The two teens are assigned to a most secret exploration, when the hand of a Nephilim is unearthed in upstate New York. Soon, Arabella and Henry are caught in a fight for their lives as scientific debate swirls around them. Are the bones from a Neanderthal ... or are they living proof of fallen angels, who supposedly mated with humans according to ancient scrolls?

Sent to recover the skeleton, they discover they are the second team to have been deployed and the entire first team is dead. And now they must trust their instincts and rely on one another in order to survive and uncover the truth.

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Author Interview

Did you always wanted to be a writer? If not what did you want to be?

I always loved to tell myself stories, and was an avid reader. Every English teacher I had, encouraged me to write…but I never really considered it till I was older. This will sound corny, but it is true—I wanted to help people-thus why I chose medicine first.


When did you first consider yourself a “writer”?

I can’t say. I will say you learn more about it and the process with every book and year.


How long did it take to get your first book published?

9 months


Do you do another job except for writing and can you tell us more about it?

I am a pediatric therapist, specializing in autism, sensory processing and feeding disorders.


What is the name of your latest book, and if you had to summarize it in less than 20 words what would you say?

Boneseeker. Here is a tweet form: Holmes, daughter of. Watson, son of. Skeleton-antiquities-murder-fallen angel or Neanderthal? Love or not to love?


Who is your publisher? Or do you self-publish?

The fabulous Month 9. Thank you, Georgia McBride.


How long does it usually take you to write a book, from the original idea to finishing writing it?

Typically 9 months. The past year I’ve had numerous live events, and am juggling several books—so a little longer.


What can we expect from you in the future?  ie More books of the same genre? Books of a different genre?

I tend to write in historical fantasy or historical mystery with strong romantic elements—both adult and ya. Occasionally I swing toward horror. Always with strong romantic elements.


What genre would you place your books into?

See above.


What made you decide to write that genre of book?

Not really a choice—that’s where my brain resides.


Do you have a favorite character from your books? And why are they your favorite?

That is like choosing your favorite child. You love them all for different reasons. I will say Henry and Bella have a fabulous chemistry.


How long have you been writing?, and who or what inspired you to write?

Seriously since 2005.


Do you have a certain routine you have for writing? ie You listen to music, sit in a certain chair?

It depends on the season—summer on my deck. Winter, hidden in a Panera nook. Sometimes summer as well if I need to finish something and the house is chaotic.


Do you read all the reviews of your book/books?

I do.


Do you choose a title first, or write the book then choose the title?

Titles are almost always last for me. Books always have a weird working title, typically based on the setting.


How do you come up with characters names and place names in your books?

Setting is usually a bit of history I find about the place. Names take awhile. They often change till I find the precise one.


Do you decide on character traits (ie shy, quiet, tomboy girl) before writing the whole book or as you go along?

No, the people form on their own. I know the basic story—but it too often veers where it will.


Are there any hidden messages or morals contained in your books? (Morals as in like Aesops Fables type of "The moral of this story is..")

If they are, they are general.


Which format of book do you prefer, eBook, hardback, or paperback?

All, please.


What is your favorite book and Why?  Have you read it more than once?

Jane Eyre. Countless times. Austen as well.

The gothic feel of Jane Eyre, and her quiet strength.


Do you think books transfer to movies well? Which is you favorite/worst book to movie transfer?

Sometimes LOL. Well, come on. I shall have to say, Lord of the Rings.


Your favorite food is?



Your favorite singer/group is?

Changes weekly


Your favorite color is?

This year, purple.


Your favorite Author is?

Jane Austen.



  About The Author


Born and raised in western Pennsylvania, Brynn Chapman is the daughter of two teachers. Her writing reflects her passions: science, history and love—not necessarily in that order. In real life, the geek gene runs strong in her family, as does the Asperger’s syndrome.

Her writing reflects her experience as a pediatric therapist and her interactions with society’s downtrodden. In fiction, she’s a strong believer in underdogs and happily-ever-afters. She also writes non-fiction and lectures on the subjects of autism and sensory integration and is a medical contributor to online journal The Age of Autism.

Connect with the Author: Website Twitter Goodreads