My characters are either naked or dressed to kill. Given they’re all monsters stalking the city of New Gotham’s twisted, cracked, and cobbled streets, the criminal wardrobe is part of the job description. Rockabilly princesses, corpse brides, leather queens…my city is full of them. Where do they get their menacing threads?
There is boutique hiding out between the fractured, narrow store-fronts lining the foggy docks. The shingles are ribbed and black. Washed, peeling paint and displays offering views into wicked leather and lace studded glam. The mannequins are ghoulish beauties stitched together from whatever was left from the last fool to cross one of the sinister witches.
Push open its shabby, frosted front door. Tiny white flakes of paint will pepper the wind like spectral dust and the minute you set heel onto waxy polished oak floors and step into the candelabra fire-light you know…
This is where the magic happens.
Welcome to Sinister Stitches
“…apparel for a wicked fairy tale.”
A spicy trinity of black magic sisters breathe star-dusted dreams to life with their gothic apparel boutique. They are schooled in the old ways of “fabric-bending” by the Needlewitches of old. With this knowledge, they’ve created an entire line of clothing that all share the same basic design element: one-size fits all. Each garment will magically tailor itself to its wearer once worn. There may might be some “twirling” required, but a vampire’s steady hand should turn every wardrobe change into a stolen moment.
Care to take a peek at what the Sinister Stitches has to offer?
Check out some of the questionnaire Cynthia Rayne’s Lilly Weston from Hell on Wheels was asked to fill out after she wandered into Sinister Stitches.
Please provide the witches with your name: Lilly Weston
Please provide the witches with the following:
Hair Color: Blond
Hair Length: [X] Short and Sassy, [ ] Medium and Modern, [ ] Lush and Long
Eye Color: Deep blue
Skin Tone: [ ] Ghoulish, [ ] Snow White, [ ] Cina-baby, [ ] Mochalicious, [ ] Dark Chocolate,
[X] Other: Sun-kissed
Please provide the witches with your measurements and body-type.
a.) Height: 5’8
b.) Body Type: [ ] Skeletal, [ ] Lean and Tender, [X] Lean and Tough, [ ] Ripe and Edible
Do you have any extra extremities? Place an “X” to all that apply.
[ ] Horns or [ ] Halo
[ ] 20 ft. of Hair or More
[ ] Gills and Fins or [ ] Hooves
[ ] Wings (Span: )
[ ] Tail (How many: )
How many heads do you have?
Er, just the one.
Do you have arms and legs? If so, how many?
A pair each. I got lucky. A lot of military men and women ship stateside missing arms and legs. And other things.
How dead are you? [X] Living, [ ] Undead, [ ] Astral Form
Alive and kickin’ ass. Though, there are times when I feel halfway dead. I haven’t had a good night’s sleep in years.
What are you? (Species/Breed)
A breed apart. I’m a former Marine. Oorah!
What is the occasion? (Ideas include: Wedding, Funeral, Sabbath, etc. Oh, and seduction is a valid occasion. The more details, the better.)
I don’t know if I’d call it an occasion. I need something to wear to my new fake job. As a stripper. My jeans and combat boots won’t cut it on the pole. I’m getting intel on the Raptors, the outlaw motorcycle club who took my sister, Rose. Cowboy, a hot biker from a rival MC, is also looking into the Raptors and I wouldn’t hate making him go non-verbal with the wardrobe.
What’s the occasion setting? (Beach, haunted castle, grand ball, etc.)
The Pussycat Palace. Yes, that’s the really the name. Why didn’t they just call it Vagina Hut and be done with it?
Will you be running for your life at some point in the evening? (Helps with shoe selection.)
I’m pretty sure I’m going to have to haul ass out of there. Cowboy says I have a serious temper and a hair trigger. I’m just honest and don’t put up with douchebags. Unfortunately, the palace is chockfull of douches.
Will you be set on fire? Better yet, will you be setting other people on fire?
This “witch” thing is a marketing gimmick. Right? But to answer your question, my weapon of choice is a gun, not matches.
Will you be grave-robbing? (Dirt is a dressmaker’s tedium.)
Hell no.
Is your neck a dinner plate?
Definitely not. Wow. You all take marketing seriously. I wouldn’t mind if Cowboy gave me a hickey, but I draw the line at bloodletting.
Do you hope to be naked at some point in the evening? (All right, dirty birds. Such questions are actually intended toward the weres and shifters in regards to their transformations.)
Only nearly naked. It’s a strip joint. Show a little skin. Get a little info. But no fully monty.
Describe your last brush with Death in two sentences. (Helps us plan for the unexpected.)
A roadside bomb that I walked away from. Rest of my squad didn’t.
Do you need a secret compartment for weapons, wands, tampons, etc.?
