Saturday, August 31, 2013
Book Blast: Wrecked by HP Landry
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Book Blitz and Giveaway: Those Four Letter Words by Christina Channelle
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Character Interview with Daciana from Cloaked In Fur by TF Walsh
Today we have Daciana from Cloaked In Fur by T.F Walsh for an interview. Let’s find out more about her and her world.
Character Bio: Daciana is a twenty-four-year-old moonwulf who is determined to become a human and spend her life with the human she loves.
Describe yourself what is your worst and best quality?
My best quality would be caring too much for family and friends. Now that is also my worst quality, because it gets me into all sorts of trouble and puts those I care about in harm’s way.
What is the one thing you wish other people knew about you?
I’m not like the other wulfkin. I don’t want to hunt down humans and eat them. They won’t admit it, but I know it’s there, lingering in their thoughts. And I hate that other wulfkin assume I’m the same.
What is your biggest secret something no one knows about?
As a child, I ran away from my mom because I listened to a wulfkin who told me if I remained, I’d end up killing her. Of course, it’s not true. I know that now, but that was over fifteen years ago. The guilt still bugs me. One day I’ll make it right. I’m just not sure how.
What are you most afraid of?
Loosing, Connell. I’m not sure I could go on without him.
What do you want more than anything?
No more secrets and no more hatred in the world. I want all species to live in harmony.
What is your relationship status?
Taken, of course! Connell’s girlfriend.
How would you describe your sense of fashion?
Pragmatic, simple and easy to tear off if I need to transform. I love brands, bur rarely wear them. Why bother when they usually end up torn and covered in dirt.
How much of a rebel are you?
That’s an odd question. Others might say a lot, but I don’t see that way. I’m standing up for what I believe in, for what I want in life. Shouldn’t everyone do that?
What do you considered to be your greatest achievement?
That’s easy. Winning Connell’s heart.
What is your idea of happiness?
Living with Connell and having no monsters to chase or hunt down. Right now I’m not living with Connell, and to be honest I don’t know what the future holds in that area.
What is it that you, most dislike?
Being betrayed by those you love, especially family.
Which living person do you, most despise?
Lutia. I don’t want to think about her, but I promised her if we ever crossed paths again, she’d be sorry.
What is your greatest regret?
Not trusting, Connell with my secrets.
What is the quality you most like in a man?
Believing in the person they love, no matter what, and never giving up on them.
Which living person do you most admire?
I have two. Radu, who is like my brother and risked his life to help me, and Botolf, who was the father I never had.
If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
I’d have been born a human.
What is your motto?
Never look back in life. Always go forward.
Book Blitz and Giveaway: Cloaked in Fur by T.F. Walsh
Genre: Paranormal Suspense with strong romance elements
Publisher: Crimson Romance
Date of Publication: August 5, 2013
ISBN: 978-1-4405-7161-9
Number of pages: 216
Word Count: 73,000 approx.
Cover Artist: Stephanie Hannus
Book Description:
As a moonwulf, Daciana never expected to fall in love with a human. Hell, she never imagined that she’d abandon her pack, endanger everyone around her, and break the worst rule possible. But she did.
A rogue werewolf is killing Daciana’s friends, and she sets on capturing the creature. She’ll do whatever it takes to stop the beast. The police and her boyfriend, Inspector Connell Lonescu, are starting to question her involvement in the murders, which is endangering the pack’s secret existence. But when the pack alpha kidnaps Connell, revealing the awful truth about the creature and its connection to the pack, Daciana must choose between saving the man she loves and saving her pack family from certain death.
Amazon Amazon UK BN iTunes Crimson Romance
The phone’s strident ringing woke me up, and I glanced over at the bedside clock blazing
5:13 A.M. Too damn early for anything.
Tempted to dive back under the covers, I checked the caller ID: Connell. Crap. The previous night’s events came pouring back: me turning into a wulfkin outside the full moon, running with the pack all night, collecting my keys from the woods, and ditching Connell again. On top of that, I never retrieved the old books for the elixir. Double crap.
I pushed my legs over the edge of the bed, scrunched the sheet in my fist and answered the call. “Hi.”
“Where are you?” The panic in his voice turned my stomach.
“At home.”
“What happened to you last night?”
My throat dried up as my mind whirred with excuses. “I uncovered something in my research and got stuck into it, not realizing it was past midnight when I checked the clock. I didn’t want to wake you and went straight home. I’m sorry.”
“I suspected you wouldn’t come. Looks like I was right.”
