Archangel's Desire

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Book Blast, Giveaway & Top Ten: Lip Service by Adele Downs @Adele_Downs

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Book Blast


clip_image002_thumb[1]Lip Service

Adele Downs

Print Length: 116 pages

Publisher: Boroughs Publishing Group

Release Date: April 27, 2015


Genre: Hot contemporary romance

Book Description:

Getting Between Jack…

Orphaned at a young age, Legs Anderson owes her Aunt Ada everything. The stoic old lady raised her, and Ada’s warnings about men—and the Harris boys in particular—have stuck, even after her death. Of course, that could be because Ada stuck around, too.

…And His Legs

Patience is not one of Jack Harris’ virtues, and he’s waited too long to start a life with the woman he’s loved since childhood instead of them just knocking boots. Now Ada is interfering from beyond the grave, haunting the old Victorian house she bequeathed to her niece and reinforcing Legs’s fears of commitment.

But Jack won’t give up. No matter what trouble may follow, the house will be renovated, Ada will learn to let go, Legs will put her money where her mouth is… then Jack’ll put his lips everywhere else.

Available at Boroughs Publishing ARe

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"Move in with me, dammit. You’re the most stubborn woman I ever knew.”

Legs topped his coffee cup with fresh brew, easy as you please. “No more stubborn than you, since you keep askin’ the same old question. I have my own place.”

Jack frowned and stabbed his egg yolks, making them run. “Then let me live with you.”

“In my aunt’s house?” Legs asked like he was crazy.

“It’s your house now.”

“I’m trying to fix it up. I have to patch and paint. There’s no room for your things.”

“I’ll help you and then you’ll have plenty of space for me. And my stuff.”

Her ponytail shook with her reply. “Ada won’t like it. She’ll think it’s immoral.”

Jack leaned forward. “You talk about her like she’s still with us. She’s been gone over a year, sweetheart.” His voice dropped an octave and his brow creased. “Don’t you think she’d give in after all this time?”

Legs wrinkled her nose. “No. She thinks you’re a wanderer.”

Jack tossed down his fork. “I own a sporting goods store! I go fishing!”

He touched her hand when she got close enough and drew little circles around her wrist bone with a fingertip. The preschool teachers from Let’s Explore stifled sighs at the next table. “It’s time to let go, darlin’.” His expression turned earnest. “She raised you, I know. But I want to be with you now. It’s time to let me in.”

“Not if it means letting her go. I’m sorry, Jack. I just can’t do that to her.”

Jack sighed and returned to his breakfast. “We’ll talk about this again tomorrow.”

Top Ten


Top 10 Hot Movie Kisses

Lip Service by Adele Downs

The hottest movie kisses I’ve ever seen were between Jude Law and Nicole Kidman in Cold Mountain before he goes off to war. O.M.G.

Anything with Brad Pitt; especially Thelma and Louise, Legends of The Fall, Meet Joe Black, Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Brad kisses Geena Davis, Julia Ormond, Claire Forlani, Angelina Jolie.

From Here to Eternity---Burt Lancaster and Debra Kerr

Crazy, Stupid, Love—Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone

The Notebook—Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams

Ghost—Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore

Titanic—Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet

Original Sin—Antonio Banderas and Angelina Jolie

Pretty Woman—Richard Gere and Julia Roberts

Casablanca—Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman







  About The Author


Adele Downs writes Contemporary Romance inside the office of her rural Pennsylvania home. She is a former journalist, published in newspapers and magazines in the USA, UK and Caribbean.

Adele is an active member of Romance Writers of America and her local RWA chapter where she serves as past-president. She has written several articles for RWR magazine (Romance Writers Report), and she has presented workshops for writers.

When Adele isn’t working on her current project, she can be found riding in her convertible or reading a book on the nearest beach.





Monday, June 29, 2015

Book Blast & Giveaway: Burning Desire by Ravyn Rayne @blushingravyn

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TITLE – Burning Desire SERIES – Federal Agent Chronicles #1 AUTHOR – Ravyn Rayne GENRE – Romantic Erotica, Crime Drama, Thriller PUBLICATION DATE – May 6, 2015 LENGTH (Pages/# Words) - 25k words PUBLISHER – Blushing Books COVER ARTIST – Blushing Books

burning desire by ravyn rayne


Saving people is FBI Agent Kaitlyn Rivers drug of choice. That’s not the only thing she loves about her job. The sexual tension is mounting between Kaitlyn and her alpha boss, Agent Joel Connor.
Assigned into an undercover operation to stop a serial child abductor with the pathetic Cole Sommers, Kaitlyn is silently thrilled when Cole is forced off the case and Joel steps in.
Intense romance, steamy sex scenes, and a nail-gripping case that will attract fans of crime dramas and thrillers. This action-packed erotica is sure to leave you pleased three times over!


