Archangel's Desire

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Cover Reveal: The Right Chord by @radefranco


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covergifTitle: The Right Chord
Series: Brothers of Audubon Springs # 3
Author: RoseAnn DeFranco
Audience: Adult
Genre: Romance
Formats: E- Book & Paperback
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Cover by: Debbie Taylor
Editor: DJ Hendrickson
Pages: 258 pages
Expected Date of Publishing: August 6, 2014

Years in the cutthroat L.A. music industry have Kit Maggio yearning for love and acceptance in her hometown, Audubon Springs. Her position as a Theater Arts professor doesn't erase years of being shoved aside by her family. Her baby sister is getting married, and her high school sweetheart doesn't recognize her. Will she ever find what she needs?
Vince Iuliano never imagined he'd be a single dad. Vowing no woman will ever again break his daughter's heart, he focuses on providing a happy and stable home. But when the love of his life rents the house next door, can he take a chance on happiness?
Vince never forgot Kit. Setting out to earn her forgiveness, they fall back into the rhythm of love and heat, much like the songs they wrote as teens. When L.A. calls, will Kit go, or stay and write her greatest love song?


Kit rubbed her eyes and swung the door open to find a bright-eyed Vince Iuliano holding a box of doughnuts.
“What are you doing ringing my doorbell?” She hissed and stepped through the door, pushing him out onto the porch in the process.
“I thought you ladies might need these.” He held up the box of doughnuts.
“Is it Advil?” Katelyn appeared at the door. “Isn’t that the guy you kissed last night?”
“No, it is not.” She shooed her away and shut the door.
“I think you forgot something at the bar,” Vince said.
“What’s that?”
“Your dignity?”
“Look, it was a dare! I had to kiss the next guy who walked through the door. I took one for the team.”
He stared for a long moment then reached out and touched her sticky hair. “The party continue here last night?”
“You have a lot of nerve ringing my doorbell when you know what kind of shape I’m in right now.” Vince smiled. “Jerk. Are those for me?” She nodded to the doughnuts.
“They might be.”
“If you’re here for an apology, forget it. I’m not going to apologize.”
“Good. Did it seem like I was complaining?”
A rush of heat on her skin against the brisk morning air caused goose bumps to rise on her skin. Dear God in heaven, he was flirting. “I’m not sure. I can’t remember.” It was a lie. Even through her drunken haze and fuzzy memory, she recalled with startling clarity the sizzling chemistry of that kiss. It was an experience she wanted to repeat over and over again but wouldn’t. “So, what, you tracked me down to bring me hangover doughnuts?”
“No, consider them a welcome to the neighborhood present.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m your landlord, and your soon to be neighbor.” He motioned to the house next door where several guys unloaded windows from a truck.
“You’re joking.”
“No, it needs some work before we move in, but it shouldn’t take too long.”
“I dealt with a woman for the lease to this house. Annie O’Malley.”
“Annie O’Malley Iuliano, my sister-in-law.”
She stared, mouth gaping. “Here you go.” He handed her the doughnuts. “I don’t know how many women are passed out inside, so if it’s not enough, just let us know and we’ll get you more. Oh, and the carpet is new so if there’s any damage, please take care of it right away. Management frowns on that stuff.”
“Anything else?”
“Yeah. I’ll see you at the wedding.” He flashed a smile, his dimples winking wickedly managed to make her throat grow dry.
“Figured that out, did you?”
“Just, make sure to save a dance for me.”
“In your dreams.”
ReturntoAudubonSprings_8071_750Title: Return To Audubon Springs
Series: Brothers of Audubon Springs # 1
Pages: 248 pages
ISNB: 978-1-62830-101-4 D
Date Published: 3 January 2014


When Emma Grant returns to her family's Audubon Springs beach house to fulfill the stipulations of her father's will, she has every intention of forcing her former lover out of the house for good. She's never fit into her wealthy family and would prefer avoiding her past, but with her brother threatening to reveal her young daughter, she has no choice.
Rafe Iuliano has other plans. The wealthy Grants tried to bribe him out of Emma's life years ago, but he's determined to prove once and for all that a master carpenter is worthy of Emma and the house.
Their ridiculous and steamy battle for the house reignites the love and passion that bloomed between them years ago. But when Rafe discovers she's kept their daughter a secret for two years, can he overcome anger and pride to claim his family and the love of his life, or will the deception drive a final wedge between them?