“Come on, Connell, give me a break. I’m working on something majorly important.
When you’re on a case and spend nights in the office, I don’t give you shit about it.”
“That’s not what pisses me off. It’s that you never tell me anything. Send me a message if you’re going to be late or not turn up, anything to let me know what’s going on. It feels like you’re only staying with me on until something better comes along.”
“That’s not true. I only want you.”
I lowered my head and stared at the dirt beneath my toenails from the previous night’s run.
“I don’t want to talk about this now,” he said. “We found two more bodies this morning. The victims were located on the opposite sides of the city.” He paused. “Why would a wolf bolt across the city after a kill? They attack in packs, don’t they?”
A shiver rippled down my spine, the possibility of two more dracwulf kills made me furious. There was no convincing myself the attacks weren’t related to the others; I felt the truth in my gut. Worse yet, I wondered whether the dracwulf was simply hungry or territorial, and Sandulf had to know. I flopped onto the bed and curled into a ball.
When I gave no response, Connell continued. “I need you to review the reports from the previous attacks today and visit the new scenes to see if you believe it's the same animal.”
I cringed at the innocent wolves who could lose their lives over Sandulf’s stupidity.
“Your team can test the evidence and see if it’s the same predator without me.”
“We have limited testing resources in this country, so we need your expertise to move things along.”
The way he said “your” sounded full of contempt, and it pained me to hear him talk like that.
“The chief wants a hunting party issued this weekend, preferably with Romania’s Animal Research Institute’s approval. He’s already spoken with your boss, Vasile.”
I climbed up and paced the room, shaking my head. Typical Vasile to agree to anything the cops asked.
“If I could leave you out of this, I would, but I can’t. Trust me, I tried.”
“I appreciate that. Where should we meet?”
“Piaţa Square. Half an hour?”
“I can do that.”
He hung up.
A snarl ripped past my throat at the terrible start to the day. Who could blame Connell for being upset? I’d be livid if he kept avoiding me.
I threw on a pair of Levi’s, boots, and a gray hooded top. The bathroom mirror reflected gray wolf eyes from my recent transformation, and already the silvery color was fading into a darker shade. I pulled every strand of my nest-style hair into a ponytail and rushed outside into the morning twilight.
Tour Wide Giveaway
1 set of six wolf wineglass charms –open to US Shipping
4 wolf keychains–open to US Shipping
T.F. Walsh emigrated from Romania to Australia at the age of eight and now lives in a regional city south of Sydney with her husband. Growing up hearing dark fairytales, she's always had a passion for reading and writing horror, paranormal romance, urban fantasy and young adult stories. She balances all the dark with light fluffy stuff like baking and traveling.
Book Release and Giveaway: American Girl on Saturn
Title- American Girl on Saturn
By- Nikki Godwin
Publication Date- August 28, 2013
The summer after graduation is supposed to be that first real taste of freedom - but not for eighteen-year-old Chloe Branson. Just as that breeze of freedom is making its way into her galaxy, her secret-service-agent dad drops a meteor-sized bomb of bad news on her and her sisters. An attempt has been made on the lives of Canadian boyband, Spaceships Around Saturn, during their USA tour, and the guys have to go into hiding ASAP. The only problem? In the midst of the crisis and media frenzy, their dad volunteered to hide the their house.
Six-year-old Emery is as ecstatic as any self-proclaimed Saturnite would be, but Chloe and her seventeen-year-old sister Aralie watch their summer plans crash and burn like a falling star. The SAS guys aren't happy with the situation, either. Bad boy Jules picks fights with Aralie about everything from his Twitter followers to his laundry, and heart-throb Benji can't escape Emery's fangirlisms for more than three minutes.
But after the super-cute Milo kisses Chloe during a game of hide-and-seek, she finally understands what Emery means when she talks about SAS being "out of this world." If this is what Saturn feels like, Chloe doesn't want to come back to Earth.
Nikki Godwin is a Young Adult/New Adult author from the southern USA. She is a city girl who can't live without Mountain Dew, black eyeliner, Hawthorne Heights, and candles from Bath & Body Works. When not writing, she's not-so-secretly internet-stalking her favorite bands. She may or may not completely love One Direction.