Young sexy woman shows a leg for business man at desk


I feel a hand in my hair, brushing a soft strand away and I roll into his touch, wanting more. "Joel?" I whisper with shut eyes and a smile. When did he get home? I feel coarse rough hands slide down my neck and my stomach tenses. Something feels off. Joel's hands are smooth. My eyes flash open, seeing an unfamiliar short chubby male figure looming over me. His breath smells like rancid milk. The room is dark from the sun setting and the lights off, but I can still make out enough features for a lineup.
His hands forcefully pin mine above my head, giving me no time to try and retrieve my gun across the room. I need to fight back. My eyes widen as my adrenaline kicks in.
"Where's the baby?"


Ravyn is a sassy, fun-loving, and adventure-seeking young woman. She loves to travel and can’t wait for her next vacation, wherever it might be.
Ravyn writes romantic erotica. She began writing romance novels in college, spending her down time either reading a book or writing fiction. Please don’t make her choose between the two, she loves them equally. Prefer less steamy novels? Try her out here.


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Friday, June 26, 2015

Book Blast, Giveaway & Interview: The Do It List by @gJillianStone

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Book Blast


clip_image002The Do It List

Book 1

Jillian Stone

Genre: Contemporary Erotic Romance

Publisher: Jillian Stone

Date of Publication: June 19, 2015

ISBN: 978-0-9963459-1-0

Number of pages: 334

Word Count: 90,000

Cover Artist: Jillian Stone

Book Tagline: 10 sexual encounters. No strings attached.

Book Description:

Hotshot copywriter Gracie Taylor-Scott has a reputation—for her artfully edgy ads. A rising star at Darcy Wexler Dean, New York, the long hours are perfect cover for Gracie’s fear of intimacy issues.

Great job. Great pay. No life—including her on again off again sex life. Then one night, she is plunged into darkness with a handsome stranger.

Bradley Craig is the new head of DWD’s research division, and this ad man has secrets of his own. Much lauded in his field of consumer behavior, there’s a darker side to the attractive ad man—his erotic, list-maker side.

Gracie and Bradley are assigned to work on the biggest new business pitch Darcy Wexler Dean will be in all year, and the two tangle immediately, battling copy concepts and focus group findings along with their explosive attraction to each other.

Bradley has a proposition: they make a list. Ten erotic sexual encounters, no strings attached. What’s at stake? Two Super Bowl spots and two fragile hearts.


“Close the door, Gracie.”

I checked the hallway through the floor-to-ceiling glass by the exit. No one was about. Coworkers were in their offices, filling out time sheets, getting ready to call it a day.

I shut the door with a soft click.

“I believe there’s a light switch on the wall.” He used a huskier voice, more like the elevator Bradley.

I pressed the controls, and the conference room dimmed enough not to be seen by passersby, as long as we kept things quiet. Nose to the door, I stared at the smooth, matte-black surface.

“I know things got a little heated––” I stopped myself and cringed. Was I talking about last night or the testy words between us several minutes ago? And since when weren’t things heated between us? I sucked in a calming breath and exhaled silently.

It occurred to me, this attraction to Bradley might well be the hottest, most erotic experience of my life. I pivoted away from the door to face him.

“Sorry I can’t be more enthusiastic about creative testing, it’s just that I’ve been screwed by research in the past, and not in a good way.”

Bradley flopped down on the sofa and raked me over with his gaze. He patted the seat next to him. “You and I need to build some trust.”

I approached slowly. “Have you any idea how many focus groups I’ve sat through where smirking research geeks underlined every word or phrase that didn’t test high enough—some of them the best words and phrases I’ve ever written in my life?”

I dropped my bag on the floor for emphasis. “Just once, I’d like to believe research has my back.”

He clasped my wrist and tugged. “Since we’re going to be working closely together…” He pulled me lower.