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Title: Secondhand Romance
Series: Brothers of Audubon Springs # 2
Pages: 248 pages
ISNB: 978-1-62830-173-1
Date Published: 9 April 2014


Annie O'Malley's dream of owning a secondhand bookstore in tight-knit Audubon Springs is coming true. Still reeling from her parents' sudden deaths, she believes that signs or messages can be found within the pages of books. She loves her job and has made plenty of friends but longs for the acceptance only love and a family can provide.
Tony Iuliano is there to fix the wiring in her shop. He doesn't believe in fate, magic, or the power of a good book. All this combined with his sexy-as-sin presence and all-knowing attitude infuriates Annie. The quirky bookworm intrigues him enough to accept her bet to read a book from her shop. When he discovers a stack of fifty-year-old love letters in the book, he wants to leave the past alone, but seeing it as a sign, Annie challenges him to read the letters and search for the long-lost lovers or lose the bet.
While shaking the dust off several ill-fated romances and fighting their attraction at every turn, the pair soon become the town gossip daily special. If they can stop arguing long enough, they may just discover this particular sign was meant for them all along.

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about the author
clip_image008RoseAnn DeFranco grew up in upstate NY with her nose in a book and a song in her heart. Following the pursuit of a musical theatre career in NYC, she turned her creative energy to writing funny, steamy romance with heart. A NJ shore transplant, she enjoys time spent at the beach with her family and would love to one day live in a quaint shore town like the fictional town from her BROTHERS OF AUDUBON SPRINGS series. More information about these Humorous Contemporary Romances can be found at


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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Book Blast, Giveaway & Interview: Burdened by @peiriann

Burdened Banner 450 x 169_thumb[1]


Book Blast




A Burdened Novel

Book 1

Peiri Ann

Genre: Paranormal Romance

ISBN: 9780991381104


Number of pages: ebook (381)

Number of pages: paperback (423)

Word Count: 142K

Book Description:

Tracey Warren has everything an eighteen year old girl should. She lives a life of expectancies; go to school, please her parents, party with friends, and revel in life as a young adult.

That is until she experiences an unexpected life changing accident caused by Nathan Newcomb; an illegally attractive yet perplexed guy who has her fumbling over her words and cracking her head on the concrete. In being enthralled by his overwhelming existence, Tracey neglects his promise of death (which never falls short of Nathan) and in ignoring his guarantee, she chooses to give into love over sanity and risks her life for the opportunity of being with him.

Nathan, knowing the risks gives into this want to have Tracey presuming it may be better to jeopardize their possible ending, than to allow her to endure the pain of his devoid. Nonetheless, with him being a burdened Sephlem, not only are they burdened by their adversaries who will risk everything but the exposure of their existence to see Nathan fall. But Nathan and Tracey come to find that their most sinister enemies lie under their same roof and regrettably share the same bloodline.

Book Trailers: and

Available at Amazon and BN



I wake up on a bed, in what seems to be the nurse’s office. It smells of rubbing alcohol and those blue, hockey puck-looking tablets that are thrown in the toilet and turn the water blue. It doesn’t stink, but it is not helping my headache any, either. My ass hurts and my head is pounding.

Pushing myself to sit up, the room begins to spin. It adds a nauseous feeling to my problems. Moving with more precaution, I slowly reach for my head. Stopping when I see a figure moving in my peripheral vision.

I want to look, but out of fear of what I might see, I will not, because if it’s him—the hot guy that hit me in the parking lot—and I barf, this situation could get a whole lot more embarrassing.

Without turning my head, I peek out of the corners of my eyes.

There they are—those masculine, broad shoulders even a concussion cannot make you forget. Clearly!

Wait—is he sleeping? His shoulders are moving steadily and calm. He can’t be just staring at me and not saying anything. I question turning my head, not only because I don’t want him to see me look at him, but also because I fear my worsening headache.

Unable to not look, I turn my head, taking less than a second. Maybe even a millisecond.

“What are you doing?” Busted! “Practicing for the exorcist?” he retorts sarcastically.

I’m caught. What type of an excuse can I use for this? Trying not to turn my head fast to look at you, in case you were looking at me. NO!

“Um, I was, um, trying to…stretch…my…neck slowly…to avoid, making my head hurt worse,” I say stupidly, taking one word at a time, just to implicate I was saying each word as it came into my head.

He gets up from the chair and walks in my direction.

That walk. He seems to sway across the floor, his shoulders moving with each step. Left foot, right shoulder, right foot, left shoulder. I quickly peek at him, hoping he doesn’t see. I notice that he doesn’t slouch and his jaw is tight.