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Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Book Blitz and Giveaway: How He Really Feels He Feels Trilogy Book One by Lisa Suzanne
He Feels Trilogy
Book One
Lisa Suzanne
Genre: Contemporary Romance
ISBN-10: 1489523863
ISBN-13: 978-1489523860
Number of pages: 318
Word Count: 91,598
Cover Artist:
Book Trailer:
Book Description:
Julianne Becker is desperately in love with her boss, Nick Matthews. She has daydreamed about him since the day she first met him a year earlier, but she is firmly stuck in the friend-zone until New Year’s Eve, when the game completely changes and she finds out how Nick really feels about her.
They embark on a sexy affair that’s everything Julianne ever dreamed of... except she can’t tell anyone about it. What will happen if anyone finds out about their secret relationship? And how will her lifelong best friend, Travis Miller, react when Julianne begins a relationship with someone who isn’t him?
How He Really Feels is a novel that explores relationships and love between coworkers and friends. It contains some adult situations and is intended for mature readers.
Who cared that I didn’t have anyone to kiss at midnight? The important thing was that this was the end of an old year and the start of a brand new one, and I had several goals in mind for this new year. The most important, of course, being Nick. I would find a way to push past this professional business friendship relationship we had formed. I would find a way to kiss him, hold him, make love to him in this new year.
It was my resolution, and I was determined to make it happen.
Everyone raised their glasses in the air and counted along, “Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven! Six! Five! Four! Three! Two! One! HAPPY NEW YEAR!” I glanced over at Lucy, whose lips were locked to Jake’s, and then Travis, who was kissing Brooke. I smiled, happy for my friends despite my lack of a man to kiss at midnight, when I felt a tap on my shoulder.
I turned around, and my heart stopped as my eyes met Nick’s. Utter shock hit me as I realized that he was actually here. And he looked fucking sexy in a black suit with a gray shirt under it, open at the collar. He had just a shadow of a beard, making him look rugged and manly, and his hair was mussed perfectly in every direction. I was so dazed that he was standing in front of me that I was rendered momentarily speechless.
The room suddenly got very quiet around me, and all I could do was stare at him. His eyes never left mine as he brought both of his hands up to cup my cheeks and I was certain at that moment that he was going to kiss me. My heart slammed into my ribs and then my eyes closed automatically as his lips brushed mine just once. Every nerve ending in my body was alight with electricity at our connection. He clutched me close against his chest in a quick embrace. “Happy New Year,” he murmured, his breath tickling close against my ear, sending shivers down my spine. And then, as if it had all been a dream, he was gone.
I stood rooted to the spot, unsure of whether that had really happened or if I had just imagined it, if I had dreamed it because I wanted it so badly or if all of the champagne had finally caught up with me and I was hallucinating.
It was like the room had been on mute for a moment, and suddenly someone had turned the volume back up to full blast.
“Happy New Year!” Travis shouted to me, pulling me into a hug and kissing my cheek. I blinked a few times, trying to focus on what was happening around me, still unsure of what had just happened.
I shook my head to clear it, echoing, “Happy New Year,” to Travis.
Lucy hugged me next, and then Jake and Holly. We all clinked glasses as a group, and I realized that everyone had been so wrapped up in their own New Year’s kisses that no one had witnessed mine. Whether or not it was in my mind or it had really happened, it was my very own New Year’s secret. And that secret, special moment that the two of us had shared had been perfect, even if it had only been in my mind.
5 ecopies, 2 signed paperbacks (US only), and 2 $5 Amazon gift cards.
Lisa Suzanne is a high school English teacher who lives at home in Arizona with her amazing husband and adorable yellow lab.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Book Blitz and Giveaway: The Awakening: Liam The Awakening Book Two by Abby Niles
The Awakening: Liam
The Awakening Book Two
Abby Niles
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Covet, Entangled Publishing
Date of Publication: 8/26/13
ISBN: 9781622662821
Number of pages: 206
Book Description:
Shifter, Liam Doyle knows Hell. At least he believed he did. The night he feels his mate die, he learns how very wrong he was. Nothing he’d struggled with since Ava’s rejection compares to the emptiness that fills his soul by her death. Lost in his grief, he’s taken by surprise and drugged. When he wakes, everything changes. Nothing is what it seems, and someone is dead set on making him pay.
When Ava Michaels is taken captive, she’s thrust into a dark and terrifying world along with the man she was forced to leave behind. While being near Liam again is heartbreaking, the motive behind her kidnapping is gradually revealed. The more she learns, the more she worries Liam isn’t the man she believed him to be. He has enemies willing to do anything to extract their revenge. Can their love survive a crazy man’s vengeance?
