Archangel's Desire

Friday, August 16, 2013

Guest Post with author Maria Hammarblad – In the world of Operation Earth

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Today we have Maria Hammarblad to tell us more about her Operation Earth novel.

In the world of Operation Earth

What if we woke up one day and all comforts of modern society were gone?

It is hard to imagine a world without electronics and electricity. How would we live without computers, phones, refrigerators, water refineries, cars, and stores?

My mom grew up on a farm in the 1940s and she knows many practical things, like how to get milk from a cow and what to do with it. It’s not that long ago, but the rural world of her childhood held wood stoves, underground cellars to keep food cool even during summer, and hand-pumped wells. I grew up as a city kid. I live in the city, and without power and a grocery store conveniently close I’d be screwed.

The closest we might get in western society is the aftermath of a natural disaster when people have to survive without power and get by on whatever supplies are available. I’m the kind of person whose cupboards are generally empty. I stop by the store on my way home from work to pick up dinner. No planning ahead. Sure, I live in Florida and prepare if there’s a hurricane threat, but in those cases there’s generally time to stock up.

If modern society screeched to a halt, I believe inhabitants of the countries us westerners might think of as underdeveloped would do the best.

In “Operation Earth” invading aliens use a global EMP to destroy the planet’s defenses and infrastructure. EMP means electromagnetic pulse. There are several different kinds, but theirs is intended to destroy electronic equipment.

In the wake of this devastation the characters must do their best to survive without everything we take for granted. No one is coming for them, because the situation is the same everywhere. There will be no rescue, no Red Cross, charities handing out water, or helicopters bringing food.

Rachael, my heroine, worries about the neighbors. They’re running out of supplies and seem to take inventory of whatever she has in the cupboards. Should she attempt to gang up with them, or can she defend herself?

Luckily, the aliens are benevolent enough to make sure our basic infrastructure is up and running within days, but they put their own twist on it, and everything happens on their terms. This means no coffee, sugar, alcohol, or chocolate. Money is quickly phased out, no one is sick or homeless, and the streets are lined with armed guards.

They’re distantly related to us. Different enough to stick out, but close enough to be somewhat relatable. Similar enough to us to make Rachael wonder about them. Attempting contact is tempting, but dangerous. Getting to know one of them might be considered betrayal to mankind…

~ Maria Hammarblad ~


Thank you for being here today Maria, and for the great guest post.

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