Hell yes. That is a big wardrobe concern. Stripper wear can be on the skimpy side and I got a lot to conceal. My .38 special and a derringer. Not to mention my lock-picking kit. I have to be prepared to shoot down a biker trying to get a bit more than he paid for.
What are your three favorite colors?
Red. Black. Blue.
What two colors rattle your kettle?
Purple. Yellow.
Please pick a style that you feel embodies you the best. If none apply, feel free to surprise us by providing your own brilliant description in the “other” slot.
[ ] Rockabilly Starlet: This is for the spoonfuls of sugar. The good-natured and naughty girl next door types. Candy is the business and fairy tales are ultimate. More often than not, her head is in the clouds and her nose in the book. Our dreamers.
[X] Leather Queen: This is for the warrior princesses. The type of girls who give boys a run for their money and wear tight jeans just watch the little vampires come undone. Hands for fighting and these heels for ass-kickings. Our protectors.
[ ] Medieval Mistress: This is for the no-nonsense girls. The ones who know better because they’re ten steps ahead. They’re schemers—they might be shy, or they might not be. More importantly, they’re selective. Our wisdom.
[ ] Gothic Dame: This for the mysteries. The ones no one can quite make heads or tails out off. She’s a mixture, a melting pot of sugar and sinister. She might be Rockabilly Starlet one day, or a Medieval Mistress other days. Our sisters.
[ ] Other: _____________________
Who is your favorite fairy tale villain?
I don’t have a favorite. I am a heroic kind of girl.
If you could be any fairy tale princess, who would it be?
I have always been fond of Mulan. She is in the military and fights for her people. I can relate.
Now, tell us the twit you hate most.
The asshat who took my sister. I’m not sure who he is. But he just vaulted to the top of my shit list.
Anything else you’d like to add…
After many barrels of chocolate, a dash of magic, and furious sewing…Sinister Stitches’ Leather Queen,Brenda Dweyer presents Lilly’s Completed Dress“Court Marshall”
Posted near the wall in a sheer lace tunic, hooker heel boots and nothing else, Brenda the She-wolf lowers her aviator shades on the bridge of her nose with gleaming black nails:
Damn—I’m good. No really. Who comes up with sh#t like this on a daily? Me, that’s who. Real witches call me, Brenda. Boys just bow down to the mother#cking majesty.
Damn—I’m good. No really. Who comes up with sh#t like this on a daily? Me, that’s who. Real witches call me, Brenda. Boys just bow down to the mother#cking majesty.
First of all, this outfit is actually a three piece set. Note the bustier is accented with a bald eagle broach from Bits and Pieces. (We’re not really sure what it does---but Elsa the Troll assures us it’ll be a game-changed when you’re in a tight spot.)
The vest is cotton and pleated with manticore leather—in other words, it’s bulletproof and inflammable. The buttons are very special. Very special. Rub one of them and you’ll release “Toad Lure.” It’s just a little bit of magic we picked up from Black Briar’s Alchemy.
It should really help

For concealment, I have fashioned a forest green camouflage waistcoat with large Queen Victoria brass buttons. There is an “x” holster stitched in back of the waistcoat for your pistols and three clips.
Oh, and before I forget, the stiletto heels are made out of fey adamantyum just in case sh#t needs to get a little dicey. Likewise, we’ve stitched you matching camouflage gauntlets. They offer concealment pouches for various small blades and a small lock picking set.
Speaking of which, the black velvet knee high boots from Hellish Hells are fitted with a general purpose holster in each boot for whatever doesn’t fit in your braces. You know, like a tube of Fire engine red lipstick, another know—the essentials.
So, why don’t you make your way down to club, do a little dance...
Make a little love.
Get down, girl, and let the devil take the wheel. (It’ll be fun.)
Fancy a tour of New Gotham? Check out New Gotham’s Survival Guide! It might save your life! (Link:
For more information about Sophie Avett’s New Gotham novels and Sinister Stitches series and recent release, ‘Twas the Darkest Night, please check out her website:
For more information about Cynthia Rayne and Lilly Weston’s adventure in Hell on Wheels, please check out her website:
Image Credit: photovova
Image Editing Credit: Sophie Avett and Elaina from For the Muse Design!
Twas the Darkest Night
A New Gotham Novel
A Sinister Stiches Spin-off
Sophie Avett
Genre: Erotic Gothic Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Skeleton Key Publishing
Date of Publication: March 15, 2014
Number of pages: est. 355 pages
Word Count: est. 160, 000
Cover Artist: Elaina, For the Muse Designs
Book Description:
Remember the story about the troll who lived under the bridge—yes, well, that twit didn't have to pay rent.