$50 Amazon or BN Gift Card (Winner’s Choice)
Ever since Abby Niles picked up her first Sweet Valley High book in sixth grade and fell in love with Elizabeth and Todd, she’s been hooked on romance. By the time she reached high school, she was devouring meatier romances with pirates, cowboys and knights. She never imagined that those years of reading would one day lead to her becoming a published author.
In her late twenties, after having twins and becoming a stay-at-home mom, she started doodling stories to keep her sanity. Next thing she knew, she was actually submitting to publishing houses. And was immediately rejected. That didn’t stop her though. She found herself some kickass critique partners, honed her craft, and continued submitting.
And eventually sold a short story, then a novella, then a novel, and now a series.
Today, she juggles work, home life, and writing. It’s not always easy, but hey, who said life was easy?
In her downtime, which isn’t often, you can find her playing ‘Just Dance’ with her kids or trying to catch up on her never-ending to-be-read list. She also loves Zumba, and refuses to admit she looks more like Animal doing his Muppet flail than a sensual Latin dancer.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Book Blitz and Giveaway: Cursed Ever After Ever After Series Prequel by A.C. James
Cursed Ever After
Ever After Series Prequel
A.C. James
Genre: Erotic Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Wandering Impulse Press
ISBN: 978-061584909
Number of pages: 60
Word Count: Approximately 13K
Cover Artist: A.C. James
Book Description:
Ruler – [Arie]
Arie is having a bad night but what else is new? When vampires deal with demons nothing less can be expected. He heads to the Hellfire Club to report back to his sexy boss, Tessa Green, anticipating that she’ll be less than satisfied with the details of his night. Instead he finds a hot new hire waiting in her office. Alone in the office, she offers him an intriguing opportunity to improvise.
This quick, dirty read contains profanity, voyeurism, DIY BDSM, M/F and F/F situations. Not for the faint of heart and intended for audiences over the age of 18.
“Rich and dark, a supernatural and sensual delight of erotic passion.” —Kathy Kulig, Ellora's Cave Award Winning Author
Bound – [Luna]
Luna is always tied up in difficult situations. Obsessed with someone she can never have. From the moment Luna first met Victoria, she knew she was different—hot, dangerous, and unlike anyone she’s ever known. Luna can't stop thinking about her. Can't stop fantasizing about her. Can't stop craving the one thing she knows she can never have. The one she wants—the vampire she wants abstains from blood and sex.
To distract her from her obsession, Luna begs Tessa to find an appropriate diversion. Bound and gagged in her dungeon at the Hellfire Club (HFC), Luna gets an unexpected visit from a sibling that leaves her feeling conflicted and heartbroken. Arie steps in when Luna is vulnerable. Is there more to this hot alpha vamp than his hard-ass facade?
This M/F erotic story contains profanity, sex, & DIY BDSM and is intended for audiences over the age of 18.
Burned – [Victoria]
Victoria has a sordid past and this macabre tale is woven with lies, blood, betrayal, and vengeance. In the far north of France in the 1700s she took care of a young girl and her ailing mother. She never planned on falling for Henri in the process—except she fell in love with the wrong man. She fell in love with a monster. Sometimes evil hits too close to home. And when you trust the wrong person you might just get burned.
Chained – [Tessa]
Tessa Green is the most famous dominatrix in Chicago and rules the notorious Hellfire Club. She also happens to be a vampire. And the senator is just another toy for her amusement. Sometimes the power and authority that comes with leadership can be a strain. He relishes her dominance, her demands, and her control. Sometimes being free happens only when chained and who better to keep his secret than Tessa.
This M/F erotic story contains profanity & BDSM and is intended for audiences over the age of 18.
As a special bonus this short story collection also contains the preface for the beginning of a series with Arie, Luna, Victoria, and of course Tessa. Eternal Ever After is the Gothic Cinderella story of 22-year-old Holly Ellis, a barista, who meets her unwilling prince charming. Arie, our prince, is an ancient vampire and Chief Justice of the Council of Sanguis. He serves the notorious Tessa Green. She's the dominatrix queen of Chicago's underground Hellfire Club. The unlikely pair entangle when a powerful force threatens Holly’s life and compromises exposing their world.
Short Excerpt
From Ruler
Outside the club gunfire erupted. It was probably just a gang shooting. But the cops didn’t give a rat’s ass. This part of the city was like a third-world country at war but as long as it didn’t interfere with business, we wouldn’t get involved. The Hellfire Club was situated on the South Side of Chicago. It operated as a Goth club downstairs and an underground sex club on one of the upper levels. In a world where the supernatural commingled with humans largely unbeknownst to humankind, the club provided a perfect cover. Of course, our high-class clientele and the few humans on our staff knew about our kind.
