Title: Running in the Dark: Bessina & Trace
Author: Inger Iversen
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Audience: New & Young Adult
Formats: E-Book & Paperback
Publisher: Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly
Cover By: Eden Crane Design
Editor: Red Adept Publishing
Pages: 235 pages
Publishing Date: 19 April 2014
“Ready?” he asked, holding his hand out to her, effectively breaking the spell he’d held over her.
She held her shirt close to her chest and shook her head. “Look—”
Trace smiled as she tried to loosen the effects of the pain medicine.
“I’m not going anywhere with you, and as soon as Officer Flores comes back, I’m going to explain to her that you are some loon from the streets that’s trying to get me to join some Kool-Aid drinking cult and have her arrest your crazy butt.” She pointed her finger at him and opened her mouth to speak again.
Before she could, Trace moved. He had had every intention of taking the girl and doing the job that he’d been trained to do, but as soon as he looked into her cinnamon gaze, he closed the space between them and pulled her tightly into his arms. Her small, warm frame trembled.
“Shh… I am not going to hurt you.” He’d never said that to a person before, but to her, it felt so damned true. He hoped it was simply meant to calm her until his head was back on the job and he would actually be able to carry out his orders.
Her eyes sparkled with unshed tears as her spine stiffened and she glared up at him. “Yes, you are. That’s why you came.” Her lips trembled with fear.
Trace placed one open palm on her back and the other on her hip, locking her in place. “And why do you say that?”
Trace made the mistake of looking down into her cinnamon gaze. She was young, but he could tell that she’d been through some things and come out on top. He wondered what price she’d paid in order to escape what life had thrown at her.
Trace realized how unfair her situation was. The sadness in her eyes, the way she held herself, and the spunk that she had thrown at him earlier made him smile inwardly. She was a woman that deserved a second chance.
Did you always wanted to be a writer? If not what did you want to be?
At one point I wanted to be a Veterinarian. I love animals and I always wanted to take care of them, but as I got older I decided writing was where my heart belonged.
When did you first consider yourself a “writer”?
I didn’t consider myself a writer until months after I’d released my debut novel, Few Are Angels. It was odd; I actually posted a question on Facebook about it. I asked, “When can I change my job to author?” A bunch of my author friends jumped on it and told me, “NOW!! Right now!!”
How long did it take to get your first book published?
My first novel took about 15months to write. I wasn’t sure how much time to devote to it or if I was even going to publish it. Now, I work my day job six hours a day and I write six hours a day. I can finish a novel between 2 and 6 months depending on my motivation.
Do you do another job except for writing and can you tell us more about it?
My “day” job, which is actually an overnight job, is at a factory making chainsaws. I get GREAT inspiration from the crazies that work there! It’s a good place to work and makes the worlds #1 handheld chainsaw!
What is the name of your latest book, and if you had to summarize it in less than 20 words what would you say?
My newest novel is called, Running in the Dark. Bessina and Trace are living lives that are unsatisfying and they find friendship in an untraditional relationship. Did I mention he was sent to kill her?
Who is your publisher? Or do you self-publish?
I self-publish and have a publisher, CHBB. The ‘In the Dark’ series is the only series I have that will be published with a publisher. It’s great to have a family behind you supporting you. I love Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly!
What genre would you place your books into?
All of my books are considered New Adult and Paranormal Romance! I love that genre and most likely won’t stray very far from it.
What made you decide to write that genre of book?
I didn’t decide to write in any genre. One day, I just started writing and because my characters were a certain age and vampires popped up in my book they are given the genre: New Adult Paranormal Romance J
Do you read all the reviews of your book/books?
Not really. I don’t read reviews below three stars. I know what author’s say about constructive criticism, but it’s heartbreaking to read bad reviews, so I read the good ones and keep on going. I do appreciate any and all reviews. J
Do you choose a title first, or write the book then choose the title?
Both! Few Are Angels got its title after the book was written and Running in the Dark got its title first. It really depends on what’s going on in my life at the moment.
How do you come up with characters names and place names in your books?
I hate picking names!! If you’ve read my books, you’ll notice A LOT of names end with “A”! I’m VERY unoriginal with names, expect for Bessina from Running in the Dark! That was the only name I took more than 10 minutes to come up with!
Do you think books transfer to movies well? Which is you favorite/worst book to movie transfer?
I do. I learned that the author sells the rights to what they created and give up a lot of control. I’d LOVE to see Lili St. Crow’s Strange Angels on the big screen!
Your favorite food is?
Thai Curry
Your favorite singer/group is?
Your favorite color is?
Inger Iversen lives in Virginia Beach with her tree-hugging boyfriend Joshua and her overweight lap cat Max. When not reading or writing she spends her time watching reruns of True Blood or killing zombies in Call Of Duty.
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