I settled a knee to each side of his thighs and straddled him. It was about time I climbed on the man. “How close?”

“Intimate close.” He easily worked through the buttons of my pants.

“You’re staring at my belly button.”

“You have a piercing.” His gaze turned darker, hungrier—as if I were a mocha chocolate truffle and he had a craving for Godiva.

Author Interview


Did you always wanted to be a writer? If not what did you want to be?

 I’ve always been a storyteller.  When I was an art director in advertising I told visual stories in print and film.

When did you first consider yourself a “writer”?

  I still have moments where I question whether or not I’m a writer. I have to remind myself that I’ve written seven full-length books and two novellas. I don’t think any creative person should ever get too cocky, but I also dislike fake humility. Steve Jobs closed his Stanford commencement speech with the words: Stay hungry, stay foolish. I think that’s where I’m going to stay.

How long did it take to get your first book published?

The second book I wrote won the 2010 RWA Golden Heart and was published by Pocket Books, so I guess you could say I published very quickly.  Looking back, I’m not sure that was such a good thing. I was not prepared for the business of being an author so the learning curve was severe and painful. 

Do you do another job except for writing and can you tell us more about it?

  I still work as a creative in   advertising, but not full time. I freelance so that I can schedule in writing time.

What is the name of your latest book, and if you had to summarize it in less than 20 words what would you say? 

 THE DO IT LIST is my latest release, and the book draws heavily on the contemporary world of big time advertising. Mad Men meets Mad Women––instead of Don Draper, it’s Gracie Taylor-Scott’s story.

Who is your publisher? Or do you self-publish? 

 Pocket Books and Kensington Brava publish my historical romance titles and my new release, THE DO IT LIST is self-published.

How long does it usually take you to write a book, from the original idea to finishing writing it?

 Oh gosh, I’m so slow compared to some of the other writers I know. I write about two books a year.

What can we expect from you in the future?  ie More books of the same genre? Books of a different genre? 

I enjoy writing in different genres while I discover who I am as a writer.  I have a several book ideas in development right now, including a graphic novel. I am currently writing the sequel to THE DO IT LIST and the first novel in a Gentlemen of Scotland Yard spin off series this year.

What genre would you place your books into?

 THE DO IT LIST is a contemporary romance with erotic elements. CODENAME: DRAGON is Historical Romantic Suspense. I’m working on a graphic novel with

Do you have a certain routine you have for writing? ie You listen to music, sit in a certain chair?

  I create a playlist for every book, and the music becomes so embedded in my brain that months, even years later a tune will play and it brings back a particular scene in detail.

Do you choose a title first, or write the book then choose the title?

 I use a working title until something in the story triggers the title you publish. The first book in a series is always the hardest title. Once you get the series title theme going, it becomes somewhat easier.

Do you decide on character traits (ie shy, quiet, tomboy girl) before writing the whole book or as you go along?

I pretty much know the character’s backstory and traits before I write a word. That doesn’t mean I don’t get to know them better as I write them, which always happens in the process of writing a novel.

Are there any hidden messages or morals contained in your books? (Morals as in like Aesops Fables type of "The moral of this story is…") 

 There are themes in all my books that I put there on purpose. Agent Gunn, the hero in A PRIVATE DUEL WITH AGENT GUNN fought in Afghanistan and suffers from Soldier’s Heart, which would be called PTSD today. I don’t make judgments, I just put it out there for people to read and hopefully digest.

Which format of book do you prefer, eBook, hardback, or paperback?

  I have a Kindle Fire, which is like having a library and entertainment center in your pocket. But I also still love traditional print books.

Do you think books transfer to movies well? Which is your favorite/worst book to movie transfer?

Series books like Outlander and Game of Thrones translate really well to episodic TV. The longer format allows for character development and richer, more complex storytelling.

Tea or coffee? 

Coffee. At least two cups of French Roast every morning.




About The Author


Jillian Stone was born a storyteller. A skill that got her into considerable trouble as a youth until she solved the problem by becoming an advertising creative. And the career did seem to suit her as she won many national ad awards including the Clio and the New York Art Director’s Club Gold. What more could she ask for? Create her own worlds? Become goddess of her own universe? Yes! So, she began to write fiction. Her Victorian Romantic Suspense novel AN AFFAIR WITH MR. KENNEDY won the 2010 Golden Heart and sold to Pocket Books. Her sexy, controversial steampunk novel THE SEDUCTION OF PHAETON BLACK won the 2010 Romance Through The Ages Erotica category and sold to Kensington Brava. Jillian lives in California and is currently writing a new spin-off novel to the Gentlemen of Scotland Yard series as well as book #2 in the DO IT LIST series.