I inhaled deeply and prayed for patience. Tessa wasn’t going to like the price increase the med tech at the blood bank required to keep us in supply. What was I supposed to do? The half-demon masquerading as a human had stood there with that twisted-as-fuck-smile and when I tried to dazzle him, he seemed completely immune to my tactics. I’d come here to report back to Tessa and it wasn’t likely she’d let this one go.
Muttering obscenities, I walked across the black marble and Luna looked up from her post behind the bar.
“Not now Luna.”
She pursed her lips but didn’t respond to my mercurial mood. It was probably for the best under the circumstances. Throw in any of my primal instincts—sex, violence, blood-hunger—into the mix, and it would turn ugly for her. If not for this business with the blood bank, I’d screw her despite my preference for human partners. But for her I’d make an exception.
Luna had pale, luminous skin that almost matched my own and a stream of silvery beams trailed behind her. Even her hair, including her eye lashes sparkled silver. Usually she batted her eyes at me appreciatively but at the moment she just looked disgusted and I didn’t have time to deal with a pissed off faerie.
The elevator button lit up when I pressed it and after a few moments the door slid open. I took the elevator to the third floor and made my way down the dimly lit hallway to Tessa’s office. Someone was having sex in the building. At any given time someone was screwing in the club but as I walked, the scent of arousal grew stronger, making my body tighten and my balls throb. Damnit, resistance was growing increasingly hard and painful, as my dick was at this moment.
I brushed past the stony faced guard outside Tessa’s office. He was bigger than me, nearly as tall, and his short blond hair stood in spikes. Growling, I brought my fist up when he grabbed me with a muscled arm bearing a tribal tattoo that ran its length. My fist made contact with his jaw and he let out a curse.
tour wide giveaway of 1-$5.00 Amazon Giftcard (image attached) and 1-E-book Copy of Cursed Ever After:
A.C. James is a book blogger and author of paranormal and erotic romance containing BDSM.
Wife, mother, and storyteller extraordinaire. She resides in northeast Pennsylvania drinking large vats of coffee while taming two toddlers by day and writing by night. She enjoys wine, sushi, sake, and curling up with a good book. A.C. loves to hear from readers!
Google +:
Book Blitz: Linked, Linked Series Book One by Judy Serrano
Judy Serrano
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Black Rose Writing
Date of Publication: July 18th, 2013
Number of pages: 263
Word Count: 81,403
Cover Artist: Danielle Barnard
Book Description:
Daphne Foster is a substitute teacher stuck in an English class, waiting for that dreaded parent-teacher conference. With much preparation and anxiety, she encounters the unforgettable Charlie Cross. His charm and good looks, win her over but rumors of his involvement with organized crime make his continued disappearances disturbing.
In walks Heathcliff Vanderpool, creating a love triangle of unusual sorts. Unknown to Daphne, Heathcliff and Charlie are old friends: Older than she could have imagined. With Charlie away on business, Daphne and Heathcliff discover a passion between them lying beneath the surface. As their souls link, pulling away from Charlie becomes next to impossible. Will his involvement in organized crime consume them both before she’s able to get free? When you become “linked,” the choice may not be your own.
“Mr. Cross,” I started, leaning into him so that no one else could hear me. “What are you doing here?”
“It’s nice to see you too, Miss Foster.”
“I think we’re passed the formalities now, don’t you?” I asked.
“Daphne, then.” My name played so softly on his lips that I shuddered, and embarrassingly so. He smiled. “Then you must call me Charlie.” He kissed the backs of my hands. “I see I already have a positive effect on you.”
“Don’t read too much into it,” I told him. “It’s just a chill.”
“Or maybe a warm sensation,” he whispered, putting his finger on my face and tracing it down to my lips. I swallowed hard and I know my face was yet again bright red.
I looked over at Janice who was having a pleasant conversation with his brother. Then I looked back at him. “Does your wife know you frequent schools to pick up teachers?” I asked.
“You mean substitute teachers,” he answered. I stuck my tongue out at him. “I like when you do that.”
“Stop it,” I whispered harshly. “Look. I’m sure I’m not the type of woman that you’re used to. Especially since I know first hand that you’re married, and I think I already mentioned that I don’t date married men.”
The waitress showed up with four shots of tequila. I looked at him in amazement. “Really?” I asked.