I look away as he gets closer. I have no idea what he is going to do or say. I do know he’s close and I want him to touch me again. As long as I don’t pass out…again.

His hands are in his pockets as he approaches the bedside. “Would you like to go get some ibuprofen for your head?” he asks, bending over, looking at my forehead. Well, I assume he’s looking at my forehead. “The nurse is still here, and she has been waiting for you to come to.” Hands still in his pockets. “You feeling okay?”

I must be looking foolishly, because he said that as if it was the second time he’d asked me. “Umm, yeah, I think so.”

“Okay, let’s go see what the nurse has for you. Maybe she can do something about your headache.” With his hands still in his pockets, he offers me his arm to grab.

Author Interview

Did you always wanted to be a writer? If not what did you want to be?

I always wanted to be a writer or a psychologist.

When did you first consider yourself a “writer”?

This happened when my first book was finished and I started writing the second.

How long did it take to get your first book published?

8 months.

Do you do another job except for writing and can you tell us more about it?

Yes, besides writing (although I write at my other job) I am in baking operations where I monitor assist with account management and get jealous when I see figures like XXX,XXX,XXX.00. SMH

What is the name of your latest book, and if you had to summarize it in less than 20 words what would you say?

My Latest book is Burdened. 20 words or less: A riveting novel that will send readers on a ride of thrill and suspense with a romantic core.

Who is your publisher? Or do you self-publish?

I self-pub

How long does it usually take you to write a book, from the original idea to finishing writing it?

Three months tops (not including rereads) depending on how many books I’m writing.

What can we expect from you in the future?  ie More books of the same genre? Books of a different genre?

In the near future there is a sci-fi/paranormal novel releasing. A little less romance than my current book Burdened. And of course the remaining books in the series A Burdened Novel.

What genre would you place your books into?

Paranormal romance.

What made you decide to write that genre of book?

I love romance with a twist and supernatural characters and activities.

Do you have a favorite character from your books? And why are they your favorite?

Nathan from Burdened was my fav until I wrote Marc (from Diminish) and his characteristics flooded onto the pages. He is certain about everything and things must be done a certain way in order for him to adhere to them. He became my favorite when he said, “So I can be sure and have you and not feel guilty about it. And not pull you and then push you away. But then…I want for you to walk away, leave me alone and take my interest in you and the temptation for you away with you because I know who and what I am and my real wants don't matter.” To Kylie.

How long have you been writing?, and who or what inspired you to write?

I have been writing for thirteen years starting off with poetry.

Do you have a certain routine you have for writing? ie You listen to music, sit in a certain chair?

This comfy spot of my couch where the cushions separate, with my legs crossed Indian style, and the laptop in my lap. (The best scenes and characters come to me when I’m like that.) And yes, the music is playing soft so it’s not distracting but loud enough for me hear and subconsciously nod my head to the beat.

Do you read all the reviews of your book/books?

Yes, I like to know what the readers thought about it. Negative or positive.

Do you choose a title first, or write the book then choose the title?

I write the book and then choose the title.

Are character names and place names decided after their creation? Or do you pick a character/place name and then invent them?

My characters are invented first, and then they are named. It just happens this way. Unless it’s a character that is in a book for one scene, they will be named and forgotten. The places of my books are usually picked first and then the story is written, unless they move around in the book.

Do you decide on character traits (ie shy, quiet, tomboy girl) before writing the whole book or as you go along?

My characters traits are mostly written as I go along. But for another book I’m working on I figured out the traits and then created the character.

Are there any hidden messages or morals contained in your books? (Morals as in like Aesops Fables type of "The moral of this story is..")

The hidden message in my series for Burdened is… we have to be careful of the choices we make. Yes, we only get one life to live and we want to make the most out of it. But we also want to make sure we maintain our life which could be subjective to the choices we make in our life.

Which format of book do you prefer, eBook, hardback, or paperback?

I would prefer eBooks. They are conveniently located on my phone and I carry them with me everywhere.

Do you think books transfer to movies well? Which is you favorite/worst book to movie transfer?

They don’t there always feels like there is something missing when a book is turned into a book. But I like what they did with the Hunger Game and Fault of Our Stars. Both of those wowed me when comparing them to the book. Also A Walk to Remember and we can’t forget the Notebook.

Your favorite food is?

I love peanut butter.

Your favorite singer/group is?

These change frequently, right now I’m loving Bruno Mars and slow shifting to Sam Smith. For group I’m Imagine Dragons all the way.