Twitter: @gJillianStone



Book Blast - Reality - The Arie Chronicles # 1 by Dani Hart @authordanihart @sparklebooktour

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Reality - The Arie Chronicles # 1
by Dani Hart

Audience: Young Adult  - Genre: Fantasy - Format: E-Book & Paperback - Publisher: Anchor Group - ASIN: B00ZM52PQU - Date Published: June 12, 2015

To be extraordinary was a fate Arie Belle had never imagined. Her days had been filled with naïve pleasures and promising love, but all that changed one tragic day when her mother was killed under mysterious circumstances, plunging Arie’s life into dark and hopeless times where her lifelong friend, River, was her only beacon of light.
After years of numbness, a beautiful stranger, Ashe, entered her world and took her soul to places it had never been, across realities trapped within the worlds of fairy tales. Could he be her savior, or would she find the strength within to be her own?
Along her journey, she quickly unraveled the secret behind her uncanny connection with nature and her mother's killer. But one mystery remained—one of scripted destiny and the pull of the dark forces of life. Could she find the answers she needed before the next full moon? Or would death claim her as it had been painted in the fate of the stars?

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While some may speculate that we fell in love with each other at our first kiss, I knew better. We were soul mates from birth. We shared our first kiss in the meadow on the day of my sixteenth birthday before my mom died. We lay on the grass as we had done that first time the butterflies blessed us with their magnificence on my seventh birthday. We did this on my birthday every year in hopes they would return. My birthday not only signified being a year older, but it was also our day. Every year River and I shared a private ritual and a hidden connection, until that kiss when the secret was exposed and our hearts were bound beyond platonic feelings. My mom’s death broke this ritual and the dream of a perfectly unflawed life together.
“Sixteen is a big one, you know.” He smiled softly.
“I know.” I looked over at him as he lay there with his eyes closed. He was beautiful. I knew handsome was the preferred word when describing the male species, but not for him. His face looked like it was chiseled by the most talented of sculptors. His hair was a sandy blond, and while it wasn’t long, it definitely couldn’t be called short. It had soft waves that fell perfectly around his face. His eyes were as blue as the sky, and his skin was fair like mine. His lips were full and, as soft as they looked, I wished for the first time that I could feel how soft they were against my own lips. His body was perfect. For someone whose only workout consisted of running a few times a week, he had a flawless physique. The football team was always trying to recruit him because he fit the mold of a jock. I asked him once why he didn’t participate in sports, and he just responded that they didn’t hold his interest. He liked his freedom and independence.
My body began to tingle all over. A light breeze sent shivers down my spine. I wanted to touch him, but not in the playful way we touched when we horsed around. I wanted to embrace him. I reached out my hand to touch his when the fluttering of wings filled my ears. I pulled my hand away quickly.
He opened his eyes and stared at the return of the prodigal butterflies.
“Wow, they’re as beautiful as I remember them,” he whispered.
We sat up slowly and faced each other as we had done on my seventh birthday. Their return was a mystery. They circled around us, leaving us in the eye of the swarm. There were hundreds of them displaying every color imaginable on their wings. Some had stripes while others had splatters. Even the most talented artist could never capture the true brilliance of these magical creatures. They were flying so swiftly around us that the color of their wings looked like fresh paint being swirled in a can with a multitude of colors to make that perfect color combination.
I saw River staring at me as I watched the butterflies. I turned to him and got caught within the depths of his eyes. His stare bore deep into my soul. We sat like that for what seemed an eternity. My body burned from the inside out. My heart raced. My mind was anticipating what my body wanted. I couldn’t think. All I could do was stare into his eyes, begging for him to feel the same way. The butterflies continued to circle around us, but they seemed to be fluttering faster as if they were anticipating the moment, too. Right at the moment I thought my body was going to explode if something didn’t happen, he took his hand and grazed the side of my face. His touch sent electric shocks through my cheek and down my body. His hand followed my jawline, and his thumb outlined my lips on its way to my neck. He gripped the back of my neck gently and leaned into me as he pulled my face toward his. He paused and looked into my eyes as if waiting for me to say no. I didn’t think I could wait any longer. My heart was pounding so hard I could barely breathe. The eternal pause ended, and his lips brushed mine. I thought I was going to pass out as I inhaled him. How can one moment be so intense? He brushed his lips against mine for a few agonizing moments as if, again, waiting for me to protest. I couldn’t handle it anymore. I pressed my lips against his, and he responded. I felt like that kissed lasted for hours. It was soft and slow and perfect.
I wish I could say the moments after that kiss were just as perfect, but they weren’t. I thought that moment would change my life forever, but it was the moments after that would. I would never be the same. I would never be that innocent little girl in the meadow again.