Owner and operator of Bits and Pieces, and resident expert on charms and glamours, Elsa Karr is a witch with a sour frown and a list of things to do as long as Thor’s hammer. Top of the list is saving her father's shop from ruin. If she isn't trying to claw her way out of debt, she's arguing with her cat, Fenris, or shoveling carts of cake into her gob. She's not interested in romance or the vampire who rents the flat above her shop. All she wants is a little peace and chocolate--fine, all right! All right! The vampire is kind of screw all cute. (Curse him.)
The disgraced son and heir of the Wingates House vampire clan and a mad-man to boot, Marshall Ansley spends most of his time working and dodging his mother's phone calls. Marshall is beyond family. He's beyond everyone, actually. Don’t be daft, he especially doesn't do…Christmas. But behold, the plague brings an original flavor of annoyance this year when his boss tasks him with acquiring the account of a recluse fey and her upcoming Gothic clothing boutique, Sinister Stitches. That is the ONLY reason he's bothering with his shrewish landlord. No, that's it. No…really. Fine, if you insist, the witch might be a tad bit...all right, she's adorable. (Damn her.)
Scrooge meets Scrooge. Dominant meets Dominant. Tempers…spark. In each other, they may unfold a tale that only comes to pass on the darkest of nights.
About the Author:
Sophie Avett is kind of a nerd. Like not even one of the cute, hip ones everyone brags about nowadays. More like the socially awkward hippie who eats way too much bread and dreams about being a dragon from behind towers of mythology books. Um...yeah. Picture old, tattered paperbacks and comic books--mostly Batman and Wonder Woman--dwarfing a tiny desk, with just barely enough room for the troll who writes there and the 70 pound hell-hound that insists of laying it's wet nose on top of her bare foot.
Granted not the most exciting existence, but she tries to make up for it by writing romances populated with her own peculiar ilk of paranormal beasties. Trolls, wyverns, the obscure Nordic brownie--she likes to keep things interesting. And bloody. (And mostly naked--but, we'll keep that bit between us.)
Sophie Avett loves to hear from her readers. (Hi, mom.) So if there's something on your mind, feel free to leave a message after the scream.
(Mom, seriously…you can just call me.)
Post-Its, the Blog:
Brimstone Pub, the Blog:
Take a trip to New Gotham!
A paid vacation to New Gotham is an expensive affair. So, the ravens have decided to cover the cost of travel and fashion this delightful "Carriage Charm."
"Naked wizards and scheming vampires? Where do I sign?!" all the witches scream and random sparks of black magic crackle across the ceiling.
We're getting to that, dearies...
An Appointment for Tea with Mrs. Potts the Storymaven (aka Fairy Godmother) will require the use of the earrings the pixies have fashioned out of raven skulls, AKA, "Raven Ear-wings."
The baubles should land the winners in New Gotham's clock-tower square. It could be that they do nothing at all. Or you might end up in oblivion. Good luck with that. The crickets will read about it in the papers, no doubt.
“What do I have to do?” everyone screams and waves their good silver stakes in the air. (Good girls.)
How to Win the Vacation of a Lifetime...
You have to fill out information in the Rafflecopter form at the bottom of the tour stops
Win a Dress from Sinister Stitches!
Sophie Avett's ravens have partnered with the Witches-Who-Stitch to offer a special prize. It’s a dress featured in Sophie’s upcoming release, ‘Twas the Darkest Night. The sinister witches made it special for Elsa but after many carts of cake offered to the trinity in sacrifice, they have agreed to stitch an exact replica for one lucky witch.
“What do I have to do?!” everyone screams and fails theirs arms like deranged daisies. (Just go with it.)
How to Win a Dress...
You have to sign up via the Rafflecopter form that will be posted at the bottom of each and every Sinister Stitches Tour Stop
At the end of Sophie Avett’s Bewitching Book Tours campaign (March 17 to March 31 2014) the ravens will announce a winner and gather that witch's measurements via email.
What are you waiting for?
Every girl needs a dress for a wicked fairy tale.
a Rafflecopter giveaway March 17 Guest blog
Erotica by Cori Vidae
March 17 Spotlight
Book Liaison
March 17 spotlight
Sapphyria's Steamy Book Reviews
March 18 Character Interview
Bitten By Love Love Reviews
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The Snarkology
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Eclipse Reviews
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Books & Tales:
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Penny For Them...
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Author Karen Swart
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Magic and Mayhem
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The Simple Things in Life
March 24 Guest blog (all week feature)
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Darkest Cravings - Adult Blog
March 25 Guest blog
Erotica For All
March 25 Interview
All I Want and More
March 26 Guest blog
Fangs, Wands & Fairy Dust
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Butterfly-o-Meter Books
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Shut Up & Read
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The Book Review
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Aly's Miscellany
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Nicky Peacock Author
I TOTALLY spaced and forgot to come back and check this yesterday. Thank you so much for hosting me and participating in the interviews! Cynthia is thrilled and everything looks great. You've been a gem--here, have a piece of chocolate! :-)