Your favorite color is?

Burnt orange

Your favorite Author is?

My fav author alive is Stephen King.


  About The Author


A love for reading transpired into an admiration for writing at a young age for Peiri Ann. Starting off in writing poetry and short stories she indulged in the possibilities of creating new worlds and lives to live within them opening a window of unanticipated possibilities. In high school a pin and notebook never left her grasps and in college the pin was replaced by a keyboard and the notebook replaced by a computer screen. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and certified in business management.

When Peiri Ann is not writing, reading, doing homework, or working in the downtown of Chicago she enjoys spending time with her little girl, watching action flicks, and spooning peanut butter from the jar as a midnight snack.

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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Cover Reveal: Fangs & Fame by @theedgeofwords


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COVERGIFTitle: Fangs And Fame
Series: Blood And Guitars, #3
Author: Heather Jensen
Audience: New Adult/Adult
Genre: Paranormal Fantasy
Formats: E-book and Paperback
Publisher: Heather Jensen
Cover by: Indie Designz
Pages: 350 pages
Expected Date of Publishing: August 25, 2014
Trey and Aurora have hit the road with Catalyst for the Until Sanity Tour. For Trey, adjusting to life as a vampire while getting on stage in front of screaming fans every night proves difficult. The limelight forces him to do things he swore he wouldn't, like feeding from the occasional fan. Keeping his secret from the band is harder than Trey expected, and the dull ache of hunger is always with him. Aurora tries to help Trey adjust while attempting to further her career from the road. She continues to paint, determined not to lose herself in the media maelstrom that comes with being married to Trey Decker.
But strange vampires are popping up at concerts, and the newlyweds realize they may be in over their heads. They owe a powerful vampire a favor, and he’s come to collect. But the price is too high, and Trey’s band mates are at risk of becoming collateral damage. Will Trey and Aurora be able to thwart the forces working against them and ensure that everyone they love is still around to share in their success in the end?
(Trey's Point of View)
I hadn't been on stage for all of five minutes when I felt the little buzz of power vibrating in the back of my skull. I was careful not to let it throw me off my game as I casually searched the crowd for the source. My first thought was that my vampire stalker was back, but she hadn’t generated a power buzz like this one. Aurora was backstage tonight – not like I’d mistake her power signature for anyone else’s – but it was clear that at least one vampire was standing in the crowd. When the song we were playing ended, I took my guitar off and walked back to the stand Chase and his drums were perched on. I grabbed a bottle of water and took a big drink, just to give myself some time to think. O’Shea started telling the crowd a story – leave it to him to fill in the silence – and I turned back around to scan for potential vamps again while he spoke. It took a moment, but I spotted him. He was sitting in the third row from the front, off to the left. He was even wearing a black suit, kind of like the ones the Emissary wear, but I couldn’t tell whether it had their emblem embroidered on the breast pocket or not. I met his gaze and held it, letting him know that I’d found him. He stared right at me in that way that vamps do when you just know they’re trying to read your soul, one wispy layer at a time.
He wasn’t just here for the show. That much was obvious. If he was Emissary, what on earth was he doing at a Catalyst concert? Certainly the Emissary had more important things to do than check up on Aurora and I, like tracking down Malena, for one. And if he wasn’t Emissary, well, that was even more confusing. I wished Aurora were sitting there in the front row. At least that way I would know she was trying to decipher the same questions I was. At least that way I would know she was safe. Instead, she was enjoying the show on a screen from the backstage lounge tonight, while simultaneously snapping pictures of several paintings to upload to her website so she could ship them back to The Waking Moon.
Then I realized there were two of them.
The second one was dressed like the first and was sitting in the lowest section off the floor to my left. He met my gaze as well, and I had to force myself to look away so the camera wouldn’t catch my stare-down on the big screens. O’Shea’s voice broke through my thoughts, and I heard him asking the crowd if it was okay if we slowed things down for a minute. The cheering that resulted was my cue to at least try and forget about the vamp in the crowd.
Like that was going to happen.
I set my water bottle down by my mic stand and leaned into the mic. “Let me see those cell phones in the air,” I said as the guys starting playing the intro to “Sweet Disguise.” I strapped my guitar back on and waved one hand back and forth to direct the crowd until the verse began. As I sang, I scanned the crowd again for the mystery vamps but they were both gone. I tried not to worry about it, not to wonder where they had gone and why they’d left in such a hurry, but it was easier said than done. I couldn’t for the life of me imagine why they were here. Even if I’d wanted to warn Aurora, I wasn’t capable of sifting through all the thought trails in the building to find hers. I’d tried on several occasions, but I could never quite manage to hone in on her specifically through all the energized, almost frantic thoughts, coming my way – more than half of which were about me.
The rest of the set seemed especially long after that, which made me feel like crap. The crowd was really into us, and I did my best not to be distracted. I’m even pretty sure it worked, but I was more than relieved when we finished the last song before the encore. I made my way to the dressing room at last. Aurora was sitting at her laptop, and jumped up when we all came into the room.
“I’m ready, I swear,” she said, hurrying over to the makeup chair as Chase plopped down in it for his zombie makeover.
I changed into my tattered suit, suddenly feeling more than a little ridiculous about the paranoia that had rattled my brain throughout the show.
Aurora was here. She was fine. In fact, everything seemed fine.
I started to wonder if I’d seen the vampires in the crowd at all. It didn’t make sense, anyway. Why would a vampire make an appearance in the crowd just to completely vanish moments later? Maybe I really had imagined the whole thing. Maybe I was in worse shape than I realized. I made a mental note to down some blood from the stash first thing after we finished here. I couldn’t help but scan the crowd again for the vamps when I took the stage as a zombie for the encore. No buzzing power, and no Emissary-looking mystery vamps. I was mostly relieved, and I focused on giving the fans the best zombie performance I knew how to give. Aurora was waiting for me in the lounge and we headed for the bus together. It wasn’t until we were about to climb the bus’s steps that we both felt it at the same time.
A power signature.
Aurora froze, her foot hovering just above the bottom step. She looked over her shoulder at me and said, “We have a visitor.”
hardbackstandingstraight_890x1110Title:   Blood And Guitars
Book # or Vol #  1           
Pages: 358 pages    
ISBN-10: 1463511884 and ISBN-13: 978-1463511883
When Aurora meets Trey, a famous singer and musician, she’s only hoping to get her fill of human blood for the week. The last thing Aurora expects is for Trey to make her feel alive for the first time since she was, well, alive. It begins with a casual painting lesson at her art studio, The Waking Moon, and quickly turns into a forbidden romance. Aurora is forced to hide her true identity from Trey, while keeping her relationship with the human a secret from other vampires in her Brood.