Character Name: River



Describe yourself what is your worst and best quality?

Loving someone too much. You pick if that’s my worst or best quality.


What is the one thing you wish other people knew about you?

What Arie was like before her mom died. She’s… beyond words now, but to see her free of pain was magnificent.


What is your biggest secret something no one knows about?

If I told you it might spoil my story *wink wink*


What are you most afraid of?

Living in a world where Arie doesn’t exist.


What do you want more than anything?

I think I want what everyone wants…to be happy. For our loved ones to be happy.


What is your relationship status?

Forever in love.



How would you describe your sense of fashion?

What’s that? *laughs*


How much of a rebel are you?

I’m not. If I trust you I do what I’m told. If I don’t trust you, well you don’t want to find out.


What do you considered to be your greatest achievement?

Letting go of what isn’t mine to keep.


What is your idea of happiness?

Living a simple life with simple pleasures with someone who loves me as much as I love them.


What is your current state of mind?



What is your most treasured possession?

I learned a long time ago to not treasure things.


What is your greatest regret?

I don’t live in regrets. I live in lessons learned.


What is the quality you most like in a woman?

Honesty and being true to one’s self.


about the author

I'm a...
Firefighter Wife
Multi-genre Writer
and so many other ordinary things.
I love my life and am so grateful for all of the support. I have the courage to live a dream. Xo

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Thursday, June 25, 2015

Book Blast - Summertime (A Novella) by Adrienne Thompson @A_H_Thompson @sparklebooktour

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Summertime (A Novella)
by Adrienne Thompson
Audience: Adult - Genre: African American Contemporary Romance/Fantasy - Format: E-book - Publisher: Pink Cashmere Publishing, LLC - Cover by: Adrienne Thompson - Editor: Nick Wilford - Pages: 104 - ASIN: B00XQE1MPE - Date Published: June 2, 2015


An unlikely journey… an unlikely love.
J'Nay Walker is a talented singer, driven toward success by a promise she made to her late mother. One gloomy day, on the tail of some disappointing news, tragedy strikes, threatening not only to derail her plans, but to end her life. As a result, she soon finds herself on an unlikely journey, but is she ready for an unlikely love?


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“Would it be too forward of me to ask if you already have a beau, lovely songbird?”
I looked up at him, willed myself not to stare at his lips. “No—I mean, no, I don’t.”
His eyes widened in surprise. “The men around here must be dumb as rocks. Letting a fine-looking woman like you walk around here alone like this? I might just have to do something to fix that.”
I placed my hand on my chest. “Something like what?”
“Something like making you my woman.”
I shook my head. “Can’t do that. You’re just passing through.”
He nodded slightly as he reached up and touched my cheek. “Well, if you’re my girl,” he whispered, “I guess you’ll have to come with me… or I’ll have to stay.”
Then he leaned in and softly kissed me on the lips. Every nerve, muscle, and blood vessel in my body vibrated, and my knees buckled ever so slightly. “Dizzy…” I said softly.
He backed away from me with an intoxicated look in his eyes. “Call me John. I like the way you say it.”
He smiled. “Yeah, I like that.”
“Dizzy, you holding up the game, man!” a voice shouted from upstairs.
He leaned in close to me again and smiled. “Damn, girl… you smell good.”
“I’m not wearing any perfume.”
“I didn’t think you were.”





Adrienne Thompson has worn many titles in her lifetime–from teenage mother to teenage wife to divorcee to registered nurse to author. This mother of two young adults and one teenager currently resides in Arkansas with her daughter where she writes and publishes her stories full time.