“Come on, Daphne, let go a little,” Janice added, shining like a brand new diamond.
We downed the shots and Charlie got a little too close. “I find you irresistible, Daphne.” He leaned in so that he was almost whispering in my ear. “I don’t know what it is about you, but I must have you.” He took my hand and brought it to his cheek.
“What is it that you do, Mr. Cross?” I asked.
“I thought we were past formalities.”
“Charlie,” I corrected. “Sorry. What do you do for a living?”
“I’m a businessman,” he answered. “Acquisitions are my specialty.”
“And what exactly do you acquire?” I asked. “And please do not say women.”
“I do not buy and sell women,” he answered, his voice getting suddenly harsh. “But when I see something I want, I go after it until it yields to me.”
I pulled my hand away from his face and looked at him. He was most unsettling. “You think I’m just going to fall right into your arms, don’t you, Charlie.”
“Not into my arms, necessarily,” he answered. “but certainly into my bed.”
Judy Serrano graduated from Texas A&M University, Commerce with a BA in English. She is a member of Romance Writers of America and Dallas Area Romance Authors.
She is a substitute teacher at the local school district and writes for various on-line publications. She is the author of Easter's Lilly, Brother Number Three, Relatively Close and Memoirs of a Mobster, which are romantic thrillers and part of The Easter’s Lilly Series.
Judy currently resides in Texas with her husband, four children (all boys) and five dogs. She is also a singer/songwriter in her spare time.!/authorjserrano
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Birthday Bash: D.T Dyllin
New Adult Paranormal Romance
299 pages
by D.T. Dyllin
For P.J. Stone, being a “Seer” who has never seen anything is less than fun. And P.J. isn’t known for her patience. To make matters worse, she must choose a suitable mate to continue the Seer bloodline. Duty always comes before her heart…at least that’s what her parents taught her. When she finds herself wanting someone who is considered off-limits, P.J. is forced to question everything she believes. As if navigating her love life isn’t complicated enough, P.J. finally receives a vision—of a threat to her world that only she can perceive. But no one will believe a fledgling Seer’s warnings. With nowhere else to turn, she may decide to trust a stranger with her life, her world, and maybe even her heart.
P.J. Stone is a Seer who saw too little, too late. In the past, her biggest worries were boys and school—but war has a way of changing things. Now, the alien Riders are trying to overrun the world. As the last of their kind, P.J. and her friends must find a way to save humanity before there’s nothing left to save. After choosing a mate, P.J. hoped she'd have time to enjoy her love life. But with everything changing so quickly and major secrets revealed, who knows what the future will bring?
Book one of the Death Trilogy
Erotic Paranormal Romance
307 pages
by D.T. Dyllin
Samantha Bevans is having the best sex of her life—but it's not with her husband. Fortunately for her marriage, the affair is all in her mind. Isn't it? As an empath, she senses other people's emotions. But her connection to the man with the the chiseled face and haunting eyes seems so real. There's no time for fantasies with a serial killer loose in Pittsburgh. The killer is targeting dancers at a strip club where Samantha used to bartend, back when drugs were the only cure for the torment of her abilities. As a member of a special task force, Samantha uses her talents to sense the victims’ final thoughts. Just when she thought the case was complex enough, she discovers one of the victims was thinking about her fantasy man when she died. Who can Samantha trust when she can’t trust her own mind? An empath feels the emotional environment around her…and Samantha is surrounded by death
About the Author
Cynical-Optimist. Chocolate-holic. Sarcasm Addict. Paranormal Believer. Self-Imposed Insomniac. Sci-Fi Geek. Animal Lover. Writer…are just a few words to describe D.T. Dyllin. She was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and now lives in Nashville, Tennessee with her husband and two very spoiled GSDs.
Book Blitz and Giveaway : Immortal Heart by Inger Iversen
Title-Immortal Heart
Series-Few Are Angels Book # 3 (Prequel)
By-Inger Iversen
Expected Publication Date- September 28th, 2013
Genre-New Adult/Mature YA-*Contains sexual content*
More than a century after the tragedy of Hélène's death and before Ella found Kale bruised and broken on her doorstep, Kale moved through the world in a haze of personal punishment allowing it to consume him. Until his friend, Detective Deacon, a newly infected Chorý calls on him for a favor.
In this prequel to the Few Are Angels series, Kale is thrown into a world of human blood trafficking and is introduced to a Chorý that offers him a chance at happiness— in blood.
Excerpt -
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