Trey’s band is recording a new album and with Aurora as his muse, Trey is writing songs like never before. After being hired by their record label to paint the cover of the new album, Aurora has a legitimate reason for spending so much time with Trey and his band mates. Aurora can’t deny the unexpected connection she has with Trey, which is fueled by glimpses into his emotions every time they share a kiss. Caught between two worlds, Aurora must attend celebrity award shows and vampire rituals, find time to feed, and protect Trey from the dangers of the night, all while preserving her secrets.
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hardbackstandingstraight (4)Title:  Immortals And Melodies
Book # or Vol #  2      
Pages: 264 estimated      
Catalyst frontman Trey is no stranger to chaos, but even the life of a rock star couldn't prepare him for the consequences of loving a vampire. Trey's life is in danger; threatened by the very group he must join to stay alive. His struggle to continue his career and release a new album with the band is marred by events that force him to ask a powerful Synod Elder for help.
Aurora has to keep Trey alive until she can make him a vampire, but her own kind will stop at nothing to prevent it. The head of the Emissary is having her followed, and if she can't figure out who is behind the violent attacks, Trey might not make it to the full moon. As Aurora battles her own kind, she's also plagued by the risk she's taking by changing Trey. Will her moon-given power be enough to carry Trey through the change, or will he be left floating in the wake of destruction?
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about the author
imageI write fantasy for teens and adults. I've been creating stories for as long as I can remember. I'm also an avid reader, and I blame Amelia Atwater-Rhodes and her book "In The Forests Of The Night" for my vampire obsession. I absolutely love vampires and anything paranormal, but I enjoy fantasy of all kinds.
 I'm addicted to Oreos and Raspberry Dr. Pepper from Swig. When I'm not writing I enjoy traveling, playing board and card games, killing zombies on the Xbox with my hubby, and spending time with friends and family.
 Music has always been a passion of mine. I've been playing drums since I was 12. I also love playing guitar, singing, and going to concerts.
 My favorite color is green, and the uglier the shade the better. I get bored of my hairstyle easily which has resulted in me having many looks in the last ten years.
 I live in Southern Utah with my husband and son. I'm currently preparing for the release of the third installment in the Blood And Guitar series, Fangs And Fame, which will be out August 25, 2